CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement


CIRCLE blog posts


African-American College Students in 2008 and 2010

If you asked a casual observer of American politics who Barack Obama’s most ardent supporters were in 2008, they would likely have identified two groups: African-Americans and college students. So it’s no surprise that African-American college students turned out to vote in 2008 at their highest rate in decades: Turnout had been rising steadily for Read More >

Categories: CIRCLE Blog
June 13th, 2011
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Why Looking Locally is Important

At CIRCLE, we study the civic engagement of young people– most often on a national scale – because accessing data  with civic outcomes which is representative at all geographic levels is often difficult.  We’ve done work on how federal policy can play a role in engaging Americans nationwide, but understand that learning from case studies Read More >

June 9th, 2011
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2010 College Student Voting – Part 2

While youth voter turnout does vary greatly by educational experience, there is a difference even within any given education grouping. For example, our 2010 election fact sheet explains that if we break-down college students by race/ethnicity, voter turnout looked like the following*: 29.6% Black college students 27.4% White college students 22.7% Hispanic college students You Read More >

June 8th, 2011
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Non-College Youth Voting in the States

In every state, young Americans without college experience – about half of the young population – were much less likely to vote in 2010 than their peers with college experience. Since educational attainment is a good measure of social class, low turnout by youths with no college experience makes our electorate less representative. This, however, doesn’t tell the Read More >

June 6th, 2011
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Youth Unemployment and Civic Engagement

It’s hard to ignore the rhetoric in newspapers these days about youth, especially the wealth of articles about college graduations and the economy grads are entering into.  As the economy gets better, more and more youth are being described as “freeloaders,” narcissistic,” and “slackers.” I don’t think that’s a fair assessment of who youth are. Read More >

June 2nd, 2011
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