The Millennial Pendulum
February 18, 2009 CIRCLE Director Peter Levine, along with Constance Flanagan and Les Gallay of Penn State University, authored a new report “The Millennial Pendulum: A New Generation of Voters and the Prospects for a Political Realignment.” The report was funded by the New American Foundation and was officially announced at an event on February Read More >
Peter Levine at New America Foundation
CIRCLE director Peter Levine presents a new paper on the Millennials’ political opinions at the New America Foundation: details.
Civic Engagement and the Changing Transition to Adulthood
January 2009 CIRCLE releases a new paper by Constance Flanagan, Peter Levine, and Richard Settersten entitled “Civic Engagement and the Changing Transition to Adulthood” (PDF). This study, funded by the Spencer Foundation, argues that life has changed dramatically for people in their 20s. Marriage, childbearing, financial independence, and other aspects of the “transition to adulthoood” Read More >
Special Report by CIRCLE and Rock the Vote: Young Voter Registration and Turnout Trends
by CIRCLE and Rock the Vote Authors: Karlo Barrios Marcelo, Mark Hugo Lopez, Chris Kennedy, and Kat Barr March 2008 The report, Young Voter Registration and Turnout Trends, takes an in-depth look at historical trends in youth voter turnout, the demographics of young voters, and the politics of the youth vote. The report offers research Read More >
Karlo Marcelo on Lynn Doyle show
Karlo Barrios Marcelo will appear as a guest on the Lynn Doyle show (9 pm to 10 pm eastern) to discuss the youth vote. Visit here for details on how to watch (Comcast Cable channel):