CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

Mark Lopez at the Woodrow Wilson School and the Carl Field Center at Princeton University

Speaking on the civic engagement of young Latinos at 7pm in Bowl 016 of Robertson Hall, Princeton University

Categories: Research Topics
October 16th, 2007
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U.S. Civics Instruction: Content and Teaching Strategies

August 2007 by Mark Hugo Lopez & Emily Hoban Kirby A new CIRCLE fact sheet presents previously unreleased evidence from the 2006 CPHS survey about the themes emphasized in civics classes as well as the teaching strategies teachers employ in civics instruction. The research shows that government and civics classes continue to focus on traditional Read More >

August 28th, 2007
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Working Paper 45: Youth Civic Engagement: An Institutional Turn

by Peter Levine and James Youniss February 2006 “The papers in this collection were written by an interdisciplinary group to address two main questions: What conditions deter young people’s involvement in politics and civic life? What reforms could enhance youth engagement? Most of the contributors met face-to-face in Washington, DC in March 2005 to discuss Read More >

March 19th, 2006
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Working Paper 41: Gender and Civic Engagement: Secondary Analysis of Survey Data

by Krista Jenkins June 2005 “The NCES represents the best survey in recent years to examine rates and types of activism among both young women and men. It is rich with questions about a variety of ways people can influence politics and their communities. These range from activities designed to influence the formal political process, Read More >

September 3rd, 2005
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