Young People and the Osama bin Laden News
Yesterday, I was on KCBS radio news in San Francisco discussing why spontaneous public celebrations of the death of Osama bin Laden seem to draw mainly young adults. (A typical headline is this, from the New York Times: “9/11 Inspires Student Patriotism and Celebration.”) Given the format of drive-time radio news, I just had time Read More >
New Book: Engaging Young People in Civic Life
Vanderbilt University Press has published Engaging Young People in Civic Life, edited by James Youniss and by Peter Levine, with a forward by former United States Representative Lee Hamilton. This book originated in a meeting organized by CIRCLE and funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York. Many of the chapters are informed by CIRCLE-funded research Read More >
Peter Levine at American Sociological Association
Peter Levine will participate in a Presidential Plenary Session at the American Sociological Association’s 104th Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California. The plenary session, Why Obama Won (and What that Says about Democracy and Change in America) is scheduled for Saturday, August 8, from 12:30pm – 2:10pm at the Hilton San Francisco
Civic Life Online
MIT Press has published Civic Life Online: Learning How Digital Media Can Engage Youth, a volume edited by CIRCLE advisory board member W. Lance Bennett with a chapter by CIRCLE director Peter Levine entitled, “A Public Voice for Youth: The Audience Problem in Digital Media and Civic Education.” The book is part of the John Read More >
Television Consumption and Civic Engagement Among 15 to 25 Year Olds
by Alexander P. Orlowski December 2007 Based on data from the Civic and Political Health of the Nation surveys (2002 and 2006), this fact sheet investigates the correlation between television consumption and civic engagement. The research found that in nineteen different civic activities young people who watch TV less than two hours a day participated Read More >