Growing Voters: 18 Ways Youth Under 18 Can Contribute to Elections
Being under 18 years old may mean that you cannot vote in the general election, but it doesn’t mean that young people cannot contribute to political engagement and to conversations about what’s important in an election year. For starters, in some states, 17-year-olds can vote in primaries, and youth who are 16 or 17 years Read More >
CIRCLE and Arthur: Using Children’s Media to Promote Civic Education
What do civic education and an 8-year-old talking aardvark have in common? A lot, it turns out, thanks in large part to CIRCLE Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, who has served as a key advisor on the beloved children’s television show Arthur as the series sought to incorporate civic themes and lessons into several episodes. Arthur, which Read More >
Civic Education Project Co-Led by CIRCLE Receives $650,000 Grant
On November 1, the National Endowment for the Humanities awarded $650,000 to a groundbreaking project led by iCivics which will evaluate and recommend best practices for K-12 civics in the United States. The project, Educating for American Democracy: A Roadmap for Excellence in History and Civics Education for All Learners, will bring together more than Read More >
October 2019 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE and Arthur Join Forces to Improve Civic Education As part of our efforts to enhance civic education, CIRCLE has recently partnered with popular children’s television show Arthur, which is produced by WGBH, on incorporating civic skills and content into the program. Our director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg Read More >
Celebrating Media Literacy Week! 10 Ways Media Literacy Matters in 2020
October 21-25 was U.S. Media Literacy Week, and CIRCLE partnered with the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) to strengthen connections between youth voices, media literacy, and democracy. We were thrilled to join NAMLE, Mediawise, PBS Newshour Student Reporting Labs, and others in Detroit and New York to think with high school students about Read More >
Voter Turnout of Youth Aged 18-19 Shows States Having Varied Success at Growing Voters
In August, we wrote about the need for a paradigm shift from solely mobilizing voters at election time to a framework for building election education and engagement we call Growing Voters. That shift is critical because, as we’ve shared, youth voter turnout among 18- and 19-year-olds is regularly below that of their slightly older peers, Read More >
Voting with their Wallets: The Largely Untapped Potential of Youth As Political Donors
Donating to a political campaign is an important form of civic participation. It’s one of many ways that individuals can be engaged in an election, and offer concrete support to the party or candidate that they feel will advance their interests and represent their values. Increasingly, particularly among Democrats, some of whom shun large corporate Read More >
CIRCLE’s Special Back to School E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. The role of k-12 schools in young people’s path to political engagement receives too little attention. In fact, schools play a critical role, and their influence can be positive or negative. In the lead-up to the 2020 election, CIRCLE is working to support k-12 school Read More >
Growing Voters: Engaging Youth Before they Reach Voting Age to Strengthen Democracy
Note: This analysis has been edited to reflect an updated calculation of voter turnout for youth ages 18-19. We initially stated that turnout rate was 22%; the correct number, reflected below, is 23%. The updated calculation also changed our language about turnout for this age group in specific states. We invite you to read the Read More >
May 2019 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. New National Youth Turnout Estimate: 28% of Youth Voted in 2018 We recently published a new estimate of young people’s participation in last year’s midterm elections: 28.2% of youth turned out to vote in 2018. This estimate, calculated using the voter file and using data Read More >
New National Youth Turnout Estimate: 28% of Young People Voted in 2018
We recently released estimates of 2018 midterm youth voter turnout in all 42 states for which youth voting data are available in the voter files. Our analyses found that, in every single state, young people’s turnout rate increased compared to 2014. Based on the data from those 42 states (which represent 94% of the American Read More >
Final Analysis of State-by-State Youth Voter Turnout Shows Increases Across the Country
Last month, CIRCLE released 2018 midterm youth turnout estimates for 34 states in two separate posts: here and here. Today, we are publishing youth turnout estimates for the last eight states for which reliable data are available[1]. Both individually and taken together, these turnout estimates confirm and add context to the overall trend of higher Read More >
Youth Voting Rose in 2018 Despite Concerns over the State of American Democracy
After the 2016 presidential election, we found that youth were deeply uncertain about the state of democracy in the United States. Declining trust in government and democratic institutions has been growing over time, and according to the Pew Research Center, the election of a President that most Americans see as lacking respect for democratic institutions Read More >
April 2019 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Youth Turnout Increased in all 34 States for Which We Have Data Building on our previous release of statewide youth voter turnout in 17 states, we recently published estimates for 2018 youth voter turnout in 17 additional states. Taken together, our analysis finds that youth Read More >
CIRCLE Creates Research Impact Fellowship, Hires Inaugural Fellow
CIRCLE is excited to announce that Adam Strong has joined the team as our first Research Impact Fellow. This fellowship is a first for CIRCLE, and supports the organization’s foundational belief that there is a crucial, synergistic relationship between research, policy, and practice. Our research is informed as much as possible by the expertise of Read More >
2018 Youth Turnout Increased in Every State for Which We Have Data
Last month, CIRCLE released 2018 midterm youth turnout estimates for an initial batch of 17 states.Today, we are publishing youth turnout estimates for 17 additional states, including states with key 2018 races like Texas and Tennessee, and potential 2020 battlegrounds like Michigan and Virginia. Both individually and taken together, these turnout estimates confirm and add Read More >
Political Outreach to Youth Effective in 2018 Midterms, But Many Still Left Out
The 2018 election was the most expensive midterm in modern history, costing $5 billion. While these funds go to many expenses, a significant portion is spent by groups engaging in voter registration, education, and mobilization. The extent to which this voter outreach focuses on youth, many of whom may be newly eligible voters, can tell Read More >
February 2019 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Statewide Youth Turnout Confirms Trend of Increased 2018 Participation CIRCLE has released an initial analysis of youth turnout (ages 18-29) in 17 states for which voter file data first became available. In every single state, youth turnout was higher than in 2014—usually by a significant margin. Read More >
State by State Youth Turnout Estimates Confirm Trend of Increased Participation, Impact on 2018 Midterms
Immediately following the 2018 midterm elections, we estimated that, nationwide, 31% of citizens ages 18 to 29 turned out to vote, representing, a 10 percentage point increase from the 2014 youth turnout and the highest rate of youth participation in the last quarter century. While the exit-poll based estimate of youth voter turnout is an Read More >
The Gun Violence Prevention Movement Fueled Youth Engagement in the 2018 Election
February 14th marked the one-year anniversary of the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. In the aftermath of the shooting, members and supporters of the Parkland community—including student activists David Hogg, Emma González, Cameron Kasky, Sarah Chadwick, Jaclyn Corin, and Alex Wind—rallied together to fight for gun violence prevention. They Read More >
2018 Election E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. The Youth Vote in the 2018 Midterms Since Election Day, CIRCLE has been publishing exclusive data and analysis on myriad aspects of youth engagement in the midterm elections. The headline: 31% of youth voted last Tuesday, up from 21% in the 2014 midterms and the Read More >
Five Takeaways on Social Media and the Youth Vote in 2018
According to our estimates, youth political engagement in the 2018 midterm elections was among the highest in recent decades. An estimated 31% turned out to vote, compared to 21% in 2014. In addition, beyond the ballot box, our pre-election survey of youth suggests that youth activism is on the rise, with the percentage of youth Read More >
County by County, Young People of Color Key to Democratic Candidates in Close Races
Note: This post has been updated with additional data and methodological details. Across the country, young people had a profound impact on the 2018 midterm elections. CIRCLE’s exclusive day-after estimate found that 31% of young people voted in Tuesday’s midterms, the highest rate in over two decades. Furthermore, according to national exit polls, young people Read More >
Young People Dramatically Increase their Turnout to 31%, Shape 2018 Midterm Elections
Note: In May 2019 we updated our estimate of youth voter turnout in the 2018 midterm elections to 28%. Read more about the new estimate. CIRCLE is estimating today that roughly 31% of youth (ages 18-29) turned out to vote in the 2018 midterms, an extraordinary increase over our estimate in 2014, when our day-after Read More >
Young People Favor Democratic House Candidates by Historic Margin, Data Continue to Suggest High Youth Participation for a Midterm
Note: The data below is current as of 9:00 a.m. ET on November 7. CIRCLE’s election-night analysis of exit poll data suggests that young people made up a similar share of the electorate than in previous midterms (compared to the same data source in previous years), an impressive feat in what has all the signs Read More >
Are Exit Polls Accurately Measuring the Vote Choice of the Youth Electorate?
In the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, exit polls came under fire for their perceived deficiencies in accurately surveying the American electorate. According to an analysis by Thomas Edsall of the New York Times, that year’s exit polls undersampled white working-class voters and oversampled college-educated voters, thereby biasing the data and overestimating Democratic turnout.[1] Read More >
Understanding Voting Data: Youth Turnout vs. Youth Share
On the upcoming election night—and in the days and weeks after—we will be sharing and updating data on young people’s participation in the 2018 midterms. So far, based on our exclusive pre-election poll of young people, we are seeing positive signs and signals about youth engagement in the midterms. It is important to understand and Read More >
The Impact of Local News on Youth Political Engagement
In a new blog post for 22×20—a media literacycampaign co-led by CIRCLE that aims to get the 22 million newly eligible voters in 2020 ready to participate in elections—CIRCLE’s Director of Impact Abby Kiesa uses data from our exclusive youth poll to explore the relationship between local news and political engagement. Our data show that Read More >
CIRCLE Poll: Young People’s Ambivalent Relationship with Political Parties
This is the fourth in a series of posts about an exclusive new CIRCLE 2018 pre-election poll of youth aged 18-24. The survey was developed by CIRCLE and the polling firm GfK, which collected the data from their nationally representative panel of respondents between September 5 and September 26, 2018. The study surveyed a total Read More >
Generation Z Voters Could Make Waves in 2018 Midterm Elections
In a new article for The Conversation, CIRCLE Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg shares highlights from our poll of young people’s engagement in the upcoming elections, including a new analysis of how several youth attitudes and opinions affect their likelihood to vote in the midterms. To learn more about what might be motivating Generation Z to vote, Read More >
October 2018 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. New: Exclusive CIRCLE Poll of Youth, Ages 18-24, about the 2018 Midterms Throughout this month we are releasing data and analysis from a brand new poll of young people and their political engagement ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. The poll looks at whether youth Read More >
CIRCLE Poll: So Much for Slacktivism, As Youth Translate Online Engagement to Offline Political Action
This is the third in a series of posts about an exclusive new CIRCLE 2018 pre-election poll of youth aged 18-24. The survey was developed by CIRCLE and the polling firm GfK, which collected the data from their nationally representative panel of respondents between September 5 and September 26, 2018. The study surveyed a total Read More >
Engaging a Broader Youth Electorate: 10 Research-Based Recommendations for Increasing Voter Engagement
Today, CIRCLE is releasing the final report on a joint project conducted with Opportunity Youth United (OYU) which aims to engage low-income young people and local election administrators to make electoral systems to be more responsive to these marginalized voters’ needs. The report, based on a survey of over 1,200 young people from six politically Read More >
CIRCLE Poll: Ahead of 2018 Midterms, A New Generation Finds its Political Voice
This is the second in a series of posts about an exclusive new CIRCLE 2018 pre-election poll of youth aged 18-24. The survey was developed by CIRCLE and the polling firm GfK, which collected the data from their nationally representative panel of respondents between September 5 and September 26, 2018. The study surveyed a total Read More >
CIRCLE Poll: Youth Engagement in the 2018 Election
This is the first in a series of posts about an exclusive new CIRCLE 2018 pre-election poll of youth aged 18-24. The survey was developed by CIRCLE, and the polling firm GfK collected the data from their nationally representative panel of respondents between September 5 and September 26, 2018. The study surveyed a total of Read More >
September 2018 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Are Political Parties and Campaigns Reaching Youth in Civic Deserts? In our third post on civic deserts, places where young people perceive that they have little access to civic institutions and opportunities, we examine whether political parties and campaigns—which theoretically try to attract voters everywhere Read More >
Are Political Parties and Campaigns Reaching Young People in Civic Deserts?
This is our third post related to civic deserts, a concept first introduced by CIRCLE Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg and Senior Researcher Felicia Sullivan in March 2017. You can read about our initial analysis of civic deserts and a subsequent examination of how digital media can (and cannot) mitigate the effects of living in a civic Read More >
Was Ayanna Pressley’s Victory in the MA-7 Primary another Example of Youth Support for Democratic Challengers?
The electoral engagement of young people—and young people of color—matters because their voices are essential to our democracy and because their votes can be particularly influential. Our Youth Electoral Significance Index serves as a predictive model for the races where young voters have the potential to swing the results, and we often conduct post-election analyses Read More >
August 2018 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Why (Some) Youth Don’t Vote – Differences by Race and Education Our newest analysis uses 2016 election data to examine some of the reasons why young people who register to vote don’t end up casting a ballot—and the disparities in those barriers to voting by Read More >
Why Youth Don’t Vote – Differences by Race and Education
Many efforts to increase youth voting focus on getting young people registered. That’s a crucial component to driving electoral engagement, but it’s only half the battle; we need to ensure that registered youth actually go out and cast a ballot on Election Day. In 2016, nearly six million young people (ages 18-29) were “undermobilized”—meaning they Read More >
June 2018 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. How Do Young People Vote in Midterm Elections? The 2018 election season is well underway. Dozens of states have already held primaries for Congressional and gubernatorial races, with more contests underway in the coming weeks. We are especially focused on elections in which young people are Read More >
A Civic Imperative for Media Literacy
A new article co-authored by Abby Kiesa, CIRCLE’s Director of Impact; and D.C. Vito, Co-founder of The LAMP, highlights the connections between media literacy and civic education and engagement, and argues for a youth-centered, participatory approach to teaching this vital civic skill. They write: “Unifying media literacy and civic engagement reinforces the reality that civic Read More >
How Do Young People Vote in Midterm Elections?
The 2018 election season is well underway. Dozens of states have already held primaries for Congressional and gubernatorial races, with more contests underway in the coming weeks. At CIRCLE, we are especially focused on elections in which young people are poised to play a significant role and possibly swing the final results. Our Youth Electoral Read More >
22×20 Campaign is Hiring!
Last year, CIRCLE joined a network of organizations working on a campaign to mesh media literacy with elections and voting, called 22×20 – focused on the 22 million teens who will turn 18 between the 2016 and 2020 elections. The campaign is an effort to amplify and diversify teen voices, political expression, and media creation in the Read More >
YESI Spotlight: Facilitative Election Laws
CIRCLE’s Youth Electoral Significance Index (YESI) utilizes data on demographics, conditions that support outreach, historical voting patterns, and projected competitiveness to produce a ranking of the states and districts where young people (ages 18-29) have the highest potential to cast decisive votes in the 2018 midterm elections. The YESI combines several composite indices (i.e., scores Read More >
May 2018 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. YESI Spotlight: Facilitative Election Laws Our Youth Electoral Significance Index (YESI) utilizes data on demographics, conditions that support outreach, historical voting patterns, and projected competitiveness to produce a ranking of the states and districts where young people (ages 18-29) have the highest potential to cast decisive Read More >
April 2018 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Youth Electoral Significance Index: Top 10 Statewide & Top 50 Districts CIRCLE’s updated Youth Electoral Significance Index (YESI) is a valuable tool for any individual, campaign, organization, or institution that seeks to increase youth political engagement. The index combines demographic data, historical voting trends, and Read More >
YESI 2018: Top 50 Congressional Districts
Last month, we released the top 10 congressional districts in our 2018 Youth Electoral Significance Index (YESI), a data-based tool that ranks the 2018 midterm races around the country where young people have the highest potential to have a decisive impact on the result. We later shared the top 10 statewide races—Senate and gubernatorial—where youth Read More >
YESI 2018: The States Where Youth Can Swing Senate and Governor Races
Many sectors of society must play a role in increasing youth voting and participation in democracy, and they can employ varied strategies to drive engagement. Different stakeholders will approach these efforts with diverse goals: some want to improve equity in civic participation, others to build a broad base of political power, and others still simply Read More >
From #Parkland to the Polls: Teen Activism and Youth Voting in 2018
Young people across the country are leading the debate about gun violence in the U.S. in the wake of the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. Their words and actions have served to underscore the diversity of young people’s views and experiences, and have resulted in a national conversation about Read More >
March 2018 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Top 10 Congressional Districts Where Youth Might Decide 2018 Elections CIRCLE just released a list of the top 10 districts in our updated Youth Electoral Significance index, which uses indicators of demographics, historical voting patterns, and projected competitiveness to produce a ranking of the states Read More >
Millennials’ Diverse Political Views: A Typology of the Rising Generation
Today, CIRCLE is releasing a new, exclusive typology of Millennial political ideology that goes beyond stereotypes and simplistic left/right categorizations to provide a more in-depth look at young people’s political views. Read the Full Report Millennials are already the largest group of potential voters and are destined to dominate American politics in decades to come. Read More >
Top 10 Congressional Districts Where Youth Might Decide the 2018 Elections
In many communities, young people make up a substantial proportion of the population, yet are sometimes not included in campaign outreach. More local elections can help to connect issues youth care about in their communities to elections. The Youth Electoral Significance Index (YESI) utilizes indicators of demographics, historical voting patterns, and projected competitiveness to produce Read More >
January 2018 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Teens and Elections: Starting Early to Increase Youth Electoral Engagement Our newest analysis takes a look at the unique facets—both impediments and opportunities—of political engagement by the youngest of young people: 18 to 20-year-olds. We find disparities between youth in this age group and their slightly Read More >
Teens and Elections
With the 2018 elections now less than a year away, political parties, journalists, and other observers are increasingly turning their attention not just to how people will vote in the midterms, but to how many will cast a ballot. Turnout in off-year elections has historically been much lower than in presidential years across all age Read More >
23% of Youth Vote in Alabama, Propel Doug Jones to Victory
Young people made their voices heard in yesterday’s Senate special election in Alabama with an estimated turnout rate of 23% and a decisive preference for Democratic candidate Doug Jones, contributing to Jones’ win over Roy Moore in a close election with a margin of victory of 21,000 votes. In a closely watched race with significant Read More >
Virginia Youth Voter Turnout Doubled between 2009 and 2017, Estimates Suggest
In what could be an early indicator of young people’s political engagement and mobilization after the contentious 2016 presidential race—and ahead of the 2018 midterms—youth turnout surged in Virginia, and in both gubernatorial races young people strongly preferred the Democratic candidates. If the Virginia and New Jersey exit polls captured precise and accurate estimates of Read More >
Boston Highlights Potential, Challenges in Off-Year Electoral Engagement
Bostonians of all ages voted for their mayor and for other important city positions yesterday and, as in many other cities across the country and in state elections in places like New Jersey and Virginia, questions abound about young people’s participation in these off-year contests. Because data on votes by age aren’t available from exit Read More >
October 2017 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Civics for the 21st Century On September 21, our director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg and former CIRCLE Director Peter Levine released a new white paper, “The Republic is (Still) at Risk — and Civics is Part of the Solution,” at the Democracy at a Crossroads National Summit in Read More >
New Data: Updated RAYSE Index Strengthens Tool for Stakeholders
Earlier this year we launched the RAYSE Index (Reaching All Youth Strengthens Engagement), which embodies CIRCLE’s vision that research data can and should enhance the quantity, equality, and impact of youth civic engagement. The RAYSE Index is designed to inform program and outreach investment decisions (time, money, or people) by highlighting the county-level conditions, assets, Read More >
Mitigating the Negative Consequences of Living in Civic Deserts – What Digital Media Can (and have yet to) Do
This post is a follow-up to The Conversation piece written by CIRCLE staff, which explored the concept of “civic deserts” and showed that youth who live in civic deserts are less civically engaged and less likely to believe in the power of collective engagement. “Civic deserts,” a new term coined by CIRCLE’s Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg and Read More >
Civics for the 21st Century
Yesterday, CIRCLE Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg and former CIRCLE Director Peter Levine released a new white paper, “The Republic is (Still) at Risk — and Civics is Part of the Solution,” at the Democracy at a Crossroads National Summit in Washington, D.C.[1] In-school civic education opportunities provide a foundational basis for youth civic development, which is Read More >
CIRCLE Seeks a Senior Researcher
CIRCLE is seeking a Senior Researcher with deep backgrounds in quantitative research methodologies, and varied experience in planning and executing research projects of various scales, independently and as part of a professional team. The Senior Researcher will be a Tufts University employee and will work in the main CIRCLE office on the Tufts campus in Read More >
When Civic Skill Development Translates to Broader Youth Development: A Program Profile
As part of CIRCLE’s focus on closing civic learning and opportunity gaps among youth, we form partnerships with youth-serving and youth-led groups to help build knowledge and increase our impact. The following post explains one such partnership. It focuses on skill development for college, career, and civic life, and involves sustained programming, respect, and youth Read More >
May 2017 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE Director Presents at Boston Foundation Forum on Civic Education On May 18, CIRCLE and our home organization, Tisch College, co-hosted an event with The Boston Foundation about civic education, particularly focused on civics in Massachusetts. The event began with an overview of youth civic education and Read More >
April 2017 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE’s New RAYSE Index CIRCLE is committed to helping organizations and governments use research and data to improve civic life and close gaps in opportunities for civic engagement. This is why CIRCLE has developed the RAYSE Index (Reaching All Youth Strengthens Engagement). The RAYSE Index brings Read More >
Research-Informed Investment: CIRCLE’s New RAYSE Index
All youth deserve to have a voice on issues that matter to them. Unfortunately, research continues to show that this ideal is not achieved for millions of young people. CIRCLE is committed to helping organizations and governments use research and data to improve civic life and close gaps in opportunities for civic engagement. In a Read More >
Millennials Deeply Uncertain about Democracy Post-Election, But Few Believe it is in Peril
This is the third analysis in a series about our post-election Millennial poll. The first post, about engagement post-election, can be found here, and the second post, about gender and the 2016 election, can be found here. Data from CIRCLE’s post-election poll, conducted before President Trump’s inauguration, suggest some Millennials are deeply concerned about the Read More >
March 2017 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Post-Election Poll Reveals Divides, Opportunities for Youth Engagement A new CIRCLE poll of Millennials finds that, in the aftermath of the election, young people are unsurprisingly divided—depending on who they voted for in 2016—in their attitudes about American values and priorities, the health of the nation’s Read More >
New CIRCLE Analysis on Millennial Women and the 2016 Election
In a new paper released today, CIRCLE Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg explores youth voting by gender in the 2016 election, as well as post-election reflections among Millennials about gender, the election, and the Trump administration. Gender played a crucial role in the election: the share of moderate young men who voted for a Democratic candidate dropped Read More >
Rural Millennials, the 2016 Election and Civic Deserts
Today, our Director and Senior Researcher have a new analysis up at The Conversation about the 2016 election and access to civic resources. Right after the election, our analysis of the Edison Research exit poll showed that youth in rural areas (less than 50,000 population) were more likely than youth nationally to support President Trump. Read More >
Post-election Millennial Poll Reveals Divides, Opportunities for Youth Engagement
A new CIRCLE poll of Millennials finds that, in the aftermath of the election, young people are unsurprisingly divided—depending on who they voted for in 2016—in their attitudes about American values and priorities, the health of the nation’s democracy, and the future of their own civic and political engagement. The differences between Trump voters (35% Read More >
January 2017 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Infographics: How to Engage Youth in Elections and Beyond How do we increase and make more equitable youth civic engagement? Our research underscores that elections must be, not the beginning or the end, but one step in a lifelong process of youth engagement that includes and often Read More >
How to Engage Youth in Elections and Beyond
In recent months, both before and after voters went to the polls on November 8, conversations about political engagement and civic life in America have centered largely on the 2016 presidential election. At CIRCLE, we offered extensive data, analysis, and commentary related to youth participation throughout both parties’ primaries and in the general election, including our exclusive preliminary estimate that Read More >
December 2016 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE and The Monkey Cage Share Research on Youth Engagement Throughout the fall, CIRCLE collaborated with Monkey Cage, The Washington Post’s political science blog, on a series of posts focused on the civic and political engagement of young people. Featuring work by top scholars on topics Read More >
November 2016 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Full Analysis: The Youth Vote in 2016 CIRCLE’s in-depth look young voters in 2016 offers a breakdown of young people’s support for each major candidate and for the political parties they represent. We also consider the long-term implications, for both Democrats and Republicans, of a youth electorate Read More >
Full Analysis: Young Voters in the 2016 General Election
Since Election Day, CIRCLE’s analysis has focused on whom young people voted for, how many voted, and which segments of the youth population cast their ballots—placing each in historical context by examining trends from recent elections. Today’s analysis looks more deeply at the youth vote in the 2016 presidential race, offering a breakdown of young people’s Read More >
More Young White Men, More College-Grads Among 2016 Youth Electorate
The results of the 2016 election surprised most observers, and our previous analysis highlighted that youth made their voices heard in the race for the presidency. We estimate that 24 million young people cast ballots on November 8, and while youth vote choice nationally did not differ much from 2012, it’s worth looking more closely Read More >
Special Election 2016 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Special Edition: 2016 Presidential Election An Estimated 24 Million Young People Vote, Favor Clinton over Trump by 55% to 37% Republican nominee Donald Trump won a surprising electoral college victory last night, and he did so despite a youth electorate that strongly supported his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. Read More >
An Estimated 24 Million Young People Voted in 2016 Election
The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE)—the preeminent youth research organization at Tufts University—this morning released an analysis of 2016 exit poll data in historical context. As in the poll that we conducted before the election, we continue to see big differences among young people depending on their race and Read More >
UPDATED: Young People Reject Trump, But Older Voters Propel Him to Unexpected Victory
Note: This post was published in the early hours of Wednesday, before the presidential election was called for Donald Trump. We will be offering additional analysis later today, throughout the week, and beyond. — In an election cycle full of surprises, Tuesday night’s results have gone against virtually all of the polling-based projections. While as of Read More >
October 2016 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Millennials: Diverse, Divided, but Hopeful Politics can Bring Change CIRCLE’s newest release, based on our poll of Millennials and the 2016 election, takes a deep look at this most diverse generation in American history and explores how they’re reacting to and engaging with this year’s historic presidential election Read More >
CIRCLE 2016 Millennial Poll: Full Analysis
Millennials are the most diverse generation in American history. Their multifaceted diversity shapes their pathways to civic and political engagement, and it results in sometimes dramatically different political views and experiences. It also impacts how young people are reacting to and engaging with this year’s historic presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. We previously Read More >
Exclusive CIRCLE Poll on Millennial Attitudes about Presidential Election, Contact by Campaigns/Parties
Most Millennials paying attention to presidential election, but far fewer to congressional elections 30% of Clinton supporters contacted by campaigns, 28% of young Trump supporters contacted, 70% not contacted at all Our new poll of Millennials shows that, contrary to common misconceptions and similar to the primaries, young people are actively engaged in this Read More >
Tisch College and the unConvention: Politics & The Press in 2016
On Monday, October 17, CIRCLE’s home, Tufts University’s Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life, will host a special panel on media coverage of the 2016 presidential election. The event, titled A Year Like No Others: Politics & The Press in 2016, is part of the Tisch College Distinguished Speaker Series and one of the featured satellite Read More >
September 2016 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Top 50 Districts Where Young People May Impact Congressional Elections In February 2016 we released our exclusive Youth Electoral Significance Index (YESI), a statistical model-driven ranking of the states and congressional districts where young people have the highest potential to play a critical role this November. Read More >
Top 50 Districts Where Young People May Impact the 2016 Congressional Elections
In February 2016 we released our exclusive Youth Electoral Significance Index (YESI), a statistical model-driven ranking of the states and congressional districts where young people have the highest potential to play a critical role in shaping the Presidential race, as well as House and Senate races, this November. YESI is based on a CIRCLE analysis Read More >
Do States Require Students Learn about Political Parties & Ideology?
Only eight states’ civic education standards explicitly require that students learn about the ideological underpinnings of the two major political parties, according to a new working paper from researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and published by CIRCLE. In “State Standards Scratch the Surface of Learning about Political Parties and Ideology,” Paula McAvoy (UW-Madison), Rebecca Fine Read More >
CIRCLE Director Pens Article on Civic Education
Today, the National Association of School Boards of Education published the most recent edition of its journal, The Standard, on The Future of Schools. The issue features an article by CIRCLE’s Director, Dr. Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, on the future of civic education. Read the full article: “The Future of Civic Education“ In the article, Kawashima-Ginsberg emphasizes how state-wide Read More >
August 2016 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Hillary Clinton and Young Voters With the general election rapidly approaching, CIRCLE has been examining the role young people might play this November. Previously, we looked at youth support of and attitudes toward Donald Trump. More recently, we published a similar analysis of Hillary Clinton and Read More >
Exclusive Analysis: Hillary Clinton and Young Voters
Today CIRCLE released a new analysis of Hillary Clinton’s level of support among young people, ages 17-29, throughout the 2016 Democratic primaries and considers her potential with youth in this November’s general election match-up against Republican nominee Donald Trump. The document reviews youth voting in 27 states where exit polls were conducted, makes historical comparisons to previous Read More >
July 2016 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Youth Voting in the 2016 Primaries As both parties’ national conventions officially put an end to the 2016 primary season, our most recent fact sheet looks back at our exclusive, state-by-state estimates of youth turnout and total votes, and reports on major trends from the 2016 nominating Read More >
Youth Voting in the 2016 Primaries
Throughout the 2016 primaries, CIRCLE conducted state-by-state analyses of youth voting in both parties’ nominating contests. As this month’s Republican and Democratic conventions officially bring the primary season to a close, this fact sheet revisits the day-after youth turnout estimates we calculated for each state contest and expands on the major trend we have highlighted throughout: a considerable increase Read More >
Guest Post – Partnering with Your Local PBS Station to Promote Civic Education and Engagement
This is the fifth and final guest post in a series about whether and how youth electoral engagement can have broader goals, including connections to civic life and democracy more generally. Please read the first, second, third, and fourth posts as well. Join us on Twitter and Facebook to discuss the content and implications, and keep an eye out for future posts Read More >
June E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Exclusive Analysis: Donald Trump and Young Voters CIRCLE has released a comprehensive analysis of Donald Trump’s level of support from young people during the 2016 primary election cycle, which examines how Trump’s support from young voters stacks up with previous Republican nominees, as well as implications for Read More >
Exclusive Analysis: Donald Trump and Young Voters
Today CIRCLE released a comprehensive analysis of Donald Trump’s level of support from young people during the 2016 primary election cycle, which examines how Trump’s support from young voters stacks up with previous Republican nominees, as well as implications for the general election. Read: Donald Trump and Young Voters Based on CIRCLE analysis of 21 Republican Read More >
Guest Post – Developing Youth Skills Before and After Election Day
This guest post is the fourth in a series about whether and how youth electoral engagement can have broader goals, including connections to civic life and democracy more generally. Please read the first, second, and third posts as well. Join us on Twitter and Facebook to discuss the content and implications, and keep an eye out for future posts and Read More >
Guest Post – A Sense of Youth Agency Beyond Elections
This guest post is the third in a series about whether and how youth electoral engagement can have broader goals, including connections to civic life and democracy more generally. The first post is here. Join us on Twitter and Facebook to discuss the content and implications, and keep an eye out for future posts and a culminating event for this Read More >
Guest Post – The Local Chapter: A Model for Civic Engagement
This guest post is the second in a series about whether and how youth electoral engagement can have broader goals, including connections to civic life and democracy more generally. The first post is here. Join us on Twitter and Facebook to discuss the content and implications, and keep an eye out for future posts and a culminating event for Read More >
Youth Turnout High in West Virginia; Young Republican Primary Voters Seem to Turn to Trump
Although the two major party nominees for president are all but confirmed, young people still want a voice in the matter. In yesterday’s West Virginia primaries, an estimated 25% of the state’s young people cast ballots, many for Senator Bernie Sanders, who won the state but still trails Secretary Hillary Clinton by a substantial margin Read More >
25% of Youth in Indiana Participate in Primary
Estimated youth voter turnout in yesterday’s Indiana primaries was 25%. Overall, an estimated 247,000 young people (17-to-29 years old) cast ballots in Indiana, making up an estimated 14% of all voters. More youth participated in the Republican primary than the Democratic primary. This was also the case in Ohio and other historically Republican states such Read More >
April 2016 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. High Youth Turnout Continued in Recent Tuesday Primaries The trend of high youth engagement in the 2016 primaries continued on Tuesday, April 26, when participation rose, compared to previous years, in Maryland and Connecticut. Meanwhile, data estimates suggest youth turnout may have dropped in Pennsylvania. An estimated Read More >
UPDATED – Total Youth Votes in 2016 Primaries and Caucuses
Updated on April 28, 2016 Young people, ages 17-29, continue to vote in high numbers during the 2016 primaries and caucuses. In Republican contests, youth have broken participation records in nearly every state for which we have data, while in Democratic primaries overwhelming youth support for Senator Bernie Sanders helped him launch a serious challenge to Hillary Clinton. As Read More >
High Youth Turnout Continues in Maryland, Connecticut; Young Voters Still Lukewarm on Frontrunners
The pattern of high youth participation in the 2016 primaries continued yesterday, especially in Connecticut and Maryland,[1] while youth participation may have decreased in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary. Different patterns of youth voting played out in each of the three states, but one dynamic was consistent among all three: young people continue to favor the Read More >
Record-Breaking Youth Turnout in New York Fueled by Participation in Democratic Primary
Estimated youth voter turnout in yesterday’s New York primary was 14%, surpassing the previous record of 12% set in 2000 and matched in 2008. Overall, an estimated 408,000 young people cast ballots in New York, making up an estimated 15% of all voters in the state primary. New York was the first state this election Read More >
Estimated Youth Turnout in Wisconsin Second-Highest in 2016 Primaries
An estimated one in three young voters, ages 18-29, cast a ballot in yesterday’s Wisconsin primaries, contributing to strong overall turnout in a state with competitive races and a tradition of strong civic habits. Youth participation in the Republican primary more than doubled the previous record, set in 2008, and youth supported the state’s winner—Senator Read More >
UPDATED: Call for Guest Post Proposals on Emotion and Youth Civic and Political Development
In what ways do strong emotional reactions to events and conditions shape and alter young people’s civic and political developmental trajectory? What kinds of emotions? For whom, and through which mechanisms do emotions affect civic and political development? How does the chance to work with others on an emotionally resonant issue contribute to social and Read More >
Young Women and Non-Black Youth Favored Sanders on Super Tuesday; Issue Priorities Drive Differences in Vote Choice by Age
Although the delegate count remains decidedly in Secretary Hillary Clinton’s favor, the Democratic nomination contest remains competitive, with both Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaigns aggressively courting young people where they live, study, and work. As this analysis of Democratic voters on Super Tuesday shows, the results of key upcoming primaries may depend on which Read More >
Guest Post – The Power of Youth-led Organizations: Combining Issue Organizing, Voter Engagement, and Leadership Development
This guest post is the first in a series about whether and how youth electoral engagement can have broader goals, including connections to civic life and democracy more generally. Join us on Twitter and Facebook to discuss the content and implications, and keep an eye out for future posts and a culminating event for this Read More >
March 2016 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Estimate of Total Youth Votes in the 2016 Primaries and Caucuses Young people have been voting in record numbers this primary season, especially in Republican contests, while in Democratic primaries the overwhelming youth support for Senator Bernie Sanders has helped him stay competitive against Secretary Hillary Read More >
Record-Breaking Youth Turnout Continues; Clinton and Trump Still Lagging with Young Voters
Note: This post has been updated with newer turnout and exit poll data. Young people continued to make their mark on this primary season during the all-important March 15 contests, breaking the previous youth turnout records (set in 2008) in every state except Ohio, often by substantial margins. Youth also had an impact by choosing Read More >
Youth in Politics: On the Ground in Illinois
When it comes to understanding youth political engagement, it’s critical to look at both data and dynamics on the ground. As a result, to supplement CIRCLE’s primary and caucus analyses, we are also asking practitioners to provide reflections on their work with youth in a given state. These reflections come from different types of organizations—from Read More >
Race, Gender, Party Affiliation Shaped Youth Vote in Super Tuesday Republican Races
With the Republican presidential nomination still competitive, results from Super Tuesday’s Republican primaries can provide insight into upcoming contests. An estimated 900,000 young people participated in Republican contests on Super Tuesday for which we can calculate estimates. This post will break down differences between the youth who participated, as well as between young people and Read More >
Young Voters at Core of Sanders Upset in Michigan; Republican Youth Participation Continues to Rise
The presidential nominating contests continued on Tuesday with primaries in four states, and young people continued their trend of making a mark on this election cycle. In Mississippi, increased participation by young people in the Republican primary[1] contributed to overall youth participation surpassing the previous high in 2008, while on the Democratic side Secretary Clinton Read More >
African American Youth Support Secretary Clinton, Shape Results in South Carolina
The South Carolina Democratic Primary occurred on February 27, 2016. Secretary Clinton won that primary, but Senator Bernie Sanders won the youth vote narrowly. A majority of young voters were African American, and Secretary Clinton won 61% of their votes while losing other young voters by about three-to-one. In this post, we look more closely Read More >
High Youth Turnout on Super Tuesday Exceeded Impressive 2008 Participation in Several States
An estimated 1.8 million young people participated in Super Tuesday’s primaries and caucuses, almost a million youth in the Democratic contests and around 900,000 in the Republican contests. With a number of strong showings across many states, young people continued this year’s trend of high participation that rivals the numbers from 2008, when youth turnout Read More >
Youth in Politics: On the Ground on Super Tuesday
When it comes to understanding youth political engagement, it’s critical to look at both data and dynamics on the ground. As a result, to supplement CIRCLE’s primary and caucus analyses, we are also asking practitioners to provide reflections on their work with youth in a given state. These reflections come from different types of organizations—from Read More >
Which, Why, and How Republican Youth Voted in South Carolina
For the first time this election cycle, more youth participated in a state’s Republican primary than in its Democratic contest. Last Saturday’s Republican primary in South Carolina saw an estimated 74,000 young people participate in the Republican primary, while this past Saturday, roughly 55,000 young people participated in the Democratic primary. In a state where former Read More >
Youth Participation in South Carolina Exceeds 2008 High; Young People Prefer Different Candidates than Older Voters
Overall youth turnout in the 2016 presidential primaries in South Carolina was 18%, as almost 130,000 young people, ages 17-29, went to the polls. In yesterday’s Democratic primary, youth continued to prefer Senator Bernie Sanders, 54% to 46% a far smaller margin of support among youth than he enjoyed in previous 2016 contests. Young Republicans’ Read More >
February 2016 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Exclusive Research: Where Will Young Voters Shape the 2016 Races? CIRCLE recently released the Youth Electoral Significance Index (YESI), our exclusive, data-based rankings of the states and districts where young voters, ages 18-29, can have a disproportionately high impact on the 2016 Presidential and Congressional elections. According to Read More >
Young Republicans in Nevada Caucus in Record Numbers, Not as Keen on Trump
For the fourth state in a row, Republican youth have turned out in record numbers, with their estimated participation in yesterday’s Nevada caucuses not just exceeding 2008, but doubling youth turnout in 2012. These caucus-goers departed significantly from their elders by not supporting Donald Trump to the same degree. Among all voters, 46% reported supporting Read More >
UPDATED: Youth in Politics: On the Ground in the Silver State and Palmetto State
When it comes to understanding youth political engagement, it’s critical to look at both data and dynamics on the ground. As a result, to supplement CIRCLE’s primary and caucus analyses, we are also asking practitioners to provide reflections on their work with youth in a given state. These reflections come from different types of organizations—from Read More >
Republican Youth Set Another Participation Record in South Carolina
While in both Nevada and South Carolina, only one party’s contests has occurred, young people have already impacted the races in each state. For the third contest in a row, the number of youth (ages 17-29) participating in Republican caucuses or primaries has exceeded previous years. Meanwhile, on the Democratic side, young people who participated have strongly preferred Read More >
Will Strong Youth Turnout Continue in Nevada and South Carolina?
Following record-breaking youth turnout in the New Hampshire primary and Iowa caucus, all eyes now turn to the upcoming contests in Nevada and South Carolina, two demographically diverse states that could help paint a more accurate picture of how youth will shape the 2016 nominating process. Youth Demographics in NV and SC About one-fifth of Read More >
Call for Proposals for Guest Posts on Youth and Political Engagement from the Monkey Cage and CIRCLE
A blog of the Washington Post, The Monkey Cage uses social science theory and evidence to “make some sense of the circus that is politics.” It was named 2010 Blog of the Year by The Week and a 2012 Best Blog by Time. In partnership with CIRCLE (the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement), the Monkey Cage seeks to publish Read More >
UPDATED: Youth voter turnout in NH Primary ties the record-breaking participation in 2008: Turnout propelled by Republican youth participation
New Hampshire youth have historically responded to the attention paid to their state with high turnout, and 2016 was no different. CIRCLE estimates that 43% of young people, ages 18-29, in New Hampshire participated in yesterday’s primary. Young people helped both of the primary winners, preferring them over other candidates. In the case of Senator Read More >
Youth in Politics: On the Ground in the Granite State
When it comes to understanding youth political engagement, it’s critical to look at both data and dynamics on the ground. As a result, to supplement CIRCLE’s primary and caucus analyses, we are also asking practitioners to provide reflections on their work with youth in a given state. These reflections come from different types of organizations—from Read More >
Exclusive New Research: Where Will Youth Voters Shape the 2016 Elections?
We’ve already seen young people have an impact on the early 2016 presidential contests, one more data point to add to the evidence that youth matter to elections. Today CIRCLE presents the Youth Electoral Significance Index (YESI), our exclusive, data-based rankings of the states and districts where young voters (ages 18-29) have the most potential Read More >
College Student-Heavy Counties Support Sanders, Play Major Role in Iowa Caucus
Monday’s Iowa Democratic caucuses saw youth overwhelmingly support Senator Bernie Sanders, choosing him over Secretary Hillary Clinton by 84% to 14% and propelling him to a near-tie in the first-in-the-nation contest. A new CIRCLE analysis shows that Senator Sanders’ success is related to strong support from Iowa counties with sizable college student populations. That is Read More >
Young Iowans Set Record for Republican Caucus Participation while Overall Youth Turnout 11%; Tremendous Youth Support for Sanders Keeps Democratic Iowa Caucus Tight
Eleven percent of young, eligible Iowa citizens participated in last night’s caucuses, according to CIRCLE estimates. Young Democratic caucus-goers showed overwhelming support for Senator Bernie Sanders over Secretary Hillary Clinton, 84% to 14%. Republican caucus winner Senator Ted Cruz drew 26% of the support from young Republican caucus-goers, followed by four other Republican candidates in Read More >
Youth in Politics: On the Ground in the Hawkeye State
When it comes to understanding youth political engagement, it’s critical to look at both data and dynamics on the ground. As a result, to supplement CIRCLE’s primary and caucus analyses, we are also asking practitioners to provide reflections on their work with youth in a given state. These reflections come from different types of organizations—from Read More >
Young New Hampshire Voters Historically Active, Independent-Minded in Primaries
Many eyes are on New Hampshire, site of the first presidential primary. Young New Hampshirites have historically responded to the attention paid to their state by turning out at higher rates (according to our estimates) than youth in other states’ primaries and caucuses. But young New Hampshirites of both parties have a mixed record when Read More >
Young Iowans Bellwether for Youth Electoral Support?
Young people (ages 18-29) make up nearly a fifth of the population in Iowa. The February 1st Iowa caucuses are an important testing ground for presidential candidates. They may also indicate which 2016 candidates resonate most with young voters. That’s especially true of young Iowa Democrats, who have favored their party’s eventual nominee more frequently Read More >
January 2016 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. How Youth Can Swing Elections: Lessons from 2014 A new CIRCLE analysis of four 2014 Senate races shows that young people may have had a significant impact on the results, once again pointing to the importance of the youth vote at a time when campaigns and Read More >
How Youth Can Swing Elections: Lessons from 2014
Youth can swing an election: in 2012 we reported that, had Mitt Romney split voters age 18-29 with President Obama in four key battleground states, he would have won the White House. A new CIRCLE analysis of four pivotal 2014 Senate races shows that young people may have had a significant impact on those results Read More >
New CIRCLE Researcher: Noorya Hayat
Noorya Hayat has joined CIRCLE as a researcher. She is currently working on projects that help promote civic learning and engagement in the K-12 education system and beyond as well as researching the impact of national service on employment opportunities. Noorya is passionately interested in narrowing gaps in civic education, awareness, and life-opportunities for under-resourced Read More >
WEBINAR: Youth Election Data
Join the conversation. On January 28th at 1pm ET/10am PT, CIRCLE will host a discussion and capacity-building webinar for practitioner groups planning programs in some way connected to the 2016 elections and/or building a narrative about youth voting. This includes but is not limited to those in schools or on campuses, youth organizers, civic organizations, Read More >
Guest Post: Measuring Progress Toward Youth Empowerment
In June, CIRCLE launched a new initiative to connect research and practice by hosting conversations fueled by views from the field. We were thrilled by the response to our first call for interest on guest posts about impact measures. Below is the fifth post in this series, which lays out how one program evaluation system Read More >
December 2015 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. New Report: Effective Nonprofit Outreach Improves Voting Rates A new report by Nonprofit Vote, produced in partnership with CIRCLE, demonstrated the positive impact of intervention by nonprofit organizations on voter turnout in the 2014 election—impact that was especially large for young people and other underrepresented groups Read More >
Guest Post: Civic and Character Development: Good Data Starts with Good Measures
In June, CIRCLE launched a new blog series to connect research and practice and publish views from the field. We were thrilled by the response to our first call for guest posts about impact measures from researchers and practitioners. Below is the fourth post in this series, which provides and explains an instrument to capture Read More >
New Report: Effective Nonprofit Outreach Improves Voting Rates
Closing participation gaps and uncovering barriers to doing so has long been a focus of CIRCLE’s work. A new report by Nonprofit Vote, produced in partnership with CIRCLE, demonstrated the positive impact of intervention by nonprofit organizations on voter turnout in the 2014 election—impact that was especially large for young people and other underrepresented groups Read More >
November 2015 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE Receives W.T. Grant Foundation Support to Study Social and Economic Effects of Youth Civic Participation The William T. Grant Foundation has made a $125,000 grant to CIRCLE to study “Reducing Inequality in Between-Neighborhood Disparity Through Youth Civic Empowerment and Participation.” Much research by CIRCLE and Read More >
Guest Post: Classroom Observation Tool to Measure Civic Opportunities
In June, CIRCLE launched a new initiative to connect research and practice by hosting conversations fueled by views from the field. We were thrilled by the response to our first call for interest on guest posts about impact measures, which encourages perspectives from researchers and practitioners. Below is the third post in this series, which Read More >
Call for Guest Posts: Youth Electoral Engagement and Beyond
CIRCLE is seeking proposals for guest posts to our website, civicyouth.org, focused on relationships between electoral engagement and civic life and democracy more generally. Over the next year, a great deal of time and money will be spent on reaching voters—including young voters—in the U.S. We would like to convene a conversation about whether and Read More >
CIRCLE receives W.T. Grant Foundation Support to Study Social and Economic Effects of Youth Civic Empowerment and Participation
The William T. Grant Foundation has made a $125,000 grant to CIRCLE, part of Tufts University’s Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, to study “Reducing Inequality in Between-Neighborhood Disparity Through Youth Civic Empowerment and Participation.” Much research by CIRCLE and others finds that civic activities have social, physical, and economic benefits for Read More >
Guest Post: Conservation Leadership Impact Measures
In June, CIRCLE launched a new initiative to connect research and practice by hosting conversations fueled by views from the field. We were thrilled by the response to our first call for interest on guest posts about impact measures. Below is the second post in this series, which will include perspectives from researchers and practitioners Read More >
October 2015 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Analysis: Youth Party Registration in Nevada Lagging Behind 2012 Nevada, which hosted the first Democratic primary debate, will probably be a contested state in the 2016 presidential race, and young voters will play a crucial role there. Nevada will also be an early caucus state. In Read More >
CIRCLE to Study Impact of AmeriCorps Service on Employment
Yesterday, Wendy Spencer, CEO of the Corporation of National and Community Service (CNCS), announced $923,000 in research grants to increase the nation’s understanding and knowledge about the importance of volunteering, national service, and civic engagement in America. CIRCLE was awarded one of the grants: $143,296 to explore whether including AmeriCorps service on resumes increases the Read More >
Youth Party Registration Lagging Behind 2012 in Nevada
Nevada carries the potential to be a critical site in 2016 presidential race, particularly when it comes to young voters. Nevada will host the first Democratic primary debate this week, it will be an early caucus state, and it may be closely contested in the general election. Youth have played significant roles in previous Nevada Read More >
September 2015 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Analysis: GOP Candidates Should Reach Out to Youth The 2016 election cycle is underway, with much of the news and attention so far focused on the race for the Republican nomination, so we began to look at national data on youth support for the Republican party. Read More >
Guest Post: Critical Consciousness Impact Measures
In June, CIRCLE launched a new initiative to connect research and practice by hosting conversations fueled by views from the field. We were thrilled by the response to our first call for interest on guest posts about impact measures. Below is the first post in this series, which will include perspectives from researchers and practitioners Read More >
CIRCLE Job Opportunity: Researcher
UPDATE: We are currently reviewing applications (resume and cover letter) on a rolling basis. However, we prefer to receive applications by October 11th. CIRCLE, is seeking a full-time Researcher to conduct research and to help manage some of CIRCLE’s research and evaluation projects. Reporting to the Director of CIRCLE and based on the Medford/Somerville Tufts Read More >
Data Indicate GOP Candidates Should Make Concerted Effort to Talk To, Involve Young Republican Voters in Campaigns
According to 2014 Pew Research national polling, 35% of young voters nationwide– those ages 18-33–identify themselves as Republicans or lean Republican. Our own analysis also shows that the rate of contact by campaigns in presidential years closely corresponds to the rate of youth turnout. These are two of the reasons that GOP presidential candidates should make Read More >
August 2015 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 2016 Election Planning: We Want Your Input! We are interested in your input into research-related materials, graphics, and content that would help you and other practitioners in the youth engagement field plan and fundraise for 2016 election efforts. See what others have suggested here and add Read More >
July 2015 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Exclusive Analysis: Youth Turnout in 2014 Lowest Ever Recorded A new CIRCLE analysis of recently released data shows that only 19.9% of young people, ages 18-29, cast ballots in the 2014 midterm elections—the lowest youth turnout rate ever recorded in the U.S. Census’ Current Population Survey Read More >
2014 Youth Turnout and Youth Registration Rates Lowest Ever Recorded; Changes Essential in 2016
The US Census recently released the data from its November 2014 voting survey (the Current Population Supplement, or CPS). According to our analysis of the CPS, 19.9% of 18- to 29-year-olds cast ballots in the 2014 elections.[1] This was the lowest rate of youth turnout recorded in the CPS in the past 40 years, and Read More >
How Do Young People Decide Who to Vote for?
Data from past elections suggest that young voters care more about issues than candidates’ perceived personal qualities, but given a choice of personal qualities, they especially favor candidates whom they feel are “in touch with” people like them. This is the first of two posts about what matters to young voters; the second will consider Read More >
June 2015 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Call for Guest Posts: Impact Measures CIRCLE is seeking proposals for guest posts to our website, civicyouth.org, on the topic of impact measures. We especially welcome writing on measures that can be adapted by other researchers and practitioners or discussions of how measures have been adapted. Read More >
Call for Guest Posts: Impact Measures
CIRCLE is seeking proposals for guest posts to civicyouth.org on the topic of impact measures. “Impact” can be defined broadly to include outcomes for youth or for communities. We especially welcome writing (or other media) on measures that can be adapted by other researchers and practitioners or discussions of how measures have been adapted. We Read More >
Research on News Media and Implications for Youth Engagement
Recent research by the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, the home of CIRCLE, has tried to understand whether and how the news media can impact broad democratic practices. This work includes experiments conducted by CIRCLE researchers in collaboration with the Center for Public Integrity (CPI) and with Bloggingheads TV that have Read More >
May 2015 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Does the Age of a Presidential Candidate Matter to Young Voters? As more contenders enter the next presidential race, CIRCLE continues looking ahead to 2016 and exploring the role that youth will play in that election. With candidates ranging in age from 43 (Marco Rubio) to Read More >
America’s Civic Renewal Movement: Implications for Youth Engagement
On April 16, Tisch College released “America’s Civic Renewal Movement: The View from Organizational Leaders” by our own Peter Levine and Eric Liu, the founder and CEO of Citizen University and executive director of the Aspen Institute Citizenship and American Identity Program. At Tisch College, the home of CIRCLE, we define “civic renewal” as efforts Read More >
Does the Age of a Presidential Candidate Matter to Young Voters?
Few young people say that the age of a candidate matters to them. Youth (ages 18-29) have voted for the younger of the presidential candidates in a majority of recent elections, but the younger candidates have also generally been Democrats, which may explain young people’s choices. Some previous research finds that having the option of Read More >
A Message from New CIRCLE Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg
Dear friends and partners, It is an extreme honor and privilege to take the reins as Director of CIRCLE—Tisch College’s Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement. I inherit the rich tradition of timely, impactful, and reliable research on youth civic learning and engagement which CIRCLE has been known for since its Read More >
April 2015 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. A Message from New CIRCLE Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg Dear friends and partners, It is an extreme honor and privilege to take the reins as Director of CIRCLE—Tisch College’s Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement. I inherit the rich tradition of timely, impactful, Read More >
Young Voters on 2016 Candidates: Meh
With the recent slew of announcements from prominent candidates, the 2016 presidential race is officially underway. If preliminary data from young voters in 2014 is any indicator, many of those candidates have a long way to go to show young voters they “would make a good president.” The last time young people voted was 2014, Read More >
Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg Named New Director of CIRCLE
Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg has been named the new director of Tisch College’s Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE). Dr. Kawashima-Ginsberg served as deputy director of CIRCLE since 2013, and has been a senior researcher with the team since 2008. She will be the third director in CIRCLE’s 14-year history, succeeding Read More >
March 2015 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. States are Implementing the C3 Social Studies Framework Published in 2013, the C3 (College, Career, and Citizenship) Framework for the Social Studies is an important tool for improving k-12 civic education in the United States. Notable for its emphasis on “taking informed action,” the Framework is Read More >
Making a Civic Education Reform Work for Kids: CIRCLE and the Florida Partnership for Civic Learning
Florida has begun implementing new laws that aim to boost civics achievement and narrow achievements gaps. The Sandra Day O’Connor Civics Education Act requires a new course, a high-stakes 7th grade test, and several other accountability measures. We have previously analyzed the objectives of this important reform and the process that led to its enactment. Read More >
States are Implementing the C3 (College, Career, and Citizenship) Framework
In 2013, the National Council for the Social Studies published the C3 Framework for the Social Studies. The C3 is not a prescriptive set of standards, but a guide for states as they revise their own standards and other regulations, frameworks, and laws that govern social studies. It is intended to make the social studies more Read More >
February 2015 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE Endorses Robust Civic Education that Goes Beyond a Test We recently wrote about the new legislation in Arizona and North Dakota requiring that students pass the U.S. citizenship test in order to graduate high school. Our research and experience with high-quality civic education suggests that Read More >
More than a Test: Truly Committing to Civic Education
In January, Arizona became the first state in the nation to require students to pass the U.S. citizenship exam before graduating high school—North Dakota became the second state a few weeks later. Since then, there has been a lively debate on the pros and cons of the legislation. CIRCLE has long studied what makes for Read More >
Civic Education and Deeper Learning
On February 5, Jobs for the Future (JFF) a national nonprofit that advocates for all youth to gain the skills they need to succeed in the economy, released a paper entitled “Civic Education and Deeper Learning” by CIRCLE Director Peter Levine and Deputy Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg. This paper was funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Read More >
January 2015 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Survey: Guest Contributions on the CIRCLE Website CIRCLE is considering accepting guest contributions to our website to provide additional perspectives and foster a richer discussion about the many facets of youth civic engagement. If we take that step, we would want to make our process transparent Read More >
CIRCLE Research Supports Efforts to Lower Voting Age in Local Elections
In early January, Hyattsville, Maryland, took a major step to becoming the second city in America to extend voting rights to 16 and 17-year-old residents in local elections. In so doing, Hyattsville joined another Maryland city, Takoma Park, which allowed young people to vote in its 2013 municipal contests. Other initiatives to lower the voting Read More >
December 2014 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Updated Youth Turnout: 22.2% of Young People Voted in Midterms According to our latest, exit-poll based estimate of youth voter turnout in last month’s elections, 22.2% of eligible young people cast a ballot On November 4. Our youth turnout estimate has increased from 21.3% calculated on Read More >
Strong Link between Youth Thought about Election and Turnout in 2014 Midterms
An excellent predictor of youth turnout rates in midterm years is the proportion of young people who were thinking a lot about the election in advance. We also know from the exit polls that young adults who voted in 2014 had been following the election. The most important aspect of “enthusiasm” may thus be the Read More >
New CIRCLE Estimate: 2014 Youth Turnout Was 22.2%
CIRCLE’s latest analysis of young people’s participation in last month’s midterm elections puts the youth turnout rate at 22.2%. Our previous youth turnout estimate, calculated two days after the election, was 21.5%. These estimates are determined by analyzing national exit polls, demographic data, and current counts of votes cast; as the latter number goes up, Read More >
Top 8 Takeaways about Young Voters and the 2014 Election
Each election year, the headlines about youth voters tend to be the same. The relatively low turnout rate is usually lamented, and sometimes there is some analysis of whether one party (usually the Democrats) benefited from youth support. But it is important to see complexities and derive subtler lessons. Here are our eight takeaways from Read More >
2014 Midterms: The Effects of Competitiveness and Ballot Measures on Youth Turnout
As part of our continuing analysis of the 2014 midterm elections, we’re taking a look at different factors that may have affected youth voter turnout across several states.
2014 Election E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE 2014 Election Analysis: 21% Youth Turnout, 13% Youth Share, Young Voters Favor Democrats In an effort to understand the role that young people played in Tuesday’s midterm contests, we have released exclusive, post-election data and analysis on youth turnout, youth share, and youth vote choice Read More >
UPDATE – 21.5% Youth Turnout: Two-Day Estimate Comparable to Recent Midterm Years
UPDATE, 11/6/2014: On Thursday, CIRCLE released its exclusive, revised two-day estimate of national youth voter turnout, which shows that at least 10 million young people went to the polls in Tuesday’s midterm elections — a youth turnout rate of 21.5%. The number of young voters in Tuesday’s election is comparable to the turnout seen in Read More >
Young People Support Democratic Congressional Candidates
During the lead-up to today’s midterm elections all eyes were on several competitive Senate races that most analysts believed would determine party control of Congress. As we discussed in a previous analysis, young people (ages 18-29) were poised to make a difference in a handful of these key races that were expected to be very Read More >
EARLY EXIT POLLS: Youth Represent 13% of Voters in 2014
Preliminary exit poll data indicate that young people (ages 18-29) represented 13% of the voters in today’s elections, according to the early release of National Exit Poll (NEP) data conducted by Edison Research. It is important to note that preliminary national exit poll data are subject to adjustments (also known as “reweighting”) by the NEP; Read More >
Do Controversial Ballot Measures Affect Youth Voter Turnout?
Some have proposed that certain recent controversial ballot measures may have boosted youth turnout, but our analysis shows that the data do not prove this to be true.
October 2014 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Political Engagement Trends of Latino, African American, and Asian Youth Young people in America are an increasingly diverse group with varied political and ideological views and different ways of engaging in political and civic life. Our most recent analysis looks at differences in electoral engagement among youth Read More >
Latino Youth: Political Engagement Trends
Latino youth saw an increase of 46.6% to 48.9% in their voter registration rates between 2008 and 2012, even as youth of other racial and ethnic backgrounds all experienced declines, but the voting rates of young Hispanics (ages 18-29) still lag behind those of their peers and they remain the most “civically alienated” group.
Asian American Youth: Political Engagement Trends
The 2008 presidential election marked the highest reported voter turnout among Asian American youth since 1992, with a rate of 43%. This is one take-away from CIRCLE’s recently released fact sheet on the voting and political engagement trends of young Asian Americans.
African American Youth: Political Engagement Trends
In the past three election cycles (2008, 2010, 2012), young African Americans turned out to vote at a higher rate than youth of any other racial or ethnic group. That’s one of the primary takeaways from our recently released fact sheet on the voting and political engagement trends of African American youth.
UPDATED – 2014 Midterms: Young Voters in Competitive Senate Races
A handful of competitive races in states like Alaska, Colorado, Louisiana, and North Carolina may decide which party has control of the U.S. Senate this November, and data suggests that young voters could play an important role in these nationally watched contests.
New Analysis: Political Engagement of Asian American, African American, and Latino Youth
Political campaigns and commentators often think of the “youth” as a monolithic voting bloc. But young people in America are an increasingly diverse group with varied political and ideological views, and different ways of engaging in political and civic life. Today, we release three new fact sheets with recent data and analysis about the electoral Read More >
Strengthening Democracy: Girls’ Leadership and K-12 Education
The troubling gender gap that can result in lower civic and political participation among young women can begin as early as middle school, which makes schools an important focus of research. That is the message of Taking the Lead: How Educators Can Help Close the Gender Leadership Gap, a new report on girls and women Read More >
#CelebrateNVRD: Tuesday, September 23rd is National Voter Registration Day
Voter registration is a vital component of the U.S. electoral system; one of the keys that unlocks the door to our democracy. Voter registration is also a shared civic duty, not the responsibility of a single government office or advocacy organization. During the 2012 election cycle, a group of organizations came together to establish a Read More >
August 2014 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 2014 Midterms: The Role of Youth in Competitive House and Senate Races The youth vote is important in every election, but CIRCLE’s recent analyses of youth voting and demographics suggest that, this November, it may be especially influential in a handful of competitive House and Senate races. Young Read More >
Data Set Available: Post-2012 Election Youth Survey
Immediately following the 2012 election, CIRCLE fielded a nationally representative youth survey to understand more about youth engagement in the election. This data is now available online at ICPSR (The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research). In addition to 2012 election experiences, the survey asked youth about their background and school experiences to understand Read More >
Youth Engagement by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender
Our Quick Facts pages provide an overview of major data points and trends on each topic and provide links to key research products. We recently updated the Quick Facts on Trends by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender. Highlights include: Electoral engagement—voter turnout, vote choice, party ID—can differ significantly by sub-group. In 2012, Young Black and Hispanic Read More >
The Youth Vote in 2014: Races to Watch
Based on our analysis of our new interactive map of district-level youth data, here are four races to watch where young people may play a large role in the 2014 midterms.
July 2014 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. New Interactive Map of Youth Voting, Demographic, and Socioeconomic Data by Congressional District CIRCLE has launched a new online tool for exploring the role of young people in American politics: an interactive map of youth voting and demographics by congressional district. The map features votes cast and Read More >
2014 Midterms: Why Half of Youth Don’t Register to Vote
Less than half (49%) of young people, ages 18-29, were registered to vote in the 2010 midterm elections, the lowest registration rate for a midterm contest in the last two decades. That’s one of the highlights from our recent analysis of youth voter registration, which also explores why almost half of young people were not registered to vote in 2010.
2014 Midterms: How Youth Register to Vote
The gaps in voter registration between youth, aged 18-29, and older adults go beyond merely the registration rate, and include important differences in how and where they register to vote. That’s one of the highlights from our recent analysis of youth voter registration data which focuses especially on the 2010 midterm, the most comparable contest to this upcoming November’s election.
2014 Midterms: Why (Some) Registered Youth Don’t Vote
When it comes to youth political engagement, especially in midterm elections, getting youth to register is only half the battle. That is one of the takeaways from our latest fact sheet on young people’s registration and turnout rates in midterm elections, with particular focus on the 2010 contest, the election most comparable to the upcoming 2014 midterm.
June 2014 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. New CIRCLE Analysis of Youth Voter Registration in Midterm Elections As part of our ongoing efforts to explore young people’s political participation ahead of this November’s midterm election, today we are releasing a fact sheet about youth voter registration. This analysis by CIRCLE Deputy Director Kei Read More >
How Civics is Taught in America: A National Survey of Civics and U.S. Government Teachers
In 2013, CIRCLE surveyed a national sample of civics and U.S. government teachers for our Commission on Youth Voting and Civic Knowledge. More than 700 teachers responded to the survey and provided valuable information on over 1,000 courses that they taught. Today we release a new fact sheet with detailed data from that national teacher survey, along with key conclusions and recommendations.
High School Civics Requirements and Assessments Vary Across the U.S.
Last month, we released a brand-new interactive map of civic education policy in the United States, which provides a state-by-state look at key policies, such as whether states assess social studies, what civics courses they require, and whether states have service-learning standards. We scanned all 50 states plus Washington, D.C. in early 2014, updating CIRCLE’s Read More >
May 2014 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE Creates New, Interactive, State-by-State Map of Youth Voting and Youth Demographics As part of our efforts to share comprehensive information about youth voting in advance of the 2014 midterm elections, CIRCLE recently launched an innovative, interactive map that provides historical, state-by-state data on young people’s Read More >
2014 Midterms: Lessons from the 2010 Elections about Turnout among Registered Youth
With the 2014 midterm elections just over the horizon, conversations have begun about the potential influence of youth. CIRCLE has been studying this issue for some time. Youth participation is consistently lower in midterm elections than in presidential elections. Even when youth turnout in presidential elections has risen, midterm turnout has remained roughly the same. Read More >
Youth Engagement in Extracurricular Activities and the Social Class Divide
Young people in the United States are starkly divided in how they use their leisure time. Some exclusively pursue their artistic or athletic passions and eschew other types of activities. Others spend their time on academic clubs, perhaps “building their resume” with an eye toward applying to selective universities. Still others are mostly disengaged from Read More >
April 2014 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. How do American Teenagers Spend their Time? And which Harry Potter Character do they Resemble Most? In our most recent working paper, CIRCLE Deputy Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg analyzes how the country’s youth spend their out-of-school time. The study focuses especially on students’ participation in extracurricular activities, Read More >
CIRCLE Analysis Reveals Significant Findings about Humanities Network
As part of the national effort, “Humanities at the Crossroads,” CIRCLE collaborated with Indiana Humanities to study the network of public humanities in the Hoosier state. The study considered a wide range of institutions that play essential roles in our civil society. Encompassing museums, public schools, art councils, and cultural centers, these organizations convene citizens and Read More >
Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Neville – Portraits of American Teens’ Leisure Time Use
Today we are releasing CIRCLE Working Paper #80: “Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Neville – Portraits of American Teenagers’ Extracurricular Involvement, and Implications for Educational Interventions.” The ways American teenagers use their leisure time have evolved dramatically in the past few decades. These changes are not all good or bad for civic education, but they fundamentally Read More >
New Interactive Map Explores Civic Education State-by-State
Many states have recently updated K-12 Civics curricula to conform with Common Core standards. Many have also started to adopt the new College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for social studies. With funding from the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, CIRCLE has created a new interactive map designed to quickly see where states stand on Read More >
March 2014 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. New Interactive Map Shows State Civic Education Policies In the past two years, many states have been updating their civic education policies, some to conform with Common Core standards or to adopt the new College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for social studies. CIRCLE has Read More >
Reforming Civic Education: Three Case Studies
Today, we release a short fact sheet that describes three recent civic education policy changes. We also release a longer paper that takes an initial look at the process behind each proposal and some of the issues faced by the educators tasked with implementing them.
CIRCLE Online Seminar: It’s a Wrap
On February 21st, CIRCLE wrapped up a 5-week online seminar. The seminar explored our recently released report All Together Now: Collaboration and Innovation for Youth Civic Engagement. More than 230 people registered for the seminar, 133 people joined a dedicated Facebook group, the seminar’s learning portal drew more than 1,700 unique page views, and a Read More >
Discussion Maker – Pilot Test Support Page
Pilot testing of Discussion Maker is scheduled to happen during the week of March 9, 2015. CIRCLE is working with Filament Games to evaluation this new discussion management tool. 7th Grade Teachers in Miami-Dade County Public school system’s Civic Leaders Institute are bringing their in-classroom expertise to the test. Discussion Maker is designed to support Read More >
CIRCLE Analysis Shows Impact of Junior State of America Program
In fall 2013, CIRCLE partnered with the Junior State of America (JSA), a national organization with student-led chapters throughout the country. Students in JSA participate in a range of activities including debates, ‘thought talks’, and simulations. JSA’s student leaders, who are elected by fellow JSA members, also plan regional and national conventions, conferences, and political Read More >
February 2014 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE Online Seminar Brings Together Stakeholders to Discuss Youth Civic Engagement During the past several weeks, CIRCLE researchers hosted an online seminar to discuss recommendations and build upon the work laid out in “All Together Now: Collaboration and Innovation for Youth Engagement,” the report from our Read More >
CIRCLE Online Seminar: Revisiting the Past and Looking to the Future
The Conversation Thus Far Over the past week, participants discussed specific strategies used to increase involvement by youth in their respective communities. Participants shared examples of efforts that are currently happening to increase youth civic engagement. A couple of examples included: How to involve youth in deliberation. Participant Christian Lindke, who will be hosting a Read More >
CIRCLE Online Seminar: Stitching Together a Field of Diverse Efforts
The Conversation Thus Far Last week, over 30 participants in our real-time conversation tackled questions about how they saw the two fundamental goals (democratic deliberation & equity and quality of political engagement) outlined in All Together Now, playing out in their work. The conversation, which continued into the Facebook group during week 3, has included Read More >
CIRCLE Online Seminar: Exploring the Practice of Engaging Youth
The Conversation Thus Far Last week, over 40 participants in our real-time conversation tackled questions about how they saw the two fundamental goals (democratic deliberation & equity and quality of political engagement) outlined in All Together Now, playing out in their work. The conversation, which continued into the Facebook group during week 2, has included Read More >
CIRCLE Online Seminar: What is the state of youth civic learning and engagement?
Who are the online seminar participants? We want to start off this week’s blog post by providing a bit of an overview of who the seminar members are. The group is definitely female dominant. From analyzing the introductions, sign up information, and pre-surveys completed thus far, participants represent a diverse set of sectors — K-12, Read More >
January 2014 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. New Fact Sheet: Information Literacy Crucial to High School Civics Last month, CIRCLE Deputy Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg presented a new fact sheet that summarizes findings about the teaching of information literacy in high school civics and government courses. The fact sheet is based on data from Read More >
CIRCLE Online Seminar: Orientation & Introduction
Welcome to CIRCLE’s first foray into an online seminar. We released All Together Now: Collaboration and Innovation for Youth Civic Engagement in October of last year. Since that time, we have deepened and begun new conversations with a range of stakeholders about next steps to create better and more civic learning and engagement opportunities for all Read More >
Information Literacy in High School Civics
With news sources changing rapidly and fragmenting along ideological lines, understanding how to use news and information media (“information literacy”) is an important civic skill. A new fact sheet by CIRCLE deputy director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg explores the extent to which information literacy is taught in high school civics classes and how its teaching varies. Using Read More >
Improving Civic Education: A Reflection Guide for Teachers
Following the release of “All Together Now: Collaboration and Innovation for Youth Engagement,” the report of our Commission on Youth Voting and Civic Knowledge, we have developed a series of materials to help different stakeholders in these fields share and discuss the report’s findings and recommendations. One of the main messages of All Together Now Read More >
December 2013 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE Launches Free Online Seminar to Discuss Youth Engagement Report In October, we released “All Together Now: Collaboration and Innovating for Youth Engagement,” the report of our Commission on Youth Voting and Civic Knowledge. Since then, we have spoken with a wide range of stakeholders interested in Read More >
CIRCLE Releases Annual Report
Last month, we released the CIRCLE Annual Report, which offers an overview of all our work from August 2012 to September 2013.
CIRCLE Launches Online Seminar to Discuss Youth Engagement Report
To enhance and broaden the discussions around the report of our Commission on Youth Voting and Civic Knowledge, we have developed a FREE, five-week, open online seminar that will extend research and recommendations from the report.
New Report Evaluates the Use of Google Hangouts and Other Formats for Public Deliberation
This is the seventh in a series of blog posts by CIRCLE, which evaluated several initiatives funded by the Democracy Fund to inform and engage voters during the 2012 election. These posts discuss issues of general interest that emerged from specific evaluations.) During the 2012 campaign season, AmericaSpeaks and Face the Facts USA worked together Read More >
November 2013 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE Analyzes Youth Turnout in Recent State Elections November 5 was Election Day for many across the country, with state and municipal races in places like New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Virginia drawing millions of voters to the polls. These elections provided an opportunity to take Read More >
Crucial Role for Higher Ed in Building Youth Civic Engagement
There are deep inequalities in youth civic knowledge and participation across socioeconomic levels that must be addressed to strengthen our democracy, and there is a vital role for universities and other institutions of higher education, not only in promoting youth engagement, but also closing this gap.
Solid Turnout of Teen Voters in Local Election
One of the recommendations outlined in the report from our Commission on Youth Voting and Civic Knowledge, is to experiment with lowering the voting age to 17 in municipal or state elections. Recently, the city of Takoma Park, Maryland, made just such a change to their voting regulations; and, last week, its 16 and 17-year-old residents became the first in the nation to cast a municipal ballot on Election Day.
Youth Turnout 26% in Virginia and 18% in New Jersey
If the Virginia and New Jersey exit polls captured precise and accurate estimates of the proportion of voters who were young, then youth turnout was 26% in Virginia and 18% in New Jersey, according to CIRCLE’s calculations.* In recent elections, exit polls have not always captured accurate age demographics. Also, the preliminary exit poll results Read More >
A Call to Civic Leaders: Collaboration, Advocacy, and Reform
Improving civic education and increasing youth engagement in the United States requires work at every level from all members of society. Civic leaders—elected officials, policy makers, heads of influential organizations, and others—are in a unique position to promote and champion vital, substantive improvements.
Civic Learning for ‘College, Career and Civic Life’: A Role for Education Associations
Civic learning is often treated as an afterthought; something to be tacked onto more “important” subjects if time allows. However, educating students to be responsible and active citizens is a primary purpose of schooling. An effective civics education also teaches English/Language Arts and skills required for today’s workforce: collaboration, deliberation, public speaking, and more.
October 2013 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE Releases Groundbreaking New Report On October 9th, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., CIRCLE presented “All Together Now: Collaboration and Innovation for Youth Engagement,” the report of its Commission on Youth Voting and Civic Knowledge. Based in part on surveys from more than Read More >
Commission on Youth Voting and Civic Knowledge Releases Report
The ongoing crisis in Washington, D.C., has once again laid bare the deep polarization and partisan divisions among our elected leaders. This political climate makes civic education both more challenging and increasingly important: teaching tomorrow’s leaders to be informed, responsible citizens emerges as a vital long-term solution to political dysfunction.
September 2013 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE Applauds New Social Studies Framework Last week, the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) released its College, Career and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards. CIRCLE Director Peter Levine chaired the project’s Civics Writing Committee and hailed the document as an Read More >
CIRCLE Calls New College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Social Studies Framework a Step in the Right Direction
The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE), the preeminent youth research center based at Tufts University’s Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, applauded the new College, Career and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards released earlier today by the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS). Read More >
Building the Case for Action Civics
Today, CIRCLE released Working Paper #78, “Building an Evidence-Based Practice of Action Civics: The Current State of Assessments and Recommendations for the Future” by Jessica Gingold, Harvard Graduate School of Education. Gingold assembles evidence for “action civics” as a field and describes the organizations that engage youth in (or assess) action civics programs. She examines Read More >
August E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Action Civics: A New Way to Involve Students in Civic Learning Over the summer, CIRCLE released two new products focused on “Action Civics.” First, with support from the Spencer Foundation, CIRCLE published, “Civic Learning through Action: The Case of Generation Citizen,” which defines “Action Civics” and Read More >
Frontiers of Democracy 2013: A Review with Resource Links
Each year Frontiers of Democracy brings together people thinking about and working to strengthen civic life from a variety of vantage points. The online conversation during the event represents these different experiences. Here is an overview, the Short Take videos and several resources mentioned. [View the story “Frontiers of Democracy 2013: A Review with Resource Read More >
Evaluating the Influence of the Oregon Citizens’ Initiative Review
UPDATE: 8/2/13 – CIRCLE has finished its report on insights from state thought leaders in Arizona, California and Colorado and their opinions on the CIR and other citizen initiative reforms in their states. The report is here This is the sixth in a series of blog posts by CIRCLE, which evaluated several initiatives funded by the Read More >
Civic Learning through Action: An Example of Action Civics
In “Civic Learning through Action: The Case of Generation Citizen,” CIRCLE staff describe Generation Citizen’s theory of change and preliminary evidence from its program evaluations. We use Generation Citizen (GC) as an example of the concept of “Action Civics.” GC works with middle and high schools in diverse communities by offering a curriculum, coaching, and Read More >
July 2013 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Learning from Projects Which Seek to #ChangetheDialogue Last year, the Democracy Fund made a series of inaugural grants during the 2012 election that experimented with different approaches to informing voters, exposing them to alternative points of view, and reducing the influence of deceptive political communications. CIRCLE Read More >
Educating the Public When People Don’t Trust Each Other
This is the fifth in a series of blog posts by CIRCLE, which evaluated several initiatives funded by the Democracy Fund to inform and engage voters during the 2012 election. Our posts discuss issues of general interest that emerged from the specific evaluations. Join CIRCLE for an ongoing discussion of the posts using the hashtag #ChangeTheDialogue. Although Read More >
Tell it Straight? The Advantages and Dangers of Parody
This is the fourth in a series of blog posts by CIRCLE, which evaluated several initiatives funded by the Democracy Fund to inform and engage voters during the 2012 election. Our posts discuss issues of general interest that emerged from the specific evaluations. Join CIRCLE for an ongoing discussion of the posts using the hashtag #ChangeTheDialogue, as Read More >
How to Reach a Large Scale with High-Quality Messages
This is the third in a series of blog posts by CIRCLE, which evaluated several initiatives funded by the Democracy Fund to inform and engage voters during the 2012 election. Our posts discuss issues of general interest that emerged from the specific evaluations. Join CIRCLE for an ongoing discussion of the posts using the hashtag #ChangeTheDialogue, Read More >
Supporting a Beleaguered News Industry
This is the second in a series of blog posts by CIRCLE, which evaluated several initiatives funded by the Democracy Fund to inform and engage voters during the 2012 election. Our posts discuss issues of general interest that emerged from the specific evaluations. Join CIRCLE for an ongoing discussion of the posts using the hashtag #ChangeTheDialogue, Read More >
Educating Voters in a Time of Political Polarization
This is the first in a series of blog posts by CIRCLE, which evaluated several initiatives funded by the Democracy Fund to inform and engage voters during the 2012 election. Our posts discuss issues of general interest that emerged from the specific evaluations. Join CIRCLE for an ongoing discussion of the posts using the hashtag Read More >
Learning from the Democracy Fund’s Early Grants
Last year, the Democracy Fund made a series of inaugural grants during the 2012 election that experimented with different approaches to informing voters, exposing them to alternative points of view, and reducing the influence of deceptive political communications. CIRCLE (the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement at Tufts University), was asked Read More >
May 2013 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. New: Civic Engagement and Political Leadership among Women 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique, and CIRCLE has been taking stock of women in public life. That women are missing from political leadership is obvious, but why? After all, women Read More >
State by State Youth Voter Turnout in 2012
In 2012, national youth voter turnout was 45%. However, youth turnout varied greatly by state. Our new state-by-state interactive map (slide one on www.civicyouth.org) includes detailed information on young people in 2012 as well as historical data on youth voter turnout and youth vote choice. Among the states that had sufficiently large samples, youth turnout Read More >
Young Women Drive Youth Turnout
Recently, we posted new analysis connecting young women’s early civic opportunities to future political leadership. We also posted initial voting statistics for young women and men, showing that young women’s turnout in the 2012 election exceeded young men’s by seven percentage points. Since 1972, when 18- and 19-year-olds won the right to vote, young women Read More >
Estimating Youth Turnout from Census and Exit Poll Data
According to our analysis of Census Current Population Survey (CPS) voting data released on Wednesday, youth turnout in the 2012 election was 45% for ages 18-29 and 41.2% among 18-24s. Those numbers represent declines compared to 2004 and 2008, although youth turnout was higher last November than it had been in 1996 and 2000. Immediately Read More >
Only 12.3 Million Young People, 18-29, Voted for President Obama in ‘12; Down from 14.8 Million in ‘08
CIRCLE Releases Full 2012 Youth Vote Analysis from Census Population Survey Data MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, MA – With this week’s release of the Census Current Population Survey November Supplement, or CPS, the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE) today published final estimates of how young people voted in the 2012 election. Please Read More >
New CIRCLE Fact Sheet: Civic Engagement and Political Leadership Among Women – a Call for Solutions
On Monday we posted a summary of comments made by Dr. Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, CIRCLE’s Lead Researcher, at a White House Conference on Girls’ Leadership and Civic Education. Today we are posting an accompanying fact sheet and a prezi presentation, and in the coming weeks we will present more analysis of electoral participation among young women Read More >
Turning Engagement into Civic & Political Leadership among Young Women
A few weeks ago, CIRCLE Lead Researcher, Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, presented at a White House gathering on Girls’ Leadership and Civic Education. Persistent gender gaps in public leadership prompt questions about how we educate, entertain and engage young people – especially women – in civic leadership roles. Girls and young women are ahead of their male Read More >
Women are Committed Civic Actors but We Still Have Much to Go
This is the first in a series of posts about women and civic engagement. Last Monday, CIRCLE Lead Researcher, Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, spoke at a White House conference on girls’ leadership and civic education. The purpose of the conference was to discuss how to close the gender gap in public leadership by educating and engaging young Read More >
Discussion, Debate, and Simulations Boost Students’ Civic Knowledge, But Gaps Remain
Ten years ago, the Civic Mission of Schools report (Gibson & Levine, 2003) clarified goals of civic education and identified six “promising practices” of civic education pedagogy. Three of these practices were measured on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Civics test in 2010: discussing current events, debating current issues (including controversies), and participating Read More >
April 2013 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. New CIRCLE Fact Sheet Shows how Promising Practices in Civics Boost Students’ Civic Knowledge A new CIRCLE fact sheet by Lead Researcher Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, entitled “Do Discussion, Debate, and Simulations Boost NAEP Civics Performance?” finds that exposure to these three recommended teaching practices boosted civic knowledge Read More >
Lack of Information and Engagement Make Presidential and Midterm Years Different for Youth
Even though it’s been barely five months since the 2012 election, conversations about the 2014 midterm and future election cycles are already afoot. People are asking what we can expect in 2014 from young people and what can be done to boost midterm youth turnout. Data from past midterm elections predict that, unless things change, Read More >
Civics, digital badges and alternative assessment: Preparing students to be engaged citizens
With support from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, CIRCLE has released a working paper that explores digital badges and alternative assessments for civic skills, knowledge, and dispositions. This working paper, entitled “New and Alternative Assessments, Digital Badges, and Civics: An Overview of Emerging Themes and Promising Directions,considers digital badges as well as ePortfolios, rubrics, Read More >
CIRCLE E-Update March 2013
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. New CIRCLE Working Paper Examines Civics, Digital Badges and Alternative Assessments With support from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, CIRCLE recently published “New and Alternative Assessments, Digital Badges, and Civics: An Overview of Emerging Themes and Promising Directions,” which explores digital badges and alternative assessments Read More >
CIRCLE E-Update February 2013
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. New Report Challenges Commonly Held Beliefs About Young Americans Last week, CIRCLE, with the National Conference on Citizenship, Harvard University’s Institute of Politics, and Mobilize.org, released The Millennials Civic Health Index, which paints a comprehensive picture of young Americans 18 to 29. The report highlights the Read More >
Immigration and the 2012 Election
A new CIRCLE fact sheet uses post-election youth polling to examine young people’s views of immigration reform and how youth with recent immigrant backgrounds participated in the 2012 election. Only a relatively small portion of young Americans rated immigration as their top issue in the 2012 election, yet those young people overwhelmingly favored creating paths Read More >
“Millennials” Play a Central Role in our Nation’s Civic Health, but Who are They?
Major New Study Provides In-Depth Insight on Diverse Engagement of a Generation Washington, DC– The Millennials Civic Health Index, released today by four of the top civic organizations in the country, paints a comprehensive picture of young Americans 18 to 29. The study challenges commonly held beliefs about a generation of young Americans whose votes Read More >
New Book: Melissa Bass, The Politics and Civics of National Service: Lessons from the Civilian Conversation Corps, VISTA, and AmeriCorps
Melissa Bass has published The Politics and Civics of National Service: Lessons from the Civilian Conversation Corps, VISTA, and AmeriCorps (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2013). This book originated with a CIRCLE grant and two CIRCLE Working Papers (numbers 11 and 12). It is a great achievement and truly essential reading for anyone who is Read More >
High School Civic Education Linked to Voting Participation and Political Knowledge, No Effect on Partisanship or Candidate Selection
Most Young Voters Knew the Candidates’ Issue Positions MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, MA – A large, national survey of young Americans released today shows that most young adults who voted in 2012 could choose an issue that was important to them and knew where the candidates stood on at least one (of two) relevant policies. Young Obama and Read More >
What the NAEP Civics Assessment Measures and How Students Perform
Only eight states currently test their students on American government or civics (usually as part of a much broader social studies test), and so relatively little is known about young people’s civic knowledge, skills, behaviors, and values. Given the paucity of state data, the federal National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in Civics receives predominant Read More >
iCivics’ Drafting Board Module Boosts Students’ Writing Skills
iCivics is an online civic education platform founded in 2009 by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor to prepare “young Americans to become knowledgeable, engaged 21st century citizens by creating free and innovative educational materials.” iCivics has already produced 16 educational video games and numerous teaching materials that have been implemented successfully throughout the United States. With Read More >
E-Update Dec
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Distinguished, Nonpartisan Commission Announced to Study and Inform Policies on Youth Voting CIRCLE recently announced the formation of the distinguished, nonpartisan and scholarly Commission on Youth Voting & Civic Knowledge, which will be charged with investigating exclusive data related to the civic knowledge, voting behavior, and Read More >
Distinguished, Nonpartisan Commission Announced to Study and Inform Policies on Youth Voting
Commission on Youth Voting & Civic Knowledge Focused on “Wide Range” of Influences, Including State Voting Laws, Civic Education Policies Tisch College, Tufts University, Medford/Somerville, MA—CIRCLE, Tufts University’s premiere center for the study of youth engagement, announced this morning the formation of the distinguished, nonpartisan and scholarly, Commission on Youth Voting & Civic Knowledge, which Read More >
Did Civic Education Laws Affect Youth Turnout in 2012?
One of the ways that states may try to influence political engagement is by requiring civic education in their K-12 schools. Substantial evidence shows that high-quality civic education boosts students’ interest in politics, their knowledge of political issues, and their voter turnout after they turn 18. But it is less clear that the existing state Read More >
Did New State Voting Laws Affect the Youth Vote in 2012?
The 2012 election was marked by new legislation that could make voting more difficult—a total of 25 new laws were in effect on Election Day in 19 states—and by organized challenges to the new laws, which we call “pushback.” The Brennan Center for Social Justice reports that, since the beginning of 2011, a total of Read More >
Education Gap Persists: 66% of youth with any college experience turned out to vote, 35% of youth with no college experience
Previous research has shown a strong correlation between college experience and political engagement. About 40 percent of young eligible voters between the age of 18 to 29 have not attended college. Our recent report, That’s Not Democracy: How Out-of-School Youth Engage in Civic Life and What Stands In Their Way, shows they are interested in Read More >
Support for President Obama Varied Greatly by Gender and Race
Although young people favored President Obama, their level of support for him varied greatly by gender and race, ranging from 98% among Black women to 41% among White men. This CIRCLE fact sheet (PDF) takes a deeper look at how young men and women voters of different racial backgrounds voted, why they chose to vote Read More >
More Analysis of Young Voters on Issues, House Candidate Support, Differences from Older Voters
An estimated 23 million young Americans under the age of 30 voted in the 2012 presidential election, and youth voter turnout was 50 percent of those (18-to-29) eligible to vote. Turnout was very close to the 2008 rate of 52 percent, indicating that youth held steady in their participation. This new fact sheet [PDF] summarizes Read More >
Updated Estimate: Youth Turnout was 50% in 2012; Youth Turnout in Battleground States 58%
On Wednesday, CIRCLE released our exclusive estimate of youth voter turnout in the 2012 election. With more votes counted, we have updated our estimate, and we now show that 50% of youth turned out to vote. Our updated data estimate is that 23 million youth voted in the 2012 election. We also updated our estimates Read More >
E-Update: Youth Turnout At Least 49%, 22-23 Million Under-30 Voted
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Youth Turnout at Least 49%, 22-23 Million Under-30 Voted Youth Vote, Strongly for Obama, Determines Outcome in Key Battleground States of PA, VA, FL, and OH Today, the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) – the preeminent youth research organization at Read More >
Youth Turnout: At Least 49%, 22-23 Million Under-30 Voted
Youth Vote, Strongly for Obama, Determines Outcome in Key Battleground States of PA, VA, FL, and OH Medford/Somerville, Mass. – The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) – the preeminent youth research organization at Tufts University – this morning released an exclusive turnout estimate showing that 22-23 million young Americans Read More >
At Least 80 Electoral Votes Depended on Youth
Assuming that Florida is called for President Obama in 2012, then Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Florida will be states in which young voters were essential to the President’s reelection coalition. In those states, if Governor Romney had won half of the youth vote, or if young voters had stayed home entirely, then Romney would have won instead Read More >
EARLY EXIT POLLS: Youth Represent 19% of Voters, Up 1 Point from 2008
CIRCLE to Release Exclusive Turnout Estimate Tomorrow Joint Press Call w/ Rock the Vote at 12noon (ET) to Discuss Turnout & Provide Analysis Medford/Somerville, Mass. – Young people (ages 18-29) represented 19% of the voters in today’s election, with President Obama winning the majority of those votes over Governor Romney by 60% to 36% 37% Read More >
Campaign Contact in Battleground States
CIRCLE released a groundbreaking poll of young people’s views of the election last week. The survey, commissioned by the Youth Education Fund, is unique in that it polled 1,695 youth (ages 18-29) in June/July and 1,109 of the same youth between October 12 and 23. Surveying the same people twice provides powerful evidence of change Read More >
Youth Poll Shows Engagement and Intention-to-Vote Rises Since Summer, Many Factors Influence Youth Voting
Throughout this week, CIRCLE has been releasing analysis of our mid-October youth poll. The survey is unique in that it polled 1,695 youth (ages 18-29) in June/July and 1,109 of the same youth between October 12 and 23. Below is a summary of the main findings, as well as a graphic connecting past research on Read More >
Fall/Winter Edition of CIRCLE’s Quarterly Newsletter Available
The newest issue of CIRCLE’s quarterly newsletter (v9.i3), Around the CIRCLE, can be downloaded from here. The newsletter includes a variety of articles including: How do Out of School Youth Engage in Their Communities and What Stands in Their Way? The Economic Benefits of Civic Engagement Election 2012: Information Needs of Young Americans, 18-29 Get Read More >
Outreach to youth: 11.5% of college youth but just 5.8% of non-college youth have been contacted on behalf of Obama; 3.5% of college youth and 6.6% of non-college youth for Romney
On Monday, CIRCLE released a groundbreaking poll of young people’s views of the election. The survey, commissioned by the Youth Education Fund, is unique in that it polled 1,695 youth (ages 18-29) in June/July and 1,109 of the same youth between October 12 and 23. Surveying the same people twice provides powerful evidence of change Read More >
Since Summer, Obama Gains 10 Points with African-American Youth and 14 Points with Latino youth
On Monday, CIRCLE released a groundbreaking poll of young people’s views of the election. The survey, commissioned by the Youth Education Fund, is unique in that it polled 1,695 youth (ages 18-29) in June/July and 1,109 of the same youth between October 12 and 23. Surveying the same people twice provides powerful evidence of change Read More >
Knowledge about Voter Laws Still Lacking
Over 40% of young Americans “don’t know” key information about voting process On Monday, CIRCLE released a groundbreaking poll of young people’s views of the election. The survey, commissioned by the Youth Education Fund, is unique in that it polled 1,695 youth (ages 18-29) in June/July and 1,109 of the same youth between October 12 Read More >
Millennials are on Par with Boomers in Voter Turnout
In the United States, older people vote at higher rates than under-30s. The likelihood that an individual will vote rises with age. Therefore, if you graph the turnout of Baby Boomers (born 1946-1965) and Millennials (born after 1979) by year, you will see a clear gap that favors the Boomers: CIRCLE generated the above graph Read More >
YOUNG VOTERS AND THE HORSERACE: 52.1% Obama v. 35.1% Romney
In Three Months, Intention to Vote Rises 9.9 Points CIRCLE today released a groundbreaking poll of young people’s views of the election. The survey, commissioned by the Youth Education Fund, is unique in that it polled 1,695 youth (ages 18-29) in June/July and 1,109 of the same youth between October 12 and 23. Surveying the Read More >
#YouthTruth: Civic Skills Crucial at Election Time – But Are these Skills Taught to Youth?
An effective actor needs civic skills. That is evident every election season, when citizens must navigate state voting laws, assess various policies and positions, and make important choices about whom and what to support. And it’s at this time of the year that the conversation about candidates, policies and issues reaches its height . Citizens Read More >
How to Understand Youth Voting Data
As Election Day approaches, CIRCLE is compiling historical data and preparing for our day-after youth voter turnout analysis. Two statistics that will be a part of the conversation about young voters are the youth share of all voters and youth voter turnout. While both data points say something about the role of young voters in Read More >
E-Update Oct 2012
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. New CIRCLE Fact Sheet Describes State Laws, Standards and Requirements for K-12 Civics With funding from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, CIRCLE has analyzed the standards, course requirements, and mandatory assessments relevant to civic education in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia. This Read More >
Redefining Civic Knowledge?
To participate in civic life, young people need skills and knowledge. Since the 1970’s, changes in the political environment and the ways we communicate and problem-solve together (especially using technology) have added new forms of knowledge and skills that are useful for effective participation. CIRCLE’s 2010 report entitled “Civic Skills and Federal Policy” lists some Read More >
Is contemporary history taught in schools?
This week, CIRCLE released a new fact sheet entitled “State Civic Education Requirements,” a scan of civic education-related standards and requirements in every state and the District of Columbia. All states have social studies standards that describe the essential knowledge and skills that students need for citizenship, work, and higher education. (Civic education can occur Read More >
New CIRCLE Fact Sheet Describes State Laws, Standards, and Requirements for k-12 Civics
With funding from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, CIRCLE has analyzed the standards, course requirements, and mandatory assessments relevant to civic education in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia. This is the first such scan in 5 years. The full analysis is summarized in our new fact sheet entitled State Civic Education Read More >
Once Again, Data Points to the Power of the Ask
During the summer we polled nearly 1,700 youth, 18 to 29 years old, about the election. Among many questions, we asked what would influence the respondents to vote. There was a clear answer: ask. Almost half of young respondents reported that being asked by a friend or a parent would or might influence them to Read More >
Today is National Voter Registration Day!
CIRCLE is a partner of many other organizations that promote National Voter Registration Day. Nearly 46 million 18-to-29 year-olds are eligible to vote in 2012, 16.8 million of whom are new to the voting process. For young people, especially those who are new to the political process, registering to vote is a necessary step to Read More >
What’s All the Fuss About “Election Enthusiasm”?
If you have been paying attention to the news over the past few weeks, it would be difficult to miss references to “election enthusiasm.” Many references are in relation to President Obama’s ability, or lack thereof, to re-build the almost-mythical support and energy of 2008. While “election enthusiasm” is a vague concept, it’s difficult not Read More >
Livestream Today at 1pm ET: Civic Engagement and Unemployment
Today at the NCOC conference, CIRCLE will help explain new collaborative research into the relationship between civic life and unemployment. This new research indicates a positive relationship between indicators of civic health and lower unemployment. You can watch the entire event live and you can participate in the conversation online by using #NCOC.
Tonight at 6pm ET on Huffington Post Live: CIRCLE & partners talk about new research connecting civic, economic health
This evening at 6pm Eastern Time, CIRCLE’s director, Peter Levine, will participate in a livestreamed panel on Huffington Post Live. Peter and partners from NCOC and the Knight Foundation, will discuss new research on the relationship between civic engagement and economic resilience. This new research builds on previous analysis showing that relative rates of engagement Read More >
Civic Health and Unemployment II: The Case Builds
The National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) released Civic Health and Unemployment II: The Case Builds today, written by CIRCLE lead researcher Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, University of Wisconsin Professor Chaeyoon Lim, and CIRCLE Director Peter Levine. This is a more extensive and ambitious follow-up to the report entitled Civic Health and Unemployment: Can Engagement Strengthen the Economy? Read More >
Civic Education and 9/11
The purpose of civic education is to prepare students to be informed and engaged citizens. Schools should help young people acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to prepare them to be responsible, thoughtful citizens. They can do this by providing students engaging and relevant curricula, as well as interactive opportunities to deliberate. Last year, CIRCLE Read More >
Democrats and Obama Campaign Build Youth Outreach Into Convention
Prior to the Republican National Convention, we summarized some of the efforts among Republican-allied groups to reach young people. This week, Democrats and the Obama campaign took efforts to engage youth during the Democratic National Convention. Why is outreach relevant? Young people turn out to vote when asked, when spoken to, and when they can Read More >
Group Opportunities Lacking for Youth, or Young People are not Formal “Joiners”
In the pre-Web 2.0 Era, membership in groups and organizations was an important measure of civic engagement. Groups and associations can be sites where young people learn job skills and civic skills, build networks, and potentially meet those with different experiences from themselves. In previous CIRCLE work, we have reported the decline of young people’s Read More >
You Ask, We Answer: How did CIRCLE calculate candidate support in the recent Youth Engagement Poll?
Kaukab Jhumra Smith, a correspondent with Youth Today, was curious why data about candidate support referenced in two different posts on the Youth Engagement Poll seemed not to be consistent. This question allows us to clarify a bit how we reported support for Obama and Romney. The two posts Kaukab referenced were: Romney Trails Among Read More >
E-Update August 2012
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. “That’s Not Democracy.” How Out-of-School Youth Engage in Civic Life and What Stands In Their Way CIRCLE (Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement) released a major new study last week, “That’s Not Democracy” How Out-of-School Youth Engage in Civic Life and What Read More >
So, What Next? Recommendations for Working with Young People in Communities
Yesterday, CIRCLE released a new major study on the civic engagement of young people who are not in school or college. CIRCLE has compiled recommendations, informed by our conversations with some of these young people. The following is a summary of these recommendations (which can also be found in the report): Schools can: Provide civic Read More >
Twitter Chat about the Civic Engagement of Youth in Communities
Yesterday CIRCLE released a major report on youth 18-to-29 years old who have not (yet, in some cases) gone to college. This group encompasses 42% of the resident youth population, but, we find, are provided with few opportunities to engage. Join a Twitter chat about this topic on Monday, August 27th at 3pm EDT, using Read More >
“That’s Not Democracy.” How Out-of-School Youth Engage in Civic Life and What Stands in Their Way
CIRCLE is releasing a major new study today, “That’s Not Democracy.” How Out-of-School Youth Engage in Civic Life and What Stands in Their Way. Many practitioners informed this project, which was in collaboration with the Charles F. Kettering Foundation. Executive Summary | Full Report A vibrant and thriving democracy requires a deeply engaged and active citizenry. “Civic Read More >
#YouthTruth: Young Voters are Diverse in Many Ways
Young people are more racially and ethnically diverse compared to older voters. Only 61.5% of 18-29 year old eligible voters are White Non-Hispanic compared to 73.6% of older voters. Young voters are more likely to identify as African-American (14.3% vs. 11.3%) and Latino (16.7% vs. 9.3%) compared to older voters. Young voters are more likely Read More >
68% of Currently-Undecided Youth Voted for Obama in 2008, 28% for McCain; Romney Supporters Less Likely to be Unemployed, while 86% of Obama supporters “admiring” or “satisfied” with him
Undecided Youth In an early July poll analyzed by CIRCLE and commissioned by the Youth Engagement Fund, 30.3% youth were undecided in their vote and 6% stated that they would be voting for someone else other than President Obama or Governor Romney. Undecided youth were split with 41.0% being “satisfied” and 47.8% being “disappointed” with Read More >
Republican-Allied Groups Target Young Voters
We recently wrote about the long-term trend in youth vote choice in Presidential elections. Since 1972, the percentage of young voters supporting both parties has varied. The biggest difference in the candidates’ youth support was 34 percentage points, and that was in 2008 when President Obama received 66% of youth votes. It seems that in Read More >
#YouthTruth: Not all youth vote Democratic, and historically the youth vote has often been competitive
In 2008, almost 66 percent of young voters chose Barack Obama over John McCain. That result has led some observers to assume that young people are consistently a Democratic constituency. But even in 2008, not all youth voted for President Obama. That year, 32% of young voters chose Senator McCain (for those interested in who Read More >
New Book: Making Civics Count
Making Civics Count: Citizenship Education for a New Generation is a book co-edited by David E. Campbell, Meira Levinson, and Frederick M. Hess. CIRCLE director Peter Levine contributes a chapter entitled “Education for a Civil Society”; he argues that American schools already teach the formal US system of government reasonably well, but we need youth Read More >
Republican and Conservative Youth Also Unsure of State Voting Laws; Policy Views Not Fully in Alignment with Republican Platform
Poll Findings Related to Republican and Conservative Youth, 18-29 A common stereotype about young Americans is that they are predominantly liberal in their political identification. A national survey of 18 to 29-year-olds commissioned by the Youth Engagement Fund and analyzed by CIRCLE shows that of 1,695 respondents 25% identified as Republican. When asked about ideological Read More >
How You Can Contribute to the #YouthTruth
CIRCLE’s #YouthTruth campaign seeks to ensure that the narrative around youth and the 2012 election is based on research and data. We know others have that goal as well. Here are just a few ways to participate: Let’s crowd source this process! If you see something about youth participation in politics that you think needs Read More >
No Clear Difference in Candidate Preference or Party Affiliation by Educational Experience; Youth with No College Experience Less Knowledgeable about State Voting Laws
Poll Findings Comparing Youth with College Experience and Those Without Findings from a recent poll commissioned by the Youth Engagement Fund, and analyzed by CIRCLE suggest that overall non-college youth do not vary significantly from their college experienced counterparts. However there are some slight differences. This analysis is part of CIRCLE’s #YouthTruth campaign. The Read More >
Racial and Ethnic Variations in Support of President Obama and Current Administration
Findings from a recent poll commissioned by the Youth Engagement Fund, and analyzed by CIRCLE suggest that African American youth, and to a lesser degree, Hispanic youth, are more supportive of President Obama than White youth. This data was summarized today at BlackAmericaWeb.com by Michael Cottman. Additional analysis below, and is part of CIRCLE’s #YouthTruth Read More >
Romney Trails Among Young Adults
Most are Misinformed about their States’ Voting Laws New CIRCLE poll of 18-29s released today Young people hold mixed opinions of Barack Obama, but they prefer him by a 55%-42% over Mitt Romney, whom most see as a “typical politician.” Young people are split about evenly on the recent health care reform, with the largest Read More >
#YouthTruth: Get the Facts on Young Voters
Today CIRCLE is launching #YouthTruth, an education campaign to address a set of myths about young people: • They cannot be mobilized • They are all college students • The only way to reach them is online • Voting is the only way they can engage politically • Most are apathetic or alienated As part Read More >
E-Update July 2012
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE Study Shows YouthBuild Builds Leaders A major new study by CIRCLE, Pathways into Leadership: A Study of YouthBuild Graduates[link], shows that a significant number of YouthBuild graduates go on to become leaders in their careers and communities. Many of them hold public office or are Read More >
This Week: Live-stream from Frontiers of Democracy
Looking for new ideas? Inspiration? Something substantive to listen to while you clean your desk? We have you covered. Frontiers of Democracy II: Innovations in Civic Practice, Theory and Education will be live-streamed this Thursday through Saturday. The conference will consider a wide picture of work and ideas that support and promote civic vitality. This Read More >
Nancy Thomas joins CIRCLE as director of the Initiative for the Study of Higher Education and Public Life and Campus Counts
Nancy Thomas directs CIRCLE’s Initiative for the Study of Higher Education and Public Life and Campus Counts, a national study of college student voting rates and patterns. She joins CIRCLE and Tisch College after five years as director of the Democracy Imperative, a national network of academics and civic leaders working to strengthen democracy in Read More >
New CIRCLE Senior Researcher Felicia Sullivan
Felicia Sullivan joins CIRCLE as Senior Researcher this month. Felicia will be working on a range of analyses and co-producing reports for various audiences. Felicia is particularly interested in supporting groups and organizations that seek to create new environments that enliven and support civic participation and political empowerment. Felicia is working on her doctorate degree Read More >
July 2012 CIRCLE Newsletter
The newest issue of CIRCLE’s quarterly newsletter (v9.i2), Around the CIRCLE, can be downloaded from here. The newsletter includes a variety of articles including: Pathways into Leadership: A Study of YouthBuild Graduates How Can Social Media Be Used to Strengthen Community Partnerships and Change Institutions? Youth in the 2012 Republican Primaries You Ask, We Answer: Read More >
A Midwestern Mosaic: Immigration and Political Socialization in Rural America
J. Celeste Lay of Tulane University has published A Midwestern Mosaic: Immigration and Political Socialization in Rural America (Temple University Press, 2012). This book originated with a CIRCLE dissertation grant in 2003-4. It examines the impact of rapid ethnic diversification in small Iowa towns on two main sets of outcomes for adolescents – tolerance for Read More >
(Socially) Constructive Construction: CIRCLE Report on YouthBuild Alumni
On June 5th, 2012, CIRCLE staffers Dr. Peter Levine, Abby Kiesa, and new summer fellow Vanessa Williams were at the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill to participate in and, in Levine’s case, speak on behalf of CIRCLE’s report on YouthBuild U.S.A. and the programs Leadership Program. This Congressional staff briefing on the research Read More >
Distributed Today at the White House: CIRCLE Study Shows YouthBuild Builds Leaders
A major new study by CIRCLE, Pathways into Leadership: A Study of YouthBuild Graduates, shows that a significant number of YouthBuild graduates go on to become leaders in their careers and communities. Many of them hold public office or are church officials. More than one-third of the students surveyed for the study have become professional Read More >
Impact of AmeriCorps on Voting: Study Finds No Evidence that AmeriCorps Mobilizes Young People Politically; Non-voters More Likely to Enroll in Program
Medford, MA – A new study from the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE), the preeminent youth research organization based at Tufts University, finds no evidence that the federally funded service program AmeriCorps mobilizes people politically. According to the new fact sheet, young adults tend to become more civically engaged Read More >
Fault Lines in Our Democracy: ETS Report
Today the Educational Testing Service released a major new report entitled Fault Lines in Our Democracy, along with a website that provides videos and other ancillary materials. Youth civic engagement and civic knowledge are crucial issues, and it is great that the ETS has issued a prominent report. Their analysis in the report itself is Read More >
You Ask, We Answer: More than ¾ of 18-29 Registered Non-College Youth Voted in 2008 [Infographic]
In almost every state (with the exception of North Dakota) citizens are required to register before they can vote. Voter turnout rates are positively correlated with voter registration in the 2008 election (and in past elections, except for 1972). Recently we reported that voter turnout among registered college students in 2008 was 87%. Subsequently, we Read More >
You Ask, We Answer: 16.8 Million New Youth Eligible to Vote in 2012
As the 2012 general election campaigns begin, it’s important to remember that the pool of young people eligible to vote will look different in 2012 than it did in 2008. A new group of potential voters who were not eligible to vote in 2008 (because of age) will be eligible to vote in 2012. These Read More >
You Ask, We Answer: Youth Vote Choice in Battleground States 1992-2008 [Infographic]
In three states, the youth vote made the difference for Obama in 2008, meaning that if you subtracted all the under-30 votes, the state would flip from Blue to Red in 2008. In North Carolina, Obama won the state, taking 74% of the under 30s but losing all the older age groups. In Indiana, Obama Read More >
E-Update CIRCLE is seeking new project manager
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE is seeking a new project manager CIRCLE at Tufts University is seeking a National Project Director, an entrepreneurial leader and experienced project developer who is passionate about understanding and increasing civic participation. CIRCLE is the leading center for studying youth civic engagement. We are pioneering Read More >
CIRCLE is seeking national project director
CIRCLE at Tufts University is seeking a National Project Director, an entrepreneurial leader and experienced project developer who is passionate about understanding and increasing civic participation. CIRCLE is the leading center for studying youth civic engagement. We are pioneering a national initiative to research and improve the relationship between higher education and civic participation. CIRCLE Read More >
President Obama’s Job Approval Ratings by Age and Race
President Obama’s job approval ratings have fluctuated since the beginning of his term, particularly after significant legislation and events. Gallup.com has an interactive tool that allows you to see the trends using data gathered weekly by the organization. Because CIRCLE focuses on youth, we decided to see how Obama’s youth approval rating differed from the Read More >
College Students Registered to Vote Turned Out at 87% in 2008
Young people who are enrolled in college (37% of the 18-to-24 year-old population in 2012) are more likely to vote than the national youth average.[i] College students are highly likely to turn out to vote if they are registered. In the 2008 election, 70% of current college students were registered to vote, and 87% of Read More >
No Citizen Left Behind
Meira Levinson’s book No Citizen Left Behind (Harvard University Press, 2012) began with a CIRCLE grant and develops the argument of Levinson’s CIRCLE Working Paper 51, ” The Civic Achievement Gap.” Levinson combines anecdotes from her eight years of teaching middle school in Atlanta and Boston, political theorizing, and social science analysis. She argues that Read More >
April 2012 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Youth Turnout in the 2012 Primaries In the past few months, CIRCLE has produced the day-after youth voter turnout for the 2012 Republican primaries and caucuses. Cumulatively, Romney has the most votes compared to his Republican contenders. Between states, however, youth vote choice varied between Romney, Read More >
Youth Turnout in Yesterday’s Maryland Primary 2%, Wisconsin 8%
Santorum Wins Youth Vote in Maryland, Romney Narrowly Wins over Paul in Wisconsin MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, Mass. –Two percent of eligible voters under the age of 30 in Maryland and eight percent in Wisconsin participated in yesterday’s primaries, according to exclusive preliminary analysis by the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE). Former Read More >
Louisiana Youth Turnout 2%
15,000 Louisiana Citizens Under Age 30 Participate in Primary; Santorum Wins About Half Youth Vote MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, Mass. – Two percent of eligible voters under the age of 30 in Louisiana participated in last night’s primary, according to preliminary analysis by CIRCLE (The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement). The youth turnout Read More >
Illinois Primary Youth Turnout 4%
73,000 IL Citizens Under Age 30 Participated in Yesterday’s Primary MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, Mass. – Four percent of eligible voters under the age of 30 participated in yesterday’s Illinois primary, according to preliminary analysis by the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE). Youth turnout in the Illinois primary rose from 1996 to Read More >
Santorum Surpasses Paul in Cumulative Youth Vote Count after Alabama and Mississippi Primaries
Through Super Tuesday Mitt Romney and Ron Paul were essentially tied in the cumulative number of youth votes they have received in the race for the 2012 Republican nomination. However, with Rick Santorum’s win in yesterday’s Alabama and Mississippi primaries (he gained the highest percentage of votes overall and from youth), he has caught up Read More >
Youth Turnout in Alabama 8%, Mississippi 5%
Santorum wins Youth Vote in Both States MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, Mass. – Eight percent of eligible voters under the age of 30 in Alabama and five percent in Mississippi participated in yesterday’s primaries, according to exclusive preliminary analysis by the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE). Former Sen. Rick Santorum was the Read More >
Background: Young Voters in Alabama and Mississippi
On Tuesday there will be Republican primaries in Alabama and Mississippi. Below we’ve summarized information on young voters in those two states. In primaries in the South and Southeast so far in 2012, several different candidates have won the largest percentage of young primary voters. Ron Paul won 31% of young primary voters in South Read More >
By Same Point in 2008, Obama’s # of Youth Votes More-than-Double 2012 Republican Candidates’
Paul, Romney Still Have More Youth Votes than the ’08 Nominee, Sen. John McCain CIRCLE has been calculating youth voting statistics after each primary in which an exit poll is conducted. Last week, we released the cumulative number of young people’s votes for the 2012 Republican candidates. After Super Tuesday, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul Read More >
February 2012 Edition of CIRCLE’s Quarterly Newsletter Available
The full February edition (v9. i4) of CIRCLE’s quarterly newsletter, Around the CIRCLE, can be downloaded here. The newsletter includes a variety of articles including: Understanding the Civic Engagement of a Diverse Generation New Report Provides Recommendations on How to Reform Civic Education IA, NH and SC Young Voters Turn Out for Paul in 2012 Read More >
Youth Turnout on Super Tuesday 5%; Paul, Santorum and Romney Tied for Youth Support
At this Point in ’08, Obama Had Drawn More Than Twice as Many Youth Votes as Top Three 2012 Republican Candidates Combined MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, Mass. – Approximately 5% of eligible citizens under the age of 30 participated in the Super Tuesday contests, according to preliminary, exclusive analysis by the Center for Information & Research on Civic Read More >
Romney Gains Lead over Paul in Youth Votes after Michigan and Arizona Primaries
Youth Support for GOP Candidates Significantly Down from Obama’s Youth Votes in ’08 Primaries The shape of the youth vote in the Republican primary campaign is beginning to emerge. The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE) has calculated exclusive estimates of the total number of voters under age 30 who Read More >
March 2012 E-Update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CIRCLE is Hiring! Interested in joining the CIRCLE team? CIRCLE is hiring for two positions – Researcher and Senior Researcher. Please apply by April 13, 2012 for best consideration. Applications will only be accepted via the Tufts jobs site. New Working Paper Examines the Racial and Read More >
Youth Turnout in Arizona 6%, Michigan 7% — More Than Triples in Both States Since 2004
Romney Places Third among Youth in Michigan, Wins Youth Vote in Arizona MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, Mass. – Six percent of eligible voters under the age of 30 in Arizona and seven percent in Michigan participated in yesterday’s primaries, according to exclusive preliminary analysis by the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE). Mitt Read More >
Op-Ed: Does Rick Santorum Have a Youth Problem?
Check out the op-ed CIRCLE director, Peter Levine, wrote which is currently at The Daily Caller. In summary, Peter says, “I argue that Rick Santorum has performed consistently poorly among young voters–including young Republicans–and that nominating him would risk writing off an entire generation.” The piece can be found here.
Background: Young Michigan Voters in 2008 Primaries and General
Michigan has an estimated 1,479,000 18-to-29 year-olds who are eligible to vote. In the 2008 general election, Michigan’s estimated youth voter turnout was 55.5%, similar to the state’s turnout in 2004 (54.5%), but much higher than the turnout in 1996 (41.72%). An overwhelming majority of young voters voted for Barack Obama (68.3%). In the 2008 Read More >
FEATURED: The Engaged Citizen Index: Examining the Racial and Ethnic Civic and Political Engagement Gaps of Young Adults
By Rebecca Jacobsen and Tamara Wilder Linkow February 2012 In CIRCLE Working Paper 74, Rebecca Jacobsen and Tamara Wilder Linkow construct a composite index of engaged citizenship indicators for young adults that incorporates 40 variables weighted according to the input of a panel of experts. The resulting Engaged Citizen Index reveals significant racial and ethnic Read More >
CIRCLE is Hiring!
CIRCLE is hiring for two positions – Researcher and Senior Researcher. Please apply by April 13, 2012 for best consideration. Applications will only be accepted via the Tufts jobs site. You can access the appropriate page for each position via the links below. Researcher CIRCLE is seeking a Researcher to conduct research, perform data analysis, Read More >
Nevada Youth Turnout: One Percent
Just 2,600 Nevada Citizens Under Age 30 Participate in Caucus; Paul Wins Youth Vote with 41% MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, Mass. – One percent of eligible voters under the age of 30 in Nevada participated in Saturday’s Republican caucus, compared to the 2008 caucus, when 5% of eligible young Nevadans participated in the Democratic and Republican caucuses combined, Read More >
Can Romney Draw Youth Support?
Florida Youth Turnout 4%; Romney Wins Young Voters but Paul in Second without Campaigning MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, Mass. – Four percent of eligible Florida voters under the age of 30 participated in last night’s primary, according to preliminary analysis by the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE), and they voted for former Read More >
Florida’s Young Republican Primary Voters Far More Diverse than Those in SC, More than 20% of Young Latino Voters in 2010 Were Republican
The recent South Carolina primary reshuffled the cards in the Republican presidential primary campaign. For the first time in history, the state opted for a different candidate from the winner of Iowa or New Hampshire, selecting former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as their top pick for the Republican nomination for president. In order to better Read More >
South Carolina Youth Turnout 8%
As in Iowa and New Hampshire, Paul Wins Youth Vote; Gingrich Just Three Points Behind and Santorum in Third MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, Mass. – Eight percent of eligible voters under the age of 30 in South Carolina participated in last night’s primary, according to preliminary analysis by the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Read More >
Different Story from IA & NH? Young Primary Voters in South Carolina
The 2012 Republican contests so far have shown the effect of thousands of youth rallying behind one candidate, Rep. Ron Paul. However, historical data indicates that South Carolina young voters may not vote the same way as their peers in Iowa and New Hampshire. Our director discusses the factors in why this is likely at Read More >
UPDATED: New Hampshire Youth Turnout 15%
(This post has been updated with data based on 100% reporting in the New Hampshire primary. Previous post title: New Hampshire Youth Turnout 15%; 29,000 New Hampshire Citizens Under Age 30 Participated in Primary; Strong Showing for Paul) Fifteen percent of eligible voters under the age of 30 in New Hampshire participated in last night’s Read More >
Young NH Voters Historically Engaged, With Higher Turnout than National Avg. in Every Election since ‘98
Nearly 40% of Young Republican Primary Voters Identified as “Independent” in 2008 Analysis of young New Hampshire primary voters released today by the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) shows that young Republican primary voters (18-29) are a highly engaged part of the electorate and could possibly play a deciding Read More >
Iowa Caucus Youth Turnout: 4%, Overwhelmingly Supported Paul, Provided Candidate 1/3 of Total Votes
About 18,000 Iowans Under the Age of 30 Participated in Last Night’s Caucuses MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, Mass. – Four percent of eligible Iowa voters under the age of 30 participated in last night’s presidential caucuses, according to preliminary analysis by The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE). Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) drew Read More >
New Analysis of Young Voters in Battleground States Show Steep Decline in ’08 Democratic Advantage
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, December 30, 2011 CONTACT: Brad Luna, Luna Media Group brad@lunamediagroup.com, 208-812-8140 (cell) Drop in New, Young Democratic Voters in Nevada & N Carolina “Warning Sign for Barack Obama” Tufts University, Medford/Somerville, MA – A new, comparative analysis of current voter registration data in the key electoral states of Nevada and North Read More >
You Ask, We Answer: More Youth Eligible to Vote than Those Over 65
CIRCLE was recently asked several questions about the number of youth eligible to vote and the relationship of that number to other voters. We suspect many will be interested in the results, so here are some quick answers: 1) How many 18-29 year-olds are eligible to vote in 2012? There are approximately 46 million 18-to-29 Read More >
DemocracyU Wants You
A new website called DemocracyU has launched to highlight the inspiring work that engaged students like you are achieving at universities, colleges and communities across the country. The site will include students’ personal stories of off-campus activities as well as discussion and debate on the evolving role of university and college students in engaging in Read More >
Who are the Iowan Republican Youth?
With the Iowa caucus less than a month away, we thought it would be interesting to take a closer look at how young Republican voters have voted in the last few elections. In 2000 just under a third of youth who did not consider themselves to be Republican voted for a Republican. However, this proportion Read More >
FEATURED: New Study Dispels Stereotypes About Young Voters Ahead of 2012 Elections
A new CIRCLE study, “Understanding a Diverse Generation: Youth Civic Engagement in the United States,” shatters stereotypes and dispels conventional myths about the ways in which young people ages 18-29 are involved in the United States political system. The study from CIRCLE, which is part of Tufts University’s Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Read More >
CIRCLE Ten Year Anniversary Newsletter
The Ten Year Anniversary edition (v8. i4) of CIRCLE’s quarterly newsletter, Around the CIRCLE, can be downloaded from here. The newsletter includes a variety of articles including: CIRCLE: Who We Are, What We’ve Done & Where We Are Headed, by Peter Levine CIRCLE: Illuminating Our Democracy, By Thomas Ehrlich By the Numbers The Youth Movement’s Read More >
Youth and the 2008 Republican Primaries
As the Republican presidential primaries are soon upon us, we thought it would be interesting to look at how youth participated in the 2008 Republican primaries. In 2008, CIRCLE calculated estimates of youth voter turnout in many state primaries and caucuses. Our estimate suggests that the primary/caucus turnout of young voters rose from 9% in Read More >
Badges for Civic Skills
Here are two proposals for “civic badges” entered in the Digital Media and Learning Competition. Public comments are being welcomed on the DML site–please click through to read and discuss: Preparation for Volunteer Service, proposed by the Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service at Tufts and its partners. Citizenship Badge and Portfolio Program for Read More >
College- vs. Non-College-Bound Youth: Is the Civic Participation Gap Widening?
In the current issue of the Journal of Research on Adolescence, Amy Syvertsen, Laura Wray-Lake, Constance Flanagan, Wayne Osgood, and Laine Briddell analyzed annual survey data collected as part of the Monitoring the Future Survey to trace high school seniors’ (age 17-19) civic and political participation from 1976 through 2005 . The results confirmed the Read More >
Justice O’Connor and Senator Graham on the Link between Civic Engagement and Employment
Back in September, we released a report entitled Civic Health and Unemployment: Can Engagement Strengthen the Economy? along with National Conference on Citizenship and other partners. It was based on an analysis of all 50 states and 50 major metro areas and found that their levels of civic engagement before the recession strongly predicted how Read More >
Transforming Undergraduate Education: Theory that Compels and Practices that Succeed
Donald Harward, former president of Bates College and now director of Bringing Theory to Practice (BTtoP), has edited a newly released book about undergraduate education. The 41 authors tackle the interrelated problems that students often disengage from learning, professors are alienated from teaching, and students are disconnected from communities in ways that harm them psychologically. Read More >
How Do We Create Culturally Competent Civic Engagement Strategies For Young Activists?
Earlier this fall, Egyptian student leaders visited CIRCLE to learn more about civic engagement and political mobilization. One question that arose from the discussion was how to get people mobilized when the government does not support public participation. The community organizing literature suggests that there are multiple methods of mobilizing people for social and civic Read More >
Civic Engagement among Registered Citizens and Non-Registered Eligible Citizens
Recently, we received a question regarding the political and civic engagement of registered versus non-registered citizens. Based on statistics from the November 2010 Current Population Survey, we found that generally, eligible registered voters are more likely to engage in various civic and political activities than those who are not registered. For instance: those who are Read More >
Critical Consciousness Motivates Voting Among Poor and Working Class Youth
Matthew A. Diemer and Cheng-Hsien Li of Michigan State University have completed a new study, forthcoming in Child Development, that finds low-income youth are more apt to vote if they are engaged in political activism and influenced by friends and family. The research was funded by the National Academy of Education and a Spencer Foundation Read More >
Civic Health and Unemployment: Can Engagement Strengthen the Economy?
Released today at the 66th Annual National Conference on Citizenship in Philadelphia is a new report entitled Civic Health and Unemployment: Can Engagement Strengthen the Economy? CIRCLE is a co-sponsor of the report and played an important role in conducting the analysis. The report finds that levels of civic engagement in 2006 and 2008 strongly Read More >
Guardian of Democracy: Successor Report to the Civic Mission of Schools
In 2003, CIRCLE and Carnegie Corporation of New York jointly produced an important report entitled The Civic Mission of Schools that was widely covered in the press and launched the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, the nation’s leading advocacy campaign in civics. Today, the Campaign has issued a successor report (to which CIRCLE Read More >
New Book: Teaching America: The Case for Civic Education
Teaching America is a new book organized and edited by David Feith with chapters by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Senators Kyl and Graham, former Education Secretary Rod Paige, “Instapundit” Glenn Reynolds, and more than a dozen other authors. I contribute the last chapter, “Letter to Persident Obama: A Policy Approach for the Federal Government.” As Read More >
9/11 Now in Textbooks and Standards
9/11 now in Textbooks and Standards Many states require teaching it, but textbook treatments are cursory, and state standards require only basic information Washington State and Vermont standards more substantive Tisch College, Tufts University, Medford/Somerville, Mass.: The attacks of 9/11/01 happened ten years ago, when a typical fifth-grader was an infant. But the attacks are Read More >
Civic Engagement and Youth Leadership in Post-Revolution Egypt
Yesterday, CIRCLE met with a delegation of 10 students and youth leaders from various universities in Egypt to explore the significance of political and civic engagement of youth in the U.S., and to examine the roles of schools and civic organization in fostering political and civic engagement of youth leaders. Several topics were discussed during Read More >
The Benefits of Volunteering – What We Know
Our goal is to study how and why young people engage in a range of civic acts, including volunteering, belonging to groups, and voting, and what benefits result from engaging in those ways. We recently received the following questions related to the benefits of volunteering: a) Do young people who volunteer have higher academic performance? Read More >
religious service attendance
You ask, we answer. I was asked yesterday about recent changes in the frequency of religious service attendance among young Americans. In general, participating in religious congregations correlates with civic engagement (see CIRCLE’s fact sheets on Religious Service Attendance and Civic Engagement Among 15 to 25 Year Olds and Young People of Faith More likely Read More >
Special Issue of Liberal Education
The most recent issue of Liberal Education (a journal of the American Association of Colleges and Universities) is devoted to “Civic Engagement and Psychosocial Well-Being” (vol. 97, no 2). It includes an article by CIRCLE director Peter Levine entitled “What Do We Know about Civic Engagement?” Former CIRCLE advisory board member and frequent collaborator Barry Read More >
July 2011 Edition of CIRCLE’s Quarterly Newsletter Available
The July edition (v8. i3) of CIRCLE’s quarterly newsletter, Around the CIRCLE, can be downloaded from here. The newsletter includes a variety of articles including: Five Strategies to Revive Civic Communication New Census Data Confirm African American and Asian American Youth Increased Their Turnout Rates in 2010 Midterms How do State Election Policies Affect Youth Read More >
A Closer Look at African-American Turnout
African-American turnout was remarkably high in 2008, and that fact received considerable attention. The turnout of African-Americans in 2010 was notably lower, and African-American turnout declined more than white turnout did between 2008 and 2010. According to the Census Current Population Survey, African-American* citizens over the age of 18 were 4.6 percentage points less likely Read More >
the Frontiers of Democracy Conference
The “Frontiers” conference took place at Tufts on July 21-23. We hadn’t invited many individuals or even advertised the conference widely, but 117 people attended, ranging from high school and college students to senior professors and CEOs of important civic organizations. They came from as far as Germany, California, and Forida. As I said at Read More >
CIRCLE in the news
Here is a roundup of some recent news articles citing CIRCLE: In an article about voter ID requirements, CIRCLE’s Abby Kiesa says, “‘There’s a huge gap in the research right now’ concerning how many college students lack the proper identification to register to vote … But, she wrote in an e-mail, ‘regardless of the effects Read More >
Black Youth Civic Engagement
I am at the Open Society Foundation in Washington, DC for a convening on Black Youth Civic Engagement, which has drawn many of the leading experts and activists on African American young people and politics. The CIRCLE PowerPoint that I presented provides an overview of this issue from our perspective. African American Youth Here is Read More >
Around the CIRCLE: V8.I2 Available
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication, Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: The Internet’s Role in Making Engaged Citizens New CIRCLE Fact Sheet Shows Youth Volunteering Rates on Decline After 2005 Peak The Importance of Civic Culture: Comparing Miami and Minneapolis-St.Paul New Reports on the Civic Health of Read More >
Action Civics
CIRCLE is part of the National Action Civics Collaborative and helped to organize the first Action Civics Conference on June 10-11 in Chicago. According to the Action Civics Declaration: Action Civics is an iterative process typically comprised of issue identification, research, constituency building, action, and reflection. The process is integral to building the skills, developing Read More >
African-American College Students in 2008 and 2010
If you asked a casual observer of American politics who Barack Obama’s most ardent supporters were in 2008, they would likely have identified two groups: African-Americans and college students. So it’s no surprise that African-American college students turned out to vote in 2008 at their highest rate in decades: Turnout had been rising steadily for Read More >
Featured: Five Strategies to Revive Civic Communication
Civic Engagement and Community Information: Five Strategies to Revive Civic Communication, is a new policy paper by CIRCLE Director, Peter Levine. It was released on June 10, 2011 in Chicago at a high-level roundtable discussion. The report calls on community and elected leaders to adopt sensible strategies to strengthen civic communication and citizen engagement. The Read More >
Why Looking Locally is Important
At CIRCLE, we study the civic engagement of young people– most often on a national scale – because accessing data with civic outcomes which is representative at all geographic levels is often difficult. We’ve done work on how federal policy can play a role in engaging Americans nationwide, but understand that learning from case studies Read More >
2010 College Student Voting – Part 2
While youth voter turnout does vary greatly by educational experience, there is a difference even within any given education grouping. For example, our 2010 election fact sheet explains that if we break-down college students by race/ethnicity, voter turnout looked like the following*: 29.6% Black college students 27.4% White college students 22.7% Hispanic college students You Read More >
Non-College Youth Voting in the States
In every state, young Americans without college experience – about half of the young population – were much less likely to vote in 2010 than their peers with college experience. Since educational attainment is a good measure of social class, low turnout by youths with no college experience makes our electorate less representative. This, however, doesn’t tell the Read More >
Youth Unemployment and Civic Engagement
It’s hard to ignore the rhetoric in newspapers these days about youth, especially the wealth of articles about college graduations and the economy grads are entering into. As the economy gets better, more and more youth are being described as “freeloaders,” narcissistic,” and “slackers.” I don’t think that’s a fair assessment of who youth are. Read More >
2010 College Student Voting – Part 1
We’ve shown how youth voting differs a great deal by education level. In April CIRCLE calculated the 2010 youth voter turnout using the newly-released Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data. The analysis included estimates by educational experience, showing dramatic differences. A 16 percentage point gap separates the turnout of those with college experience from those Read More >
2008 set the record for first-time voters
CIRCLE was recently asked whether more first-time voters participated in 2008 than ever before. The answer seems to be yes: We are not able to calculate these figures for years before 1984, but the growth in the adult population has been sufficient that it is extremely unlikely that more than 14.6 million first-time voters ever Read More >
Justice Souter at CIRCLE
On May 16, U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter (retired) and Susan Leahy, the president of the New Hampshire Supreme Court Society, visited CIRCLE’s offices at Tufts University to discuss civic education in New Hampshire. Justice Souter has written and spoken publicly about the need to revive civic education in order to protect constitutional principles—including Read More >
The New Group of Potential Youth Voters
In 2010 there were approximately 4,579,000 17-year olds, according to Census data, analyzed by CIRCLE. Divided by 365 days, that means that roughly 12,500 young people turn 18 each day. To put this number into perspective, there were 45.5 million citizens between 18-30 in 2010. This new group of potential voters could make a difference Read More >
Why Young People Don’t Vote
This graph (using Census survey data from 2010) presents an interesting contrast: College students are much more likely to cite being out of town or away from home as the reason they didn’t vote. That make sense: they tend to live away. Their peers who are not in college are somewhat more likely to cite Read More >
Young People and the Osama bin Laden News
Yesterday, I was on KCBS radio news in San Francisco discussing why spontaneous public celebrations of the death of Osama bin Laden seem to draw mainly young adults. (A typical headline is this, from the New York Times: “9/11 Inspires Student Patriotism and Celebration.”) Given the format of drive-time radio news, I just had time Read More >
Some Surprising Results from the 2010 NAEP Civics Assessment
The headline in The New York Times says: Failing Grades on Civics Exam Called a ‘Crisis’. Whether that’s how you read the data is a matter of opinion, but I can shed a little light on the source. The National Assessment in Educational Progress in Civics is our best measure of what students know about Read More >
Youth Volunteering Rate Much Higher than in the 1970s and ’80s
At CIRCLE, we often receive questions about the youth volunteering rate today compared to past generations. The following graph, based on Census data, shows that young people are considerably more likely to volunteer than they were in 1989 or 1974, two years when the Census Current Population Survey included a volunteering question that has also Read More >
Not Quite Adults
Richard Settersten and Barbara E. Ray have published Not Quite Adults: Why 20-Somethings Are Choosing a Slower Path to Adulthood and Why It’s Good for Everyone (Bantam 2010). Their book is a product of the MacArthur Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood and Public Policy, an ambitious collaborative project that also yielded, among many other Read More >
College Students Expect Service, Study Abroad, and Extracurricular Clubs but Report Stress and Low Emotional Health
Using data from the College Freshman Survey of the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI), John H. Pryor reports that incoming college freshmen are increasingly likely to expect that they will participate directly in extracurricular activities, community service, and foreign study–all experiences that have civic purposes and benefits. But the same study also shows that incoming Read More >
State Civic Health Reports are Uncovering Inequality and Pushing Conversations about Community Involvement
This past fall, 17 states each released their own versions of a Civic Health Index (CHI) with the assistance and support of the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) and CIRCLE. For the majority of these states, theirs was the first report of its kind, assessing levels of civic involvement among all residents and various demographic Read More >
Do Interactions with the Criminal Justice System have Civic Effects?
CIRCLE focuses on the half of the youth population without college experience. For many youth in low-income communities, the criminal justice system has significant effects on everyday life. Because of a lack of data, it is difficult to understand the civic effects of interactions with the criminal justice system. The following article highlights what research Read More >
New Reports on the Civic Health of PA, MD, NY, OK, IL and Chicago Show Age Gaps in Civic Engagement
The last issue of Around the CIRCLE summarized reports on the civic health of Missouri, Arizona, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, California and the Greater Seattle metropolitan area. Since then, reports on the civic health of Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, Oklahoma, Illinois, and the Chicagoland region have been released.1 These reports, produced by the National Conference Read More >
What is the role of public education in youth civic engagement? [Video]
On March 17th CIRCLE’s director, Peter Levine, participated in a panel at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, sponsored by the Developmental Psychology department. The panel addressed the role of public education in youth civic engagement. Below you will find Peter’s comments, comments from other panelists can be found here.
Make Voting Fun?
Several scholars asked this question in 2005 and 2006 as they experimented with election-day festivals as a tool to increase voter turnout.[1] Festivals may seem a foreign concept to some who have only experienced rather sedate election days. But the voting experience used to be far more social (for men, at least) than it is Read More >
Official Youth Turnout Rate in 2010 was 24%
New Census Data Confirm African American and Asian Youth Increased Their Turnout Rates in 2010 Midterms Youth Turnout Overall Similar to Past Midterm Elections Interviews with Experts Available; Contact Sarah Shugars at 617-627-2029 or Sarah.Shugars@tufts.edu Tisch College, Medford/Somerville, Mass. — An estimated 24% of young people (ages 18-29) voted in the 2010 midterm elections, according Read More >
Civic Education in the Federal Budget
(CIRCLE staff have begun to blog on our homepage, providing regular snippets of information from our own research and others in the field.) Today, we learned the following about the budget deal negotiated by the White House and Congress: Learn & Serve America, the program within the Corporation for National and Community Service that funds Read More >
The Effects of Institutional Culture on Leadership Education at Tufts University
A new book edited by Nicholas V. Longo and Cynthia Gibson, entitled From Command to Community: A New Approach to Leadership Education in College and Universities (Tufts University Press, 2011), explores the intersection of leadership education and civic education in twelve wide-ranging chapters. Chapter 8, by Elizabeth Hollander, Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, Peter Levine, Duncan Pickard, and Read More >
The Internet’s Role in Making Engaged Citizens
This first-of-its-kind study, which was partially funded by CIRCLE, examined three types of behavior: politically-driven online participation, online exposure to diverse perspectives, and interest-driven online participation. Youth who pursue their interest on the Internet are more likely to be engaged in civic and political issues, according to the study of student Internet usage authored by Read More >
Jan/Feb e-update
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. A Tale of Two Cities: Civic Engagement in Minneapolis-St.Paul and Miami On January 24 in Miami, the National Conference on Citizenship and its Florida and Minnesota partners released a report entitled Tale of Two Cities: Civic Health in Miami and Minneapolis-St.Paul. The report finds that individuals Read More >
FEATURED: Youth Volunteering in the States: 2002 to 2009
The volunteering rate among Americans of high-school age (16-18) hit its peak in 2005, at 33%, but has since declined to 27-29% for the past four years, according to the new CIRCLE fact sheet “Youth Volunteering in the States: 2002 to 2009.” This fact sheet provides rates of volunteering for teenagers and young adults by state in 2002 through 2009. It also summarizes state policies relevant to youth volunteering.
A Tale of Two Cities: Civic Engagement in Minneapolis-St. Paul and Miami
On January 24 in Miami, the National Conference on Citizenship and its Florida and Minnesota partners released a report entitled Tale of Two Cities: Civic Heath in Miami and Minneapolis-St. Paul. Miami is the least civically engaged major city in the country, and Minneapolis-St. Paul is the most engaged metropolitan area. In both communities (as Read More >
2010 Reports Present Strengths and Weaknesses of States’ Civic Health
In September 2010, the National Conference on Citizenship and the Corporation for National and Community Service produced the first Civic Health Assessment. Thirteen states and four cities signed on to complete individualized civic health reports in 2010; CIRCLE contributed to the analysis of the state-specific data. Missouri, Arizona, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, California all produced Read More >
CIRCLE’s Work on the Civic Engagement of Non-College Youth: A summary
The following gives a summary of this work and a brief overview of the findings regarding non-college youth. CIRCLE’s current work on non-college youth is divided into four areas: analysis of national surveys, focus groups with non-college youth, partnerships with organizations working with non-college youth, and finally, an agenda-setting convening of organizations working with non-college Read More >
Civic Skills and Federal Policy
On April 29, 2010, scholars, civic leaders, and federal officials met in Washington to develop a federal policy agenda for civic skills. The conference was convened by CIRCLE at Tufts University’s Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service. It was co-sponsored by the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools and Strengthening Our Read More >
January 2011 Edition of CIRCLE’s Quarterly Newsletter Available
The January edition (v8.i1) of CIRCLE’s quarterly newsletter, Around the CIRCLE, can now be downloaded. Enclosed is a special report entitled “Civic Skills and Federal Policy.”
E-Update December 2010
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Young Voters in the 2010 Election An estimated 22.8 percent of all eligible young people ages 18-29 voted in the 2010 midterms. Younger voters chose Democratic House candidates over Republican House candidates by a margin of 55%-42%. By a 62%-38% margin, younger voters approved of Barack Read More >
Reweighted Exit Poll Data Suggest Youth Turnout May Have Reached 22.8%
Immediately after the November elections, using the National Election Pool, national exit poll by Edison Research, Census demographic data, and the number of ballots cast nationally, CIRCLE estimated youth turnout to be 20-21 percent. On November 15, CIRCLE received adjusted (“reweighted”) exit poll data from Edison Research. The new data suggest that young voters represented Read More >
Youth Voters in the 2010 Elections
Younger Voters Were Racially Diverse, Voted Democratic, and Approved of President Obama Mostly a Subset of the 2008 Electorate, they Held Mixed Views of What to Do About the Economy New Exit Poll Analysis Released today by the Generational Alliance and CIRCLE Tisch College of Citizenship, Tufts University — Today, CIRCLE and the Generational Alliance Read More >
Revised CIRCLE Youth Turnout Estimate: 20.9%
On November 3, CIRCLE released a preliminary estimate of youth turnout (the voting rate among all citizens between the ages of 18 and 29): 20.4%. In other words, about one in five young citizens voted. Our estimate was based, in part, on the number of ballots that were cast. As additional ballots have been recorded, Read More >
Youth Turnout About 20%, Comparable to Recent Midterm Years
Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, Medford, MA – An estimated 20.4 percent of young Americans under the age of 30 voted in Tuesday’s midterm elections, compared to 23.5 percent in the last midterm election (2006). The change in the turnout rate is outside the margin of error (+/-2%), according to Tufts Read More >
Young Adults Represented 11% of Voters, According to Final Exit Polls
Young Adults (age 18-29) represented 11% of all voters in the 2010 midterm elections, according to the National Exit Poll conducted by Edison Mitofsky Research. Young adults were 12% of voters in 2006 and 11% in 2002. The preliminary Exit Poll estimate of youth share was raised after first official reports in the media last Read More >
Young Adults (age 18-29) Represented 9-10% of All Voters, According to Preliminary Exit Poll Data. They Were 12% of Voters in 2006
Youth Voter Turnout Estimates to be Available From CIRCLE Tomorrow Experts to Offer Youth Vote Analysis of Midterm Election Results On Press Conference Call Briefing, Wed., 10 am ET Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, Medford, MA – Youth represented 9%-10% of all voters, compared to 12% in 2006, according to the Read More >
FEATURED: Voter Registration Among Young People in 2008
The new CIRCLE fact sheet “Voter Registration Among Young People in 2008” presents detailed information on registration rates among young people, broken down by racial and ethnic groups, differences in educational background, married and unmarried individuals, urbanicity, and state-by-state information.
FEATURED: Voter Turnout Among Young Women and Men in the 2008 Presidential Election
The new CIRCLE fact sheet “Voter Turnout Among Young Women and Men in the 2008 Presidential Election” presents information on voter turnout for women and men with detailed information about racial and ethnic groups, differences in educational background and married and unmarried individuals.
FEATURED: The Minority Youth Vote in the 2008 Presidential Election
With the midterms less than a week away, turnout among young people is an important factor. According to CIRCLE’s new fact sheet “The Minority Youth Vote in the 2008 Presidential Election” youth voter turnout increased for young people of all races between the 2004 and 2008 elections, with the exception of young white voters, whose turnout remained unchanged.
Examples of Organizations Engaging Young People in the 2010 Midterm Elections
This article presents examples of just a few of the many organizations that are investing time and energy in reaching out to young people to encourage them to vote in the 2010 midterm elections. Many of these organizations rely on peer-to-peer canvassing to reach potential voters, a strategy that research suggests can increase turnout among Read More >
CIRCLE Works with NCoC to Produce State-Level Reports on Civic Engagement
The first Civic Health Assessment, “Civic Life in America: Key Findings on the Civic Health of the Nation” was released on September 16. Download the article here.
CIRCLE Hosts a Gathering for Organizations Working with Non-College Attending Youth
On June 14-16, CIRCLE met with 12 organizations that work directly with young adults (age 18-29) who have never attended college. All of these groups engage their participants in civic or political work. The meeting was intended to learn from each others work, identify possible collaborations and inform current research. Download the article here.
New book: Handbook of Research on Civic Engagement and Youth
Broad in its coverage of topics, this book supports scholars, philanthropists, business leaders, government officials, teachers, parents, and community practitioners in their drive to engage more young people in community and civic actions. Thirteen of the authors are present or former CIRCLE grantees, board members, or staff. Download the article here.
October 2010 Edition of CIRCLE’s Quarterly Newsletter Available
The October edition (V7.i4) of CIRCLE’s quarterly newsletter, Around the CIRCLE, is now available.
FEATURED: Will Young Voters Turn Out for the 2010 Election?
The volatile turnout of young people will be an important factor in the midterm elections, less than two months away. A new CIRCLE Fact Sheet on youth voter turnout by state provides historical perspective on the upcoming election.
FEATURED: Extracurricular Activities May Increase Likelihood of Voting
CIRCLE Working Paper #73 finds that participation in extracurricular activities, in general, promotes voting, though some activities (notably, some sports) decrease it.
FEATURED: The Classroom-Kitchen Table Connection: The Effects of Political Discussion on Youth Knowledge and Efficacy
CIRCLE Working Paper #72 addresses whether efforts to systematically incorporate media into school curricula increases several elements of civic engagement, including students’ media use, political knowledge or their sense of being able to understand and influence politics (internal political efficacy)
FEATURED: Youth Attitudes Toward Civility in Politics
In a recent report entitled, Nastiness, Name-calling & Negativity: The Allegheny College Survey of Civility and Compromise in American Politics, the authors found that average citizens are upset about incivility, although they differ by ideology, gender, and media use. “CIRCLE Working Paper #71″ focuses on the newest generation of voters,
The “Forgotten Half”: Education Disparities in Youth Voter Turnout
While young Americans with college experience continue to be more likely to vote than those who don’t attend college, there are effective strategies and initiatives to help bridge this gap, according to new research released by the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE).
’08 Primary: Summary
Youth turnout has been much higher in the 2008 primaries than in recent years. In some states, youth turnout has tripled or quadrupled. More than three million young Americans voted on Super Tuesday. Please see CIRCLE fact sheets on primary results so far: “National” results for Super Tuesday (with youth voter information from all Super Read More >
State 2009 Civic Health Report Reflect Unique Characteristics among States
Through partnerships with local universities and nonprofits, the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) expanded America’s Civic Health Index in 2009 by providing localized data in state specific indices, including California, Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Ohio. CIRCLE contributed in the analysis of the state-specific data. Download the article here.
CIRCLE’s Social Media Experiments
CIRCLE is involved with two experiments that combine social media and civic engagement. One project, called BLink, is designed to “link organizations, issues, and people in the Greater Boston Area for social change.” BLink is an open network, usable by college students and anyone else in the community to support their volunteering and activism. The Read More >
Four Youth Organizations that are Working to Build Civic Skills
In 2003, CIRCLE published work by Dr. Mary Kirlin, who conducted a comprehensive literature search for measures of civic skills among young people. This search led her to split “civic skills” into four major categories: collective decision-making, critical thinking, organization and communication. The following article provides examples for how today’s youth organizations are trying to Read More >
Millennials Talk Politics: Clues for Further Engagement
In November 2007, CIRCLE released a major new report on college students’ political engagement entitled Millennials Talk Politics (MTP), based on 47 focus groups on 12 four year campuses across the country. This ‘Research to Practice’ article provides concrete examples of how MTP has been used by students, college professors, and college administrators to encourage Read More >
Young Voters in the Midterm Elections
Interested in facts about young voters in the midterm elections? CIRCLE has a variety of fact sheets showing youth participation in past midterm elections.graph
July 2010 Edition of CIRCLE’s Quarterly Newsletter Available
The July edition (V7.i3) of CIRCLE’s quarterly newsletter. Around the CIRCLE, can be downloaded from here. The newsletter includes a variety of articles including: Federal Policy and Civic Skills Schoolwide Civic Intervention May Help to Increase Community Participation Among Students of All Backgrounds CIRCLE’s Social Media Experiments State 2009 Civic Health Reports Reflect Unique Characteristics Read More >
Federal Policy and Civic Skills
CIRCLE releases a new fact sheet entitled “Civic Skills and Federal Policy” (PDF). The fact sheet notes that citizens can improve their communities, the government, and the nation through active civic engagement and collaboration. To do so requires skills. Educational programs and other government-supported initiatives have been shown to enhance Americans’ civic skills and their levels of engagement. But these programs and other opportunities are scarce and unequal, often provided to people who are already the most likely to be engaged.
The Civic Mission of Schools: A Review of the Research
In February of 2003, Carnegie Corporation of New York and CIRCLE issued a major report on the state of K-12 civic education, The Civic Mission of Schools (CMS). Seven years later, the report continues to inspire a well defined research agenda and an advocacy campaign by the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools and Read More >
Returning Veterans Continue Service Stateside
These organizations support young veterans’ healthy transition to civilian life. This article focuses on just a few of the many organizations that are connecting returning service members to volunteer opportunities. Download the article here.
Director Peter Levine Discusses the Implications of the Youth Vote for Conservatives
CIRCLE director Peter Levine discusses the fact that youth enthusiasm for President Obama in the past election does not guarantee continued faith in the Democratic Party among youth. Download the article here.
CIRCLE conference on Federal Policy and Civic Skills
At the National Press Club, April 29, 2010 Co-sponsored by the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools and Strengthening Our Nation’s Democracy Agenda 10-11:30am – Welcome and Opening Overview Panel Shirley Sagawa, former managing director of the Corporation for National and Community Service and fellow, Center for American Progress Michael Delli Carpini, Dean of Read More >
Young people of faith more likely to be engaged than non-religious counterparts
April 2010 Using data from the 2008 American National Election Studies (ANES), this fact sheet explores the religious demographics of the Millenials (18-29). Through the lens of religious affiliation, this report examines the ways in which young Americans participate in politics and in their communities. A special focus is given to young Evangelical Christians, a Read More >
April 2010 Edition of CIRCLE’s Quarterly Newsletter Available
The April edition (v7. i2) of CIRCLE’s quarterly newsletter, Around the CIRCLE, can be downloaded from here. The newsletter includes a variety of articles including: The Civic Mission of Schools: A Review of the Research Evaluation of Large Urban School District Shows Schools Can Increase Civic Engagement Massachusetts Senate Election: Youth Turnout Was Just 15, Read More >
FEATURED: Schoolwide Civic Intervention May Help to Increase Community Service Participation Among Students of All Backgrounds
By Hugh McIntosh, Sheldon Berman, and James Youniss March 2010 “CIRCLE Working Paper #70” describes a five-year evaluation of a high school program designed to encourage schoolwide democratic deliberation. The intervention involved, in part, organizing the school into clusters of 100 to 150 students that met for one hour each week to discuss governance and Read More >
Civic Pathways Webinar
About half of young Americans have never attended college. They are less than half as likely to vote and to volunteer as their college-educated peers. These youth have few opportunities to develop civic skills and interests. Drawing on a white paper published by PACE-Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement in October, 2009, An Inequitable Invitation to Read More >
Massachusetts Senate Election: Youth Turnout Was Just 15%, Compared to 57% for Older Citizens; Young Voters Favored Coakley
Interviews with Experts Available; Contact David Roscow at 703-276-2772 x21 or dave@tricomassociates.com Tisch College, Medford/Somerville, Mass – In the special election for Massachusetts Senator, young voters (age 18-29) preferred Democrat Martha Coakley over Republican Scott Brown by 58%-40% (with 2% for other candidates), according to a survey of 1,000 voters conducted on January 19, by Read More >
Practitioner Experiences of Election/Same-Day Registration and the Youth Vote
This article uses CIRCLE’s recent fact sheet on state election laws to approach the topic from a different angle: the experience of Election-Day registration on the ground. Download the article here.
January 2010 Edition of CIRCLE’s Quarterly Newsletter Available
The January edition (v7. i1) of CIRCLE’s quarterly newsletter, Around the CIRCLE, can be downloaded from here. The newsletter includes a variety of articles including: Volunteering Eases Return to Civilian Life for Young Veterans Volunteering Among Non-College Youth and Youth of Immigrant Origin Youth Turnout Down in New Jersey, About the Same in Virginia, Compared Read More >
Has NCLB Narrowed School Curricula?
A new CIRCLE report shows that despite public belief to the contrary, pressures from the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) are not causing schools to shift away from teaching social studies, liberal arts, and sciences. In fact, at the middle and high school levels, curricula have remained constant and in some cases expanded since Read More >
CIRCLE Designs and Analyzes 2008 Civic Health Index
Designed and analyzed by CIRCLE, the 2008 Civic Health Index is an annual comprehensive assessment of attitudes, behaviors, and actions of Americans on civic activities including politics, volunteering, community action, and others. The survey provides a wealth of information about Americans’ civic participation. Among other things, the survey found that citizens were heavily engaged in Read More >
Political Engagement After the Election: What’s Next?
Millions of youth were mobilized in the 2008 election cycle. Youth voter participation increased by at least 3.4 million young people compared to 2004. Moreover, youth were a constituency that was targeted by numerous campaigns, and many young people actively worked to elect the candidate of their choice.However, a resulting question that has been asked Read More >
FEATURED: Predicting Civic Engagement in Urban High School Students
by Hugh McIntosh & Marco A. Muñoz December 2009 In Working Paper #69, the authors examine the civic engagement outcomes that Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) in Louisville, KY, has chosen to promote in its students. Using a large sample in an urban school district, the study finds that the most important predictors of youth Read More >
Volunteering Eases Return to Civilian Life for Young Veterans
November 2009 Tisch College, Medford/Somerville, Mass. – Recent veterans who have volunteered since returning to the United States show a better adjustment to civilian life than their fellow returned servicemen and women who have not volunteered, according to a new report issued in time for Veterans Day. The report shows that volunteering helps bolster ties Read More >
FEATURED: Spiral of Rebellion: Conflict Seeking of Democratic Adolescents in Republican Counties
by Michael McDevitt November 2009 A study of adolescents living in red and blue counties during the 2006 midterm elections shows a striking pattern of Democratic youth thriving in political expression and debate when exposed to Republican ideological climates. Democratic adolescents were more likely to talk with parents and friends about politics, disagree openly, test Read More >
Youth Turnout Down in New Jersey, About the Same in Virginia, Compared to Past Gubernatorial Elections
Turnout of Voters Under Age 30 is 19% in New Jersey, 17% in Virginia, and 12% in New York City Interviews with Experts Available; Contact David Roscow at 703-276-2772 x14 or kathleen@tricomassociates.com Tisch College, Medford/Somerville, Mass. – Young voters played a major role in the 2008 presidential election, but less so in 2009. In the Read More >
Civic Education Boosts 21st-Century Skills
According to a new paper by Judith Torney-Purta and Britt S.Wilkenfeld, “Civic education, especially when it is interactive and involves discussion of current issues, is an important way to develop the skills that young Americans need to succeed in the 21st Century workforce. Students who experience interactive discussion-based civic education (either by itself or in Read More >
Peter Levine at Birmingham-Southern
CIRCLE Director Peter Levine will give a keynote talk at “Lifetime of Learning: A Conference on Service-Learning, Civic Responsibility & Higher Education,” Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, AL
FEATURED: Civic Engagement and Educational Progress in Young Adulthood
by Andrea Finlay and Connie Flanagan September 2009 In CIRCLE working paper (#67) and factsheet “Civic Engagement and Educational Progress in Young Adulthood”, the authors find that young adults (those between the ages of 16 and 30 at baseline) who make academic progress over a four-year period are also more likely to participate in civic Read More >
FEATURED: New CIRCLE working paper shows college students respond strongly to an in-person drive; choose to vote “back home” in swing states.
By Kim Castle, Janice Levy, and Michael Peshkin October 2009 In CIRCLE working paper (#66), authors Kim Castle, Janice Levy and Michael Peshkin assess the outcomes of an in-person campus drive in which students were offered a choice of college-state voting in Illinois, or home-state voting by absentee ballot. The study found that the great Read More >
The Internet and Civic Outcomes: Notes from the Field
To better understand how young people without college experience are using the internet and technology, we interviewed staff from YouthBuild USA, an adult learning center in Vermont, a county correctional facility in Pennsylvania, and a community-based arts and education center in Kentucky. While all four organizations used the internet or technology for educational purposes, they Read More >
Immigrant Youth Less Likely to Volunteer
September 2009 Young people who have immigrated to the United States or whose parents were born outside the U.S. are far less likely to volunteer than youth of U.S.-born parents, according to a new CIRCLE Fact Sheet. This cohort represents the fastest growing portion of the youth population. 22 percent of youth with U.S.-born parents Read More >
National Conference on Citizenship 2009 Civic Health Index finds civic engagement under stress in the recession
The National Conference on Citizenship has released its annual Civic Health Index report for 2009, entitled Civic Health in Hard Times (pdf). As in past years, CIRCLE contributed to the design and analysis of the national survey that was the basis of the study and helped with the writing of the report. In addition to Read More >
Archived Newsletters
Archived Newsletter Pages from v3i3.1.pdf c.3.i.1.6.pdf newletter.v3.i1.pdf v.1.i.3.4.pdf v.1.i.3.6.pdf v.2.i3.1.pdf v.2.i3.pdf v.3.i.1.1.pdf v.3.i.1.2.pdf v.3.i.1.3.pdf v.3.i.1.4.pdf v.3.i.1.5.pdf v.3.i.1.6.pdf v.3.i.1.7.pdf v.3.i.1.8.pdf v.3.i.1.9.pdf v.3.i.1.pdf v.3.i.2.1.pdf v.3.i.2.2.pdf v.3.i.2.3.pdf v.3.i.2.4.pdf v.3.i.2.5.pdf v.3.i.2.6.pdf v.3.i.2.7.pdf v1.i.3.2.pdf v1.i.3.3.pdf v1.i.3.5.pdf v1.i.3.pdf v1.i1.pdf v1.i2.pdf v1.i3.1.pdf v1i2.2.pdf v1i2.3.pdf v1i2.4.pdf v1i2.5.pdf v1i21.pdf v2.13.2.pdf v2.i2-2.pdf v2.i2-3.pdf v2.i2-4.pdf v2.i2-5.pdf v2.i2-6.pdf v2.i2-7.pdf v2.i2.pdf v2.i3. 7.pdf v2.i3.3.pdf v2.i3.4.pdf v2.i3.5.pdf v2.i3.6.pdf v2i2.1.pdf Read More >
FEATURED: New CIRCLE Working Paper on K12 Civic Education
by Myiah J. Hutchens & William P. Eveland, Jr. August 2009 In CIRCLE Working Paper #65, the authors examine the effects of exposure to various elements of a civics curriculum on civic participation, two forms of political knowledge, internal political efficacy, political cynicism, news elaboration, discussion elaboration and various forms of interpersonal and mediated political Read More >
Sept 2009 (v6.i2) Edition of Around the CIRCLE
A new edition of the CIRCLE quarterly newsletter is available here. If you do not currently receive hard copies of the CIRCLE newsletter and would like to please email Emily Kirby at Emily.Kirby@Tufts.edu. Articles: The Youth Vote 2008 The Changing Transition to Adulthood Millennials Most Progressive Generation in 50 years Considering the Role of Context Read More >
Youth without college education are less likely to volunteer: New CIRCLE report examines the correlation between college experience & volunteering
Tisch College, Tufts University —Despite the upward trend in youth volunteering, young adults with no college experience are half as likely to volunteer as their collegiate counterparts, according to a new report examining the relationship between youth volunteering and college experience. Roughly 43 percent of the 20-to-29-year-old population has not attended college. Download the fact Read More >
New Study Examines Impact of State Election Law Reforms on Young Voters
STATES HAVE THE POWER TO INCREASE YOUTH VOTER PARTICIPATION Election day Registration most Effective in Boosting Youth Voter Turnout Minneapolis, MN – With a record youth voter turnout in the 2008 election, allowing voters to register at the polls on Election Day was the most effective way to boost youth voter turnout according to a Read More >
New Book: Engaging Young People in Civic Life
Vanderbilt University Press has published Engaging Young People in Civic Life, edited by James Youniss and by Peter Levine, with a forward by former United States Representative Lee Hamilton. This book originated in a meeting organized by CIRCLE and funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York. Many of the chapters are informed by CIRCLE-funded research Read More >
Peter Levine at American Sociological Association
Peter Levine will participate in a Presidential Plenary Session at the American Sociological Association’s 104th Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California. The plenary session, Why Obama Won (and What that Says about Democracy and Change in America) is scheduled for Saturday, August 8, from 12:30pm – 2:10pm at the Hilton San Francisco
CIRCLE at National Conference on Volunteering and Service, San Francisco
CIRCLE will be represented at these two sessions Everybody Can Serve: Widening the Door to Volunteering Tuesday, June 23, 2009 from 3:30-6 PM Moscone West – Room 3001 CIRCLE speaker: Peter Levine Using social media to increase service-learning quality and reach (1158) Date and Time: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM CIRCLE Read More >
Peter Levine at Rhode Island civics summit
CIRCLE Director Peter Levine will give the keynote address at the Rhode Island Civic Education Summer Institute, Providence College, at 8:45 am.
FEATURED: New CIRCLE Working Paper on K12 Civic Education
by Britt Wilkenfeld June 2009 CIRCLE releases a new working paper (#64) “Does Context Matter? How the Family, Peer, School, and Neighborhood Contexts Relate to Adolescents’ Civic Engagement” Report Summary: A new CIRCLE Working Paper (#64) by Britt Wilkenfeld examines the effects of several systems of influence (schools, families, neighborhoods, etc) on civic outcomes. The Read More >
Abby Kiesa on panel about The Political Ideology of the Millennial Generation
Event information here.
New Census Data Confirm Increase in Youth Voter Turnout In 2008 Election
Youth Voter Turnout Rate Rose to 51.1 Percent, Third Highest Rate Ever: 2 Million More Young People Voted Than in 2004 The fact sheet on youth voter turnout and trends in 2008 and a 50-state breakdown can be downloaded here (PDF). The press release is here. Tisch College, Tufts University — Nearly two million more Read More >
Downward Trend in High School Volunteering
CIRCLE’s new fact sheet provides a 50-state breakdown of volunteering rates for teenagers, young adults, and the population over 25. Vermont, Utah & North Dakota show the highest rates; New York and Nevada among the lowest The fact sheet as a PDF The press release as a PDF Tisch College, Tufts University. – Fewer high Read More >
CIRCLE at AASCU American Democracy Project Meeting
Abby Kiesa and Emily Kirby will facilitate a workshop – The 2008 Election and College Students: What Happened and What We Can Do to Keep Students Engaged. http://www.aascu.org/meetings/adp09/
Civic Engagement of Non-College Attending Youth
April 2009 This slideshow summarizes CIRCLE’s research to date on non-college youth. (Scroll over to reveal navigation buttons, or use right arrow to advance.)
Diana Hess, Controversy in the Classroom
March 2009 University of Wisconsin Professor Diana Hess has published Controversy in the Classroom: The Democratic Power of Discussion (Routledge, 2009). The longitudinal study of high school students that is a major source of data for this book was partly funded by CIRCLE. Hess argues that planned, moderated discussions of controversial issues teach essential democratic Read More >
Peter Levine at AERA
CIRCLE director Peter Levine will speak on a presidential panel at the American Education Research Association in San Diego. The panel title is “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Democratic Citizenship, Civic Learning, and Youth Political Participation.”
Peter Levine at Harvard’s Askwith Forum
CIRCLE Director Peter Levine will speak at an Askwith Education Forum. The topic is “Keeping Hope Alive: Capitalizing on a New Era of Youth Civic Engagement”
The Millennial Pendulum
February 18, 2009 CIRCLE Director Peter Levine, along with Constance Flanagan and Les Gallay of Penn State University, authored a new report “The Millennial Pendulum: A New Generation of Voters and the Prospects for a Political Realignment.” The report was funded by the New American Foundation and was officially announced at an event on February Read More >
Peter Levine at New America Foundation
CIRCLE director Peter Levine presents a new paper on the Millennials’ political opinions at the New America Foundation: details.
Civic Engagement and the Changing Transition to Adulthood
January 2009 CIRCLE releases a new paper by Constance Flanagan, Peter Levine, and Richard Settersten entitled “Civic Engagement and the Changing Transition to Adulthood” (PDF). This study, funded by the Spencer Foundation, argues that life has changed dramatically for people in their 20s. Marriage, childbearing, financial independence, and other aspects of the “transition to adulthoood” Read More >
January 2009 (v6. i1) Edition of Around the CIRCLE
The January edition (v6. i1) of CIRCLE’s quarterly newsletter, Around the CIRCLE, can be downloaded from here. The newsletter includes a variety of articles including: Has “No Child Left Behind” Narrowed School Curricula? CIRCLE Designs and Analyzes the 2008 Civic Health Index A Closer Look at the 2008 Youth Vote Diversity and Equity in Civic Read More >
New CIRCLE Working Papers on Underrepresented Groups in Volunteer Service
December 2008 CIRCLE releases two new working papers on underrepresented groups in volunteer service. The papers were commissioned by the Corporation for National and Community Service. Click on the paper titles below to download. A summary of the research follows. * CIRCLE Working Paper 62 “Do Race, Ethnicity, Citizenship and Socio-economic Status Determine Civic-Engagement?” * Read More >
The k-12 Curriculum in the Era of NCLB
December 2008 Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, Medford, MA: Despite public belief to the contrary, schools are not shifting away from teaching social studies, liberal arts, and sciences directly because of the pressures of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), according to a new study released by Tisch College’s Center for Information Read More >
Turnout by Education, Race and Gender and Other 2008 Youth Voting Statistics
November 2008 Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, Medford, MA – Now that the dust has settled from a record turnout of young voters, new research reveals young Americans voted for Obama across party and racial lines, but youth with no college experience were underrepresented at the polls, according to Tisch College’s Read More >
Youth Turnout Rate Rises to at Least 52%
Youth Turnout Rate Rises to at Least 52% with 23 Million Voters Under 30 3.4 Million More Young People Vote than in 2004 Young Voters Account for at Least 60% of Overall Increase 18% of All Voters Were Young Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, Medford, MA – An estimated 23 million Read More >
Preliminary CIRCLE Projection: Youth Voter Turnout Up
About 22-24 Million Young Americans Go to the Polls: Up by at Least 2.2 Million from 2004 Young voters favor Obama over McCain 66% to 32%; 18% of all voters were young
National Exit Polls Report Youth Represented 18 Percent of Voters
Young voters favor Obama over McCain by 66% to 32%
Abby Kiesa at “After the Votes are Counted”
http://ase.tufts.edu/macc/events.htm#teachingdemoc Teaching for Democracy After the Votes are Counted November 17, 2008 | 10 am – 3 pm Rehm Library, Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Nov. 3 CIRCLE media alert
For Immediate Release November 3, 2008 Contact: David Roscow, 703-276-2772 x21 or Sarah Shugars, 617-627-2029 Media Alert/2008 Youth Voter Data Exit Polls to Show Only Youth Share of Voters CIRCLE to estimate Youth Turnout Early Wednesday, Nov. 5 Conference Call-in Press Briefing to Discuss 2008 Youth Vote, 2 PM ET, Nov. 5 To RSVP please Read More >
Peter Levine at Clark University
CIRCLE Director Peter Levine will speak on a Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise panel on the topic, “Policy Research in Hot Waters: When Politics, Ideology, and Evidence Collide.”
Peter Levine in Des Moines
CIRCLE Director Peter Levine will speak on “Service Learning and Civic Engagement: Connecting a New Generation.” This will be a keynote at an event sponsored by the Iowa Department of Education and others.
CIRCLE Youth Voter Election 2008 Resources & Data
As explained in this press release, CIRCLE expects to have estimates of the 2008 youth voter turnout available early on Nov. 5. Meanwhile, with the election two weeks away, CIRCLE releases data and analysis on youth voting: Our interactive map presents basic data on all 50 states. Our Quick Facts Sheet provides basic information on Read More >
CIRCLE Helps Plot New Youth Mapping Software
From November through January 2008, CIRCLE piloted new software for community-based research and service-learning in a Baltimore city public high school. The development of this software, called YouthMap, is funded by a Small Business Innovation Research contract with the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education through a grant to Community Knowledgebase, Read More >
Peter Levine in Austin, TX
Peter Levine will speak in the Texas State Capitol at a New Politics Forum “Campaign 2008 Presidential Election Debriefing” sponsored by the Annette Strauss Institute and UT Austin.
Peter Levine at Woodrow Wilson Center (DC)
The Division of United States Studies at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Taube Philanthropies invite you to attend the first in the Taube Discussion Series on American Values with keynote speaker Donna Shalala President, University of Miami, and former Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and commentators Moses Boyd Read More >
CIRCLE receives two grants from the Corporation for National and Community Service
The Corporation for National and Community Service announced a $570,000 grant to CIRCLE at the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Public Service at Tufts University. The grant will support CIRCLE in building an online community that college students throughout the greater Boston area will use to pool information, deliberate, and coordinate their service and activism. Read More >
National Poll Finds Support for Service, Deliberation, and Civic Education
CIRCLE designed and analyzed the 2008 Civic Health Index Poll for the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC), with input from the NCoC and its Civic Indicators Working Group. The survey was conducted in July by Peter D. Hart Research Associates with national samples of 1,000 respondents interviewed by telephone and 1000 surveyed online, plus large Read More >
CIRCLE Releases New Working Paper on How Adolescents Develop Trust
by Connie Flanagan and Leslie Gallay September 2008 CIRCLE releases a new working paper (#61) “Adolescent Development of Trust.”Below is a summary of the paper. Click here to download the report. Report Summary: Trust is often found to correlate with civic engagement. While there is a general belief that the foundations for trust develop prior Read More >
Peter Levine at Bates College
CIRCLE Director Peter Levine will speak at the The Harward Center Civic Forum on the topic, “What Happens on November 5th? Activating Citizenship (No Matter Who Wins)”
CIRCLE at National Conference on Citizenship
The 2008 National Conference on Citizenship, with a keynote speech by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, will feature the third annual “America’s Civic Health Index” report, written by CIRCLE and the NCoC. CIRCLE staff will attend. Click here to read the press release.
Peter Levine in Madison, WI
CIRCLE Director Peter Levine is the keynote speaker at a University of Wisconsin Extension conference intended for teachers. The subject is “Learning Opportunities: Teaching About Election 08 in K-12 Classrooms.” More information here.
FEATURED: Around the CIRCLE- V.5 I.3
A new edition of the CIRCLE quarterly newsletter is available here. If you do not currently receive hard copies of the CIRCLE newsletter and would like to please email Emily Kirby at Emily.Kirby@Tufts.edu. Articles: Civic Learning Online: Responding to the Generational Shift in Citizen Identity CIRCLE Joins the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Read More >
Peter Levine at SUNY Geneseo
CIRCLE director Peter Levine will speak on the topic, “Why Do We Need Broad Civic Engagement?” His talk is cosponsored by the Office of the Provost, Division of Student & Campus Life, American Democracy Project, Residence Life and GOLD. September 15, 1:45-2:45 pm, GOLD Leadership Center, MacVittie College Union, Room 114
CIRCLE joins the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service at Tufts University
CIRCLE (the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement) has moved to the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service at Tufts University, boosting both institutions’ strength in the field of youth civic and political engagement. CIRCLE and Tisch College are two of the nation’s leading organizations devoted to researching Read More >
Live Streaming Audio: Peter Levine Panelist at Public Forum on Service-Learning Research and Implications for Public Policy
SERVICE-LEARNING RESEARCH AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC POLICY: A PUBLIC FORUM FOR RESEARCHERS AND PRACTITIONERS INTERESTED IN SERVICE-LEARNING, CIVIC ENGAGEMENT, AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT The 2008 Service-Learning Works-in-Progress Seminar is presenting this public forum, which will feature a panel of nationally recognized youth, civic engagement and, service-learning researchers reflecting on the lessons they believe policy makers Read More >
FEATURED: Young Voters in the 2008 Primaries/Caucuses
June 2008 More than 6.5 million young people under the age of 30 participated in the 2008 primaries and caucuses. This marks a dramatic increase in youth voter turnout over the last comparable election cycle in 2000. In states where data is available for both the 2008 and 2000 primaries, the national youth turnout rate Read More >
Karlo Marcelo speaks at “Youth: The Real Future of the South.”
Karlo Barrios Marcelo will speak at 11:00am on Monday, June 1st, at the Southern Growth Policy Board’s 36th Annual Conference in Little Rock, AR. More information about the conference is here: http://www.southern.org/conference/agenda.shtml
FEATURED: CIRCLE Working Paper 60: The Informed Political Participation of Young Canadians and Americans
by Henry Milner May 2008 Political knowledge is an important precondition of voting and other forms of political participation. Both knowledge and participation have declined among young people in many industrialized democracies. Comparative analysis is important for understanding the causes of these declines and proposing reforms. This paper is based on the results of CIRCLE’s Read More >
Immigrant Youth & Civic Engagement
Applied Development Science has published a special issue on immigrant civic engagement. Two articles are by CIRCLE staff and three other articles are the products of CIRCLE grants. “Immigrant Civic Engagement: New Translations” by Lene Arnett Jensen and Constance A. Flanagan “South Florida’s Immigrant Youth and Civic Engagement: Major Engagement: Minor Differences” by Alex Stepick, Read More >
CIRCLE is Hiring: Lead Researcher Position Available
CIRCLE is hiring for the position of Lead Researcher. In July of 2008, CIRCLE will become part of the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service at Tufts University. The Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service prepares students in all fields of study for lifetimes of active citizenship, promotes new Read More >
CIRCLE at Service-Learning Emerging Scholars Works-in-Progress Seminar
2008 Service Learning Emerging Scholars Works-in-Progress Seminar June 15-17, 2008 All of the following information is available at: http://cyc.brandeis.edu/seminar
Abby Kiesa at National Symposium on Leadership Education and the Revitalization of Public Life
Wilks Leadership Institute Miami University (OH) http://www.units.muohio.edu/saf/wilks/
Abby Kiesa at Bonner Foundation Summer Leadership Institute
Abby Kiesa at Bonner Foundation Summit on Political Engagement
Summit on Political Engagement: Connecting Service to Politics and Politics to Service http://www.bonner.org/meetings/sli/home.htm June 4-5, 2008 Allegheny College
CIRCLE at “A Better Deal: Reclaiming Economic Security for a New Generation”
“A Better Deal: Reclaiming Economic Security for a New Generation” www.abetterdealconference.org Washington, DC May 8th and 9th, 2008 A National Conference Sponsored by Demos
Karlo Marcelo at The Pew Research Center
Karlo Marcelo will be at The Pew Research Center speaking to a group of foreign journalists at 11:00 am on Wednesday, April 16.
Peter Levine on Minnesota Public Radio
CIRCLE director Peter Levine discusses the Girl Scouts and young people’s views of leadership on Minnesota Public Radio from 10-11 am Central Time.
Peter Levine at Hillel Summit
Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life invites you to be our guest on Wednesday morning, March 26, 2008 for the closing sessions of the Summit on the University and the Jewish Community. We are extending this complimentary registration only to members of the education community. However, advance registration is required. To register, please visit Read More >
Fact Sheets on Primary States
These are fact sheets on youth voting in the states, issued by CIRCLE prior to primaries or caucuses: Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana (NEW!) Kansas Kentucky (NEW!) Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Read More >
Special Report by CIRCLE and Rock the Vote: Young Voter Registration and Turnout Trends
by CIRCLE and Rock the Vote Authors: Karlo Barrios Marcelo, Mark Hugo Lopez, Chris Kennedy, and Kat Barr March 2008 The report, Young Voter Registration and Turnout Trends, takes an in-depth look at historical trends in youth voter turnout, the demographics of young voters, and the politics of the youth vote. The report offers research Read More >
Disparities in Turnout and Civic Education
New CIRCLE Research Reveals Higher Income School Districts Offer More Opportunities to Learn about Politics and Citizenship February 2008 Although half of young Americans ages 18-29 have never enrolled in college, 79 percent of the young voters on Super Tuesday attended college, according to new CIRCLE research. This gap was also evident in youth turnout Read More >
CIRCLE at IMPACT in Boston
CIRCLE will be hosting several events in Boston at IMPACT: National Student Conference on Service, Advocacy & Social Action. Check out www.campusconference.org to learn more.
Abby Kiesa on Youth Voting Panel at Kent State University
The Youth Vote panel will discuss the rise of the youth vote, its potential impact on the 2008 elections, and its impact on policy outcomes in 2008 and beyond. Sponsored by Campus Progress Action and the All Campus Programming Board (ACPB) of Kent State. To find out more go to www.campusprogress.org/events.
CIRCLE Working Paper 59: Democracy for Some–The Civic Opportunity Gap in High School
by Joseph Kahne and Ellen Middaugh February 2008 In our study of high school civic opportunities, we found that a student’s race and academic track, and a school’s average socioeconomic status (SES) determines the availability of the school-based civic learning opportunities that promote voting and broader forms of civic engagement. High school students attending higher Read More >
Karlo Marcelo on Lynn Doyle show
Karlo Barrios Marcelo will appear as a guest on the Lynn Doyle show (9 pm to 10 pm eastern) to discuss the youth vote. Visit here for details on how to watch (Comcast Cable channel): http://www.cn8.tv/guide/program.asp?dtDate=2/27/2008&selectedTime=9:00%20PM&intListingID=4&lChannelID=617&z=18
Around the CIRCLE- WINTER 2008 V.5 I.2
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v5.i2), Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: Articles: From the Director’s Desk: CIRCLE is Moving to Tufts University “Millennials Talk Politics: A Study of College Student Political Engagement” CIRCLE Fact Sheets CIRCLE in the News Countdown 2008: Over Three Million Young Voters Read More >
Peter Levine at NASPA in Boston
CIRCLE director Peter Levine discusses the Millennials Talk Politics report at the NASPA (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education) conference in Boston.
187,000 Young Voters Participate in Virginia Primaries; 137,000 in Maryland Primaries
February 2008 Washington, DC – 16 percent of eligible Virginia citizens under the age of 30 participated in the Virginia primaries, according to preliminary analysis by CIRCLE. 15 percent in the Maryland primaries. Read the Virginia press release here. Read the Maryland press release here.
Super Tuesday Results
CIRCLE is releasing state-by-state fact sheets on the Super Tuesday contests. In several states, youth turnout has tripled or even quadrupled compared to Super Tuesday in 2000. Please see these new CIRCLE fact sheets: “National” results (with youth voter information from all Super Tuesday states) Alabama (no clear comparison year) Arizona (no clear comparison year- Read More >
FEATURED: The Youth Vote in the 2008 Early Contests (NH, MI, NV, SC, & FL)
Based on entrance poll data provided by Edison/Mitofsky, this fact sheet analyzes the demographic make-up of young voters in NH, MI, NV, SC & FL, as well as information on young people’s top issues and vote choices. Voter turnout data is also presented (see Table below).
2006 Civic and Political Health of the Nation
2006 CPHS Data Sets The 2006 National Civic and Political Health Survey (CPHS) is the most up-to-date and detailed look at how young Americans are participating in politics and communities and their attitudes towards government and current issues. Download the 2006 CPHS survey in the following formats: SAS (.xpt file) SPSS (.por file) SPSS (.sav Read More >
Karlo Marcelo at Center for American Progress
CIRCLE research associate Karlo Marcelo will serve on a panel discussion on the subject of the youth vote and the 2008 elections, hosted by Campus Progress. The event will be held at the Center for American Progress on January 29, 2008 from 10am to 11:30am. Click here to RSVP (free).
Peter Levine in Tampa
CIRCLE Director Peter Levine gives the keynote address for Project ELECT, a project of the Hillsborough County (Florida) Public Schools. Levine will also speak to faculty at the University of South Florida.
Peter Levine at Syracuse University
CIRCLE director Peter Levine gives the Honors Lecture at Syracuse University and offers a brown bag lunch in the Maxwell School of Citizenship.
The Youth Vote in the 2008 Iowa Caucus
by Emily Hoban Kirby, Peter Levine, and Karlo Barrios Marcelo January 2008 Based on entrance poll data provided by Edison/Mitofsky, this fact analyzes the demographic make-up of each party’s caucus-goers, as well as information on young people’s top issues and vote choices. Voter turnout data is also presented. Download The Youth Vote in the 2008 Read More >
Civic Life Online
MIT Press has published Civic Life Online: Learning How Digital Media Can Engage Youth, a volume edited by CIRCLE advisory board member W. Lance Bennett with a chapter by CIRCLE director Peter Levine entitled, “A Public Voice for Youth: The Audience Problem in Digital Media and Civic Education.” The book is part of the John Read More >
Television Consumption and Civic Engagement Among 15 to 25 Year Olds
by Alexander P. Orlowski December 2007 Based on data from the Civic and Political Health of the Nation surveys (2002 and 2006), this fact sheet investigates the correlation between television consumption and civic engagement. The research found that in nineteen different civic activities young people who watch TV less than two hours a day participated Read More >
Media Use Among Young People in 2006
by Karlo Barrios Marcelo December 2007 This fact sheet identifies trends in media usage among young people and adults using data from the Civic and Political Health of the Nation Surveys (2002 and 2006), General Social Survey, and Monitoring the Future. Download “Media Use Among Young People in 2006.”
Youth Civic Identity Development Amid Distinct School and Community Contexts
by Beth Rubin Qualitative research describing and theorizing about the emerging civic identities of diverse youth is scarce. This study provides a textured view of how civic identity is constructed and negotiated by racially and socioeconomically diverse adolescents, based on interviews and in-class discussions conducted with students in four public secondary schools. Youth living in Read More >
Marital Status and Civic Engagment
by Roberto D. Munster December 2007 Using data from the 2006 Civic and Political Health of the Nation survey and the Current Population Survey, this fact sheet explores marriage rates among young people, ages 15-25, and the civic engagement of young people based on marital status. Download “Marital Status and Civic Engagement Among 18-25 Year Read More >
How Young People Expressed Their Political Views in 2006
by Karlo Barrios Marcelo and Mark Hugo Lopez November 2007 Efforts to address community or public problems usually involve efforts to persuade other people. Therefore, expressing political views is an essential aspect of civic engagement. Among the 19 survey indicators of civic engagement in CIRCLE’s “Civic and Political Health of the Nation” surveys (2002 and Read More >
Millennials Talk Politics: A Study of College Student Political Participation
November 7, 2007 College students in the United States are hungry for political conversation that is authentic, involves diverse views and is free of manipulation and “spin,” according to Millennials Talk Politics, a new report released on November 7th, 2007 by CIRCLE and The Charles F. Kettering Foundation. Nearly 400 students convened in 47 focus Read More >
Around the CIRCLE- V.5 I.1 Fall 2007
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v5.i1–Fall 2007), Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: Table of Contents 1 Common Social Studies Teaching Practices and their Civic Outcomes RESEARCH ROUNDUP 4 CIRCLE Jointly Hosts Summer Youth Mapping Program 6 New Book by Circle Grantee, Nicholas V. Longo: “Why Community Read More >
CIRCLE releases a major report entitled “Millennials Talk Politics: A Study of College Student Political Engagement.”
***If you would like to join us, please RSVP to dwillia8@umd.edu by Friday, November 2nd, 2007.*** On November 7th CIRCLE will release a major report entitled “Millennials Talk Politics: A Study of College Student Political Engagement.” The study has compelling implications for higher education, national policymakers, and the news media, among others. We would like Read More >
Meaningful Learning Outside the Confines of the School Building
In his recent book, Why Community Matters: Connecting Education with Civic Life, Nicholas Longo advocates a broader definition of “civic education.” He argues that “schools are essential for the civic growth of children, but inadequate to the educational equation. Communities must also be educative.” He cites examples from U.S. history, compiles lessons learned from his Read More >
In Use: The Civic Mission of Schools Report
This article presents three examples of how the CMS report is being used in planning, research and teacher preparation. The first example shows how schools and districts can use the report for planning. The second example presents a research project that tested the report’s “six promising approaches” to civic education. And the third example illustrates Read More >
CIRCLE Jointly Hosts Summer Youth Mapping Program
CIRCLE began a five-week youth mapping program for fifteen teenagers from Prince George’s County in Maryland. Program participants used mapping software to study a community problem of their choice. This program preceded a larger joint project between CIRCLE and the University of Wisconsin-Madison which is funded by the U.S. Department of Education (DoE). The goal Read More >
Mark Lopez at the Carl Field Center at Princeton University
Speaking on the civic education experiences of young immigrants at noon
Mark Lopez at the Woodrow Wilson School and the Carl Field Center at Princeton University
Speaking on the civic engagement of young Latinos at 7pm in Bowl 016 of Robertson Hall, Princeton University
Peter Levine at AAC&U
CIRCLE Director Peter Levine speaks at the AAC&U conference (“Civic Learning at the Intersections: U.S. Diversity, Global Education, and Democracy’s Unfinished Work” in Denver
Peter Levine at Library of Congress
Peter Levine talks about the Internet and politics at the Federal Library and Information Center (FLICC), in a panel on Social Computing and the Process of Governance.
2007 Civic Health Index to be released
The National Conference on Citizenship‘s 2007 Annual Conference on October 4, 2007 will be held at the National Archives in Washington from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m and will feature Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer along with many other prominent speakers dedicated to enhancing civic life. The NCoC will release America’s Civic Health Index (2007) Read More >
Voter Registration Among Young People
by Karlo Barrios Marcelo June 2008 The voter registration rate in presidential elections among young people rose from 2000 to 2004. Sixty percent of young people, ages 18-29, said they were registered to vote in the 2004 Presidential election, according to analysis of the Current Population Survey, November (Voting) Supplement. This rise in registration rates Read More >
Peter Levine keynote at the Service Learning Research Conference
The Seventh Annual International Research Conference on Service-Learning & Community Engagement will be held in Tampa, Fl. CIRCLE is involved in several panels and Peter gives the lunchtime address on Sunday.
Peter Levine at Learn & Serve America Grantees Meeting
Panel with Professor James Youniss, Catholic University at the L&S America annual meeting.
2006 Civic and Political Health of the Nation
2006 CPHS Data Sets The 2006 National Civic and Political Health Survey (CPHS) is the most up-to-date and detailed look at how young Americans are participating in politics and communities and their attitudes towards government and current issues. Download the 2006 CPHS survey in the following formats: SAS (.xpt file) SPSS (.por file) SPSS (.sav Read More >
U.S. Civics Instruction: Content and Teaching Strategies
August 2007 by Mark Hugo Lopez & Emily Hoban Kirby A new CIRCLE fact sheet presents previously unreleased evidence from the 2006 CPHS survey about the themes emphasized in civics classes as well as the teaching strategies teachers employ in civics instruction. The research shows that government and civics classes continue to focus on traditional Read More >
CIRCLE Working Paper 58: An Interim Report of the Evaluation of a Comprehensive High School Civic Engagement Intervention in Hudson, MA
by Hugh McIntosh, Sheldon H. Berman, & James Youniss August 2007 In September 2003, Hudson High School in Hudson, MA, launched two new civic development efforts –- clustering and school-wide governance. This new teaching strategy provided an opportunity to study the influence of school-wide democratic deliberation on students’ civic knowledge and participation. The intervention involved, Read More >
CIRCLE Working Paper 57: Best Practices in Civic Education: Changes in Students’ Civic Outcomes
by Amy K. Syvertsen, Constance A. Flanagan, & Michael D. Stout August 2007 CIRCLE Working Paper #57 examines the association between activities regularly used in high school civic education courses (e.g., staging a mock election) and their impact on key student outcomes. The authors looked at a range of usual practices used by social studies Read More >
CIRCLE Staff meet with State Department’s International Visitors Leadership Program
CIRCLE Staff meet with State Department’s International Visitors to discuss U.S. youth civic engagement policies. The visitors are participants in the State Department’s International Visitor Leadership Program and are from Lebanon.
Peter Levine at DC Service-Learning Institute
Peter speaks on a panel organized by Serve DC, the DC Commission for National and Community Service
Mark Lopez at “Citizenship Education in an Age of Worldwide Migration” Conference in Germany
Sponsored by the Center for Civic Education and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung of the Federal Republic of Germany at the University of Muenster.
Peter Levine speaks at PANIM’s National Educators’ Institute on Jewish Service-Learning
PANIM, the Institute for Jewish Leadership and Values, is holding its National Educators’ Institute at the University of Maryland, and Peter Levine will speak about service-learning on August 19.
Peter Levine speaks at Fairfax County (VA) Public Schools meeting
Peter will talk about civic education.
Peter Levine speaks at Council for Citizenship Education
Peter talks about the state of research on issue-based civic education. By invitation only.
How to Read and Use Research to Make your Job Easier
Research has many purposes, but one of its most important is to help inform practice. However, translating research findings into actionable program strategies can be a difficult task. This article provides a quick guide on how to read and use research to improve program outcomes. Included is a summary of the most common types of Read More >
CIRCLE Working Paper 56: Schools, Education and the Future of the First Amendment
by Mark Hugo Lopez, Peter Levine, Kenneth Dautrich, David Yalof July 2007 New CIRCLE research uses multivariate analysis of data from the Knight Foundation 2005 Future of the First Amendment Survey and other sources. The authors investigate the effects of courses, state educational policies, school media, and other variables on students’ attitudes toward media, attention Read More >
Three New Volunteering Fact Sheets
by Karlo Barrios Marcelo July 2007 Using data from the Census Bureau’s 2006 Current Population Survey (CPS) September Volunteering Supplement, these fact sheets provide volunteer rate statistics, as well as information on how youth become involved in volunteer organizations, the types of volunteer activities, volunteer rates by geographical region, and median volunteer hours. Volunteering Among Read More >
Youth Volunteering in the States: 2002 to 2006
by Sara E. Helms and Karlo Barrios Marcelo Updated July 2007 ***2006 Volunteering Data Now Included*** Uses the Current Population Survey (CPS) September Volunteer Supplements from 2002-2006, administered by the Bureau of the Census and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Offers a breakdown of volunteer rates by states and age groups. Download “Youth Volunteering in Read More >
Mark Lopez at the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Drug-Free (OSDFS) 2007 National Conference
Aug 2, 2007, 8am, Grand Hyatt, Washington, D.C. Session Title: How children and youth have changed over the Past 20 Years; what we can expect in the next decade regarding students, and what this means for reprogramming
Mark Lopez at the American Economic Association Pipeline Conference
Friday July 13 to Sunday July 15 at Duke University’s Summer Program for Minority Economists
Around the CIRCLE- V4.I4 July 2007
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v4.i4–July 2007), Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: Table of Contents 1 New Book: The Future of Democracy: Developing the Next Generation of American Citizens 3 CIRCLE in the News RESEARCH ROUNDUP 4 Census Data Confirm Increase in Youth Voter Turnout in Read More >
Emily Kirby and Abby Kiesa at U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools 2007 National Conference
August 3, 2007 4:30-5:30 P.M. Grand Hyatt Washington DC Click here for conference Web site.
Young Urban Voters in the Midterm Election Year 2006
by Karlo Barrios Marcelo July 2007 This fact sheet presents voter turnout data by urban, suburban, and rural areas, as well as by metropolitan area (29 unique metropolitan areas) by subgroup and age. The Current Population Survey, November (Voting) Supplement, 2006, was the data source used for this analysis. Download “Young Urban Voters in the Read More >
Quick Facts About Young Voters by Metropolitan Area: The Midterm Elections 2006
by Karlo Barrios Marcelo July 2007 Using the Current Population Survey, November (Voting) Supplement, 2006, these fact sheets analyze voter turnout rates by metropolitan area. Click here to view the list of fact sheets by metropolitan areas.
Peter Levine at National Conference on Volunteering And Service
Peter will participate in a panel entitled, “From Periodic Projects to Lasting Solutions: Citizen-Centered Civic Engagement.” The conference is in Philadelphia.
Book Release: Peter Levine’s The Future of Democracy: Developing the Next Generation of American Citizens (RSVP Required)
The Council for Excellence in Government and the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools cordially invite you to join us for a presentation, book-signing and reception with Peter Levine in honor of his new publication The Future of Democracy: Developing the Next Generation of American Citizens July 26, 2007 – 4:30-6:00 PM The Council Read More >
New book: The Future of Democracy: Developing the Next Generation of American Citizens
The Future of Democracy: Developing the Next Generation of American Citizens is a manifesto for youth civic engagement, based on a critical review of recent research. The book is written by Peter Levine, the Director of CIRCLE, but draws on the work and research of CIRCLE staff, grantees, and advisory board, among others. All proceeds Read More >
Quick Facts About Young Voters by State: The Midterm Election Year 2006
by Mark Hugo Lopez, Karlo Barrios Marcelo, and Jared Sagoff Updated June 2007 Using data from the 2006 Current Population Survey, November (Voting) Supplement, these facts sheets examine voter turnout rates from 1978-2006, turnout rates by subgroup, and partisanship (where available from the Election Pool, Exit Poll surveys) for all 50 states and the District Read More >
Youth Voter Turnout Increases in 2006
by Mark Hugo Lopez, Karlo Barrios Marcelo, and Emily Hoban Kirby June 2007 This fact sheet uses new data from the 2006 Current Population Survey, November Supplement, to determine the youth voter turnout in the 2006 midterm election. The data confirm early estimates by CIRCLE that 10.8 million young Americans voted in the 2006 midterm Read More >
Mark Lopez to speak at Maryland Leadership Institute Brown Bag Lunch
Mark Lopez will be speaking at the Maryland Leadership Institute about the civic engagement of young people. The brown bag lunch will be held in the community lounge of the Maryland School of Public Policy.
Peter Levine at LERA National Policy Forum
At the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) meeting, CIRCLE Director Peter Levine will speak on “A New Progressive Era? The Influence of State and Local Initiatives on National Policy”
Preparing for College: Enrolling, Education, and Advancing Latinos
June 22 – June 23 CIRCLE Research Director Mark Hugo Lopez will be attending “Preparing for College: Enrolling, Educating, and Advancing Latinos,” hosted by Raul Yzaguirre and the Arizona State University Center for Community Development and Civil Rights.
City Year
June 12 CIRCLE Director Peter Levine will speak at the annual City Year Conference, called “Cyzygy” at St. Anselm’s College in Manchester, New Hampshire.
The Democracy Imperative
June 3 to June 6 CIRCLE Director Peter Levine will be at The Democracy Imperative Conference at the University of New Hampshire.
Emerging Scholars in K-12 Service-Learning
CIRCLE and colleagues from Brandeis and University of California, Berkeley, are pleased to announce the Emerging Scholar participants in this year’s special conference on K-12 service-learning research (June 14- June 16). This is the first of a series of meetings on this topic. Applications for future meetings will be accepted in the near future. The Read More >
Civic Engagement Among non-College Attending Youth
by Mark Hugo Lopez and Jason P. Kolaczkowski February 2003 Based on 1972-2004 Current Population Survey data, 2004 NEP exit poll data, and the CEG/CIRCLE Youth Survey 2004. Provides information on the voting rates of non-college attending youth. Download “Civic Engagement Among non-College Attending Youth.”
Civics Curriculum and Civic Skills: Recent Evidence
by Melissa K. Comber November 2003 Based on IEA Civic Education study and NHES data from 1999. Reports civics topics studied by 9th graders and tracks students who are required to pay attention to government by grade. Reports relationships between certain civics topics with outcomes and skills. Download “Civics Curriculum and Civic Skills: Recent Evidence.”
Themes Emphasized in Social Studies and Civics Classes
by Peter Levine and Mark Hugo Lopez February 2004 Based on CEG/CIRCLE Youth Survey 2004. Download “Themes Emphasized in Social Studies and Civics Classes.”
Strengths and Weaknesses in U.S. Students’ Knowledge and Skills: Analysis from the IEA Civic Education Study
by Judith Torney-Purta and Carolyn Henry Barber June 2004 Based on IEA data. Reports American student performance on knowledge measures in relation to the international mean, home background, topics studied in school, and attitudes about types of civic participation. Download “Strengths and Weaknesses in U.S. Students’ Knowledge and Skills: Analysis from the IEA Civic Education Read More >
State Voter Registration and Election Day Laws
by Emily Hoban Kirby and Mark Hugo Lopez June 2004 Based on CIRCLE Working Papers 01 and 15. Compares states’ voter registration laws and the effects state voting laws have on turnout. Download “State Voter Registration and Election Day Laws.“
College Students in the 2004 Election
by Richard Niemi and Michael Hanmer November 2004 Based on a survey of of 1,200 college students designed by Professor Richard Niemi of the University of Rochester and Professor Michael Hanmer of Georgetown University. Reports on college students voting choices in the 2004 presidential election. Download “College Students in the 2004 Election.”
Attitudes of Young People Toward Diversity
by Michael Olander, Emily Hoban Kirby, and Krista Schmitt February 2005 Based on the National Election Study 1972-2002, the General Social Survey 1972-2002, the 2004 National Youth Survey, the Social Capital Survey, 2002, the IEA Civic Education Study, 2002, and The Civic and Political Health of the Nation Survey, 2002. Summarizes young people’s attitudes toward Read More >
How Teachers’ Preparation Relates to Students’ Civic Knowledge and Engagement in the United States: Analysis from the IEA Civic Education Study
by Judith Torney-Purta, Carolyn Henry Barber, and Wendy Klandl Richardson April 2005 Based on IEA data. Examines how teachers are prepared to provide civic education as well as their attitudes toward civic education. Download “How Teachers’ Preparation Relates to Students’ Civic Knowledge and Engagement in the United States: Analysis from the IEA Civic Education Study.”
Quick Facts on Young Voters: 2004
by Mark Hugo Lopez, Emily Kirby, and Billy Grayson September 2005 Based on 1972-2004 Current Population Survey data. Provides quick summary of voting statistics from the 2004 election. Download “Quick Facts on Young Voters: 2004.”
Participation in Sports and Civic Engagement
by Mark Hugo Lopez and Kimberlee Moore February 2006 Based on the 2002 CIRCLE National Youth Survey. Download “Participation in Sports and Civic Engagement.“
Federal Policies for Civic Education and Service
by Emily Hoban Kirby, Peter Levine, and Brent Elrod June 2006 Describes current federal laws and appropriations. Download “Federal Policies for Civic Education and Service.”
Immigrant Youth Demographics
by Karlo Barrios Marcelo and Mark Hugo Lopez November 2006 Based on Current Population Survey data. Compares the numbers of 18-25 year-old immigrants by nativity status, gender, race, ethnicity, geographic distribution, country of origin, year of arrival, marital status, educational attainment, and assesses population trends from 1994-2006. Download “Immigrant Youth Demographics.”
Working Paper 55: Civic Measurement Models: Tapping Adolescents’ Civic Engagement
by Constance A. Flanagan, Amy K. Syversten, and Michael D. Stout May 2007 “The goal of this project was to produce a set of civic measures with good psychometric properties that are appropriate for use with young people ages 12-18. These measures tap aspects of adolescents civic behaviors, opinions, knowledge, and dispositions. These measures are Read More >
Volunteering Among Young People
by Mark Hugo Lopez and Karlo Barrios Marcelo April 2007 Based on a variety of data sources including CIRCLE’s 2006 Civic & Political Health of the Nation survey, Monitoring the Future data from 1976-2005, HERI data from 1984-2005, & NELS data from 1988. Compares youth volunteering with that of other generations, tracks high school & Read More >
Classrooms Produce Positive Civic Education: Results from a Longitudinal Study of Chicago Public School Students
Joseph Kahne and Susan Sporte investigate civic outcomes among high school students in Chicago in their forthcoming article entitled, “Developing Citizens: A Longitudinal Study of School, Family, and Community Influences on Students’ Commitments to Civic Participation” (funded by the Spencer Foundation and the Chicago Community Trust). The most important finding is that what happens in Read More >
ECS Study Reveals Gaps in State-Level Policy Regarding Civic Education
In June 2006, The Education Commission of the States (ECS) National Center for Learning and Citizenship (NCLC) conducted a policy scan to define the current state of citizenship education. The study found that states were emphasizing knowledge of civics and government, obtained through traditional classroom instruction. Civic knowledge is necessary, but not sufficient; citizens also Read More >
Four Years after the Civic Mission of Schools Report: A Summary of the Latest CIRCLE Research on School-Based Civic Learning
CIRCLE’s new 2006 National Civic and Political Health Survey provides the most up to-date and detailed look at how young Americans are participating in politics and communities. The survey takes a broad look at political and civic activity and finds that many young Americans are involved. Download the article here.
A :etter from the Authors of the Civic Mission of Schools Report (Gibson & Levine)
A letter from then program officer at the Carnegie Corporation, Cynthia Gibson, and CIRCLE Director Peter Levine advocating for civics education as an essential obligation of public education. Earlier, Gibson and Levine had coordinated their organizations to publish the Civic Mission of Schools (CMS) report. Written by 60 authors, the report is probably best known Read More >
Religious Service Attendance and Civic Engagement Among 15 to 25 Year Olds
by Mark Hugo Lopez, Kumar V. Pratap, and Sean L. Conner April 2007 This fact sheet reports that young people who attend religious services are more likely to vote and volunteer. The data also showed that those who attend religious services regularly are more likely than their counterparts to belong to groups involved in politics, Read More >
Working Paper 54: Improving Textbooks as a Way to Foster Civic Understanding and Engagement
by Marilyn Chambliss, Wendy Richardson, Judith Torney-Purta, and Britt Wilkenfeld April 2007 “In this paper we describe a recent study in which tenth graders who had parent permission were randomly assigned to read one of three types of passages about direct and representative democracy. After reading, all students responded to the same tasks to measure Read More >
Around the CIRCLE–V.4 I.3 APRIL 2007
In this issue:
In February of 2003, Carnegie Corporation of New York and CIRCLE issued a major report on the state of K-12 civic education entitled The Civic Mission of Schools (CMS). The report drew upon the best research from several disciplines and offered “six promising approaches” for effectively providing civic education. After the publication of the CMS report, CIRCLE and Carnegie helped to organize the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, an advocacy effort. Composed of more than 40 organizations and funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Knight Foundation, the Annenberg Foundation, and the Gates Foundation, among others, the Campaign works to increase federal and statelevel support for civic education. Its national advisory board is co-chaired by former Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and former Governor Roy Romer. The Campaign works closely with partners such as the Alliance for Representative Democracy, which has teams in every state, and the Education Commission of the States (ECS). This article provides a summary of the latest CIRCLE-funded research on the six promising approaches. Read more.
On behalf of Carnegie Corporation of New York and CIRCLE, we collaborated in 2002 and 2003 to organize The Civic Mission of Schools (CMS) report. Written by 60 authors, the report is probably best known for presenting evidence in favor of “six promising practices” for civic education in schools (see the cover article to this issue for recent evidence about those practices).
By 2003, there had been many evaluations of specific programs and types of programs, often with favorable results. Citing that body of research, The Civic Mission of Schools concluded that schools play an important role in helping young people gain the civic knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to participate fully in our democracy. That conclusion mattered for public policy because preparing the next generation for active and responsible citizenship is a crucial, and often forgotten, purpose of public education. Read more.
Research Roundup:
Joseph Kahne and Susan Sporte investigate civic outcomes among high school students in Chicago in their forthcoming article entitled, “Developing Citizens: A Longitudinal Study of School, Family, and Community Influences on Students’ Commitments to Civic Participation” (funded by the Spencer Foundation and the Chicago Community Trust). The most important finding is that what happens in classrooms has a meaningful impact on students’ commitment to civic participation. Read more.
The California Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools (www.cms-ca.org) commissioned Joseph Kahne and Ellen Middaugh of Mills College to conduct the California Survey of Civic Education. This survey assessed the prevalence and impact of civic education practices in California’s high schools on graduating seniors throughout the state. Read more.
In June 2006, The Education Commission of the States (ECS) National Center for Learning and Citizenship (NCLC) conducted a policy scan to define the current state of citizenship education. The study found that states were emphasizing knowledge of civics and government, obtained through traditional classroom instruction. Civic knowledge is necessary, but not sufficient; citizens also need skills and dispositions to sustain and enhance American democracy. These three competencies—knowledge, skills and dispositions—are at the heart of civic education. Read more.
Research to Practice:
Four years after its original publication, The Civic Mission of Schools (CMS) report is being used daily to inform practice and influence policy. It is being widely disseminated and used in a number of innovative ways including serving as the basis for discussion at many state summits on civic education that have occurred since 2003; as required reading in teacher education courses; and, as an advocacy tool for those seeking to create or support civic education policy.Read more.
Civic Engagement Among Young Men and Women
by Karlo Barrios Marcelo, Mark Hugo Lopez, and Emily Hoban Kirby March 2007 Based on the Civic and Political Health of the Nation Survey (CIRCLE), 2002 and 2006, Current Population Survey data, and Monitoring the Future data. Provides information on the 19 measures of civic engagement across men and women. Download “Civic Engagement Among Young Read More >
Working Paper 53: Do Gender and Ethnicity Affect Civic Engagement and Academic Progress?
[Part II of An Assessment of Civic Engagement and High School Academic Progress] by Alberto Davila and Marie T. Mora January 2007 “Using panel data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS), we first analyze how civic engagement (measured in terms of community service and participation in student government) undertaken at the high Read More >
An Assessment of Civic Engagement and Educational Attainment
by Alberto Davila and Marie T. Mora January 2007 It is well documented that individuals with higher levels of education tend to be more civically engaged. In a two-part study conducted for the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), we provide empirical evidence using 1988-2000 panel data from the National Read More >
Working Paper 52: Civic Engagement and High School Academic Progress: An Analysis Using NELS Data
[Part I of An Assessment of Civic Engagement and High School Academic Progress] by Alberto Davila and Marie T. Mora January 2007 “Using panel data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS), this study empirically analyzes the relationship between two forms of civic engagement—student government and community service—and educational progress made after the Read More >
Working Paper 51: The Civic Achievement Gap
by Meira Levinson January 2007 “This paper, drawn from a book in progress, summarizes evidence of a civic achievement gap between non-white, poor, and/or immigrant youth, on the one hand, and white, wealthier, and/or native-born youth, on the other. Young people (and adults) in the former group demonstrate consistently lower levels of civic and political Read More >
Around the CIRCLE– V4.I2 January 2007
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v4.i2–January 2007), Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: Table of Contents High School Civic Engagement Activities Produce Academic Benefits Research Roundup The Civic Effects of Higher Education Youth Population on the Rise in 2006 A Teacher’s Perspective on Closing the Civic Gap Read More >
Civic Engagement Among Minority Youth
by Karlo Barrios Marcelo, Mark Hugo Lopez, and Emily Hoban Kirby January 2007 While the majority of young African-Americans between ages 15-25 believe government should do more to solve problems, there has been a nearly 20-point increase since 2002 in the percentage of young African-Americans who say that “government is almost always wasteful and inefficient.” Read More >
CIRCLE Hosts Research Forum for Practitioners
CIRCLE released the 2006 National Civic and Political Health Survey at the National Press Club. The CPHS is the most up-to-date and detailed look at how young Americans are participating in politics and communities. After presenting the CPHS, CIRCLE facilitated a forum and a series of group discussions about patters of youth political involvement and Read More >
Young Voters in the 2006 Elections
by Emily Hoban Kirby and Karlo Barrios Marcelo December 2006 Based on 1992-2006 National Election Pool, National Exit Poll. Compares youth and adult voters. Multiple voter turnout measures are also compared. Provides information on voting trends and attitudes of young voters. Download “Young Voters in the 2006 Elections.” Read the press release of the fact Read More >
2006 Youth Demographics
by Mark Hugo Lopez and Karlo Barrios Marcelo November 2006 Based on Current Population Survey data. Compares the numbers of 18-25 year-old residents and citizens by gender, race, ethnicity, geographic distribution, marital status, military status, unemployment, educational attainment, and assesses population trends from 1968-2006. Download “2006 Youth Demographics.”
Working Paper 50: Civil Rights Activists in the Information Age: The Development of Math Literacy Workers
by Roderick J. Watts and Omar Guessous October 2006 “This is the final report of an evaluation research projects completed with and on the Young People’s Project in Chicago. The mission of the Young People’s Project (YPP) is to “organize young people to work to radically change their education, and the way they relate to Read More >
Higher Education and Civic Engagement: Summary
by Peter Levine and CIRCLE Staff October 2006 This fact sheet is a summary of key points from three fact sheets on higher education. Download “Higher Education and Civic Engagement: Summary.”
Civic Engagement among 2-year and 4-year College Students
by Mark Hugo Lopez and Benjamin Brown October 2006 Looks closely at the civic engagement of community college students. Uses data from National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88). Download “Civic Engagement among 2-year and 4-year College Students.”
Civic Engagement among Recent College Graduates
by Mark Hugo Lopez and Brent A. Elrod October 2006 Based on data from Baccalaureate and Beyond 2000/2001 Longitudinal Survey and from the Current Population Survey September Supplements (1995 and 2005). Download “Civic Engagement among recent College Graduates.”
College Attendance and Civic Engagement Among 18 to 25 Year Olds
by Mark Hugo Lopez and Brent A. Elrod October 2006 Uses data from the Current Population Survey November Supplements (1984 to 2004) and the 2006 Civic and Political Health of the Nation Survey. Download “College Attendance and Civic Engagement Among 18 to 25 Year Olds.”
Schools and Researchers Working Together to Improve Civic Education: Two Examples
Recent CIRCLE-sponsored research resulted in two new tools to help K-12 schools measure student civic outcomes and school citizenship climate. The projects also offer a model of how teachers, school administrators, and researchers can work collaboratively to improve civic education. Download the article here.
Special Report: The 2006 Civic and Political Health of the Nation
by CIRCLE Staff October 2006 The 2006 National Civic and Political Health Survey (CPHS) is the most up-to-date and detailed look at how young Americans are participating in politics and communities and their attitudes towards government and current issues. In this report we examine the civic engagement of young Americans and adults across 19 core Read More >
Around the CIRCLE–V4.I1 October 2006
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v4.i1–October 2006), Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: Around the Circle is designed to provide you with snapshots of the latest research on youth civic engagement and civic education. The newsletter features three regular columns: Table of Contents CIRCLE Releases 2006 Civic Read More >
Youth Voter Mobilization Tactics
Young Voter Strategies and CIRCLE have collaborated to create a booklet on how to turn out young voters. The booklet compiles research on get out the vote efforts, with information about the cost of each effort in producing an additional young voter. Canvassing, phone calls, direct mail are the methods outlined in the booklet. Download Read More >
Special Report: Young Voter Mobilization Tactics
by Young Voter Strategies and CIRCLE September 2006 This booklet outlines the best ways to reach and turn out young voters, from phone banks to door knocks. Each tactic is evaluated through a randomized field experiment in order to determine how much that tactic increases a person’s likelihood to vote and for its cost-effectiveness.We also Read More >
Quick Facts About Young Voters: 2006
by Mark Hugo Lopez September 2006 Based on 1974-2006 Current Population Survey data and the 2006 Civic and Political Health of the Nation Survey. Provides information on young voters in the midterm elections. Download “Quick Facts About Young Voters: 2006.” For state-by-state analysis click here. (by Mark Hugo Lopez, Karlo Barrios Marcelo, and Jared Sagoff).
Working Paper 49: Experiments in Political Socialization: Kids Voting USA as a Model for Civic Education Reform
by Michael McDevitt and Spiro Kiousis August 2006 “This report describes how an innovative curriculum promoted the civic development of high school students along with parents by stimulating news media attention and discussion in families. Evidence is based on a three-year evaluation of Kids Voting USA, an interactive, election-based curriculum. Political communication in the home Read More >
Working Paper 48: Assessing School Citizenship Education Climate: Implications for the Social Studies
by Gary Homana, Carolyn Barber, and Judith Torney-Purta June 2006 “This paper presents the School Citizenship Education Climate Assessment and examines its implications for the social studies. The assessment tool was developed from a variety of research fields and disciplines related to school and classroom climate and educational practices including civic education, educational psychology and Read More >
How can Sports and Civic Engagement Mix?
This article explores how coaches, parents and sports programs play a role in drawing connections between sports and civic engagement. Download the article here.
CIRCLE Convenes Meeting on Immigrant Youth Civic Engagement
CIRCLE brought together leading scholars, practitioners and grant-makers to inform our ongoing research on the civic engagement of immigrant youth. Twenty-one participants gathered at The New School University, amidst growing political and media discussion of immigration laws and immigrants. The meeting sought to explore the specific characteristics of immigrant youth that might affect their civic Read More >
Around the CIRCLE– V3.I4 June 2006
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v3.i4–June 2006), Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: Around the Circle is designed to provide you with snapshots of the latest research on youth civic engagement and civic education. The newsletter features regular columns: Table of Contents New Resources Available for Measuring Read More >
Working Paper 47: Developing Indicators and Measures of Civic Outcomes for Elementary School Students
by Bernadette Chi, JoAnn Jastrzab, and Alan Melchior June 2006 “The product from this project is a set of tested, reliable measures of civic knowledge, civic thinking skills, civic participation skills and civic dispositions that are referenced to recent efforts to provide frameworks of competencies in civic education. Two sets of instruments were developed using Read More >
The Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools Launches National Advisory Council
CIRCLE Director Peter Levine, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, and Governor Roy Romer launch the National Advisory Council of the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools. The mission, according to Justice O’Connor and Governor Romer, is to “restore the civic mission of schools and ensure that civic learning is on par with other basic academic subjects.” Read More >
Working Paper 46: College Students and Politics: A Literature Review
by Nicholas V. Longo and Ross P. Meyer May 2006 “In this review, we hope to provide a deeper understanding of current college students’ conceptions of and participation in politics through a review of the scholarly literature. We hope that this review will help us refine our research questions and ultimately lead to a larger Read More >
Working Paper 45: Youth Civic Engagement: An Institutional Turn
by Peter Levine and James Youniss February 2006 “The papers in this collection were written by an interdisciplinary group to address two main questions: What conditions deter young people’s involvement in politics and civic life? What reforms could enhance youth engagement? Most of the contributors met face-to-face in Washington, DC in March 2005 to discuss Read More >
Youth Volunteer Motivations: Implications for Practice
The research suggests that understanding youth volunteer motivations, or what motivates a particular young person to volunteer, can have practical implications for the way volunteer programs are managed. Some organizations have already taken their volunteers’ motivations into consideration when designing their programs. Download the article here.
Special Report: Higher Education: Civic Mission & Civic Effects
by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and CIRCLE March 2006 The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and CIRCLE jointly release a consensus report by 22 scholars that explores the civic effects of attending college and the benefits of various approaches to civic learning in higher education. The authors represent the Read More >
Around the CIRCLE–V3.I3 March 2006
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v3.i3–March 2006, Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: Around the Circle is designed to provide you with snapshots of the latest research on youth civic engagement and civic education. The newsletter features regular columns: Table of Contents Youth Sports: A Boost for Read More >
Working Paper 44: Sports, Youth and Character: A Critical Survey
by Robert K. Fullinwider February 2006 A Literature Review. Download here (PDF).
The New Face of America’s Social-Issue Voters
by Jared Sagoff January 2006 Based on the National Election Pool (NEP) national exit poll. Presents data on the role that “moral values” played in the 2004 youth vote. Download “The New Face of America’s Social-Issue Voters.”
Working Paper 43: Measuring Volunteering: A Behavioral Approach
by Chris Toppe December 2005 “This article presents the results of studying two different forms of probing about volunteering. One is the standard perceptual approach used by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in which respondents are asked if they volunteer. The other is an experimental approach that uses behavioral prompts in which respondents Read More >
Integrating Youth Voice in City Government: Young People as Community Resources
Dr. Carmen Sirianni suggests that three principles underlie efforts to incorporate youth voice in city government: Building Infrastructure, Training Staff and Citizens, and Federal Policy Support. Download the article here.
Special Report: The 2004 Youth Vote
by CIRCLE Staff November 2005 CIRCLE releases a guide to the 2004 youth vote that pulls together recent and historical data to further document the surge in youth participation. The guide summarizes data about youth voting in the 2004 election based on gender, race, and educational background and provides information on youth support for candidates, Read More >
Around the CIRCLE– V3.I2 November 2005
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v3.i2–November 2005), Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: Around the Circle is designed to provide you with snapshots of the latest research on youth civic engagement and civic education. The newsletter features regular columns: Table of Contents Why Young People are Volunteering Read More >
Working Paper 42: Young Voters and the Web of Politics 2004: The Youth Political Web Sphere Comes of Age
by Lance Bennett and Michael Xenos October 2005 “This project involves a network-analysis of nonpartisan youth electoral engagement websites, plus some analysis of sites created by campaigns and parties. With regard to the nonpartisan sites, three trends stood out as the most promising. First, the size of the youth engagement web sphere has grown dramatically.” Read More >
The Effects of Civic Education on Civic Skills
by Melissa K. Comber October 2005 Based on author’s Ph.D. Dissertation, “Civic Skills and Civic Education: An Empirical Assessment,” University of Maryland School of Public Policy, 2005. Download “The Effects of Civic Education on Civic Skills.”
Working Paper 41: Gender and Civic Engagement: Secondary Analysis of Survey Data
by Krista Jenkins June 2005 “The NCES represents the best survey in recent years to examine rates and types of activism among both young women and men. It is rich with questions about a variety of ways people can influence politics and their communities. These range from activities designed to influence the formal political process, Read More >
Working Paper 40: The Changing Lifeworld of Young People: Risk, Resume-Padding, and Civic Engagement
by Lewis A. Friedland and Shauna Morimoto September 2005 “Young people become engaged in civic life for many different reasons, and via multiple paths. Much research on the reasons for youth civic engagement has been cross-sectional, searching for antecedents to a range of “pro-civic” attitudes or behaviors. This research assumes a relatively stable lifeworld for Read More >
Working Paper 39: Modern Universities, Absent Citizenship? Historical Perspectives
by William Talcott September 2005 “The historical study of university campuses can tell us much about the changing character and presuppositions of citizenship. Likewise, the study of citizenship can shed considerable light on the nature of universities.” Download here (PDF).
Working Paper 38: Giving Back to the Community: African American Inner City Teens and Civic Engagement
by Michelle M. Charles August 2005 “I conducted my study from April, 2003 to September, 2004. The entire project was intended to serve as a baseline case study for consideration by the national civic engagement activist community. My target population was Philadelphia African American teens ages 15 to 19 years old living in the most Read More >
The Civic Effects of Small School Reform: A Discussion (C. Donovan)
On July 6, CIRCLE convened an all-day meeting to discuss the civic and academic outcomes of small school reform. Some education leaders are arguing that traditional, large, omni-purpose, relatively anonymous high schools should be transformed into institutions of smaller size, with more coherent focus, more student participation, and more connections to the surrounding community. Students Read More >
Around the CIRCLE– V3.I1 August 2005
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v3.i1–August 2005), Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: Around the Circle is designed to provide you with snapshots of the latest research on youth civic engagement and civic education. The newsletter features regular columns: Table of Contents Impact of Participation in Service-Learning Read More >
Working Paper 37: The Political Participation of College Students, Working Students and Working Youth
by Sharon E. Jarvis, Lisa Montoya, and Emily Mulvoy August 2005 “Education has long been a powerful predictor in understanding political participation and yet the paths toward earning a college degree have changed considerably in recent years. As tuition costs increase and as schooling option burgeon, today’s youth are taking longer to finish their academic Read More >
Working Paper 36: The Political Participation of Working Youth and College Students
by Sharon E. Jarvis, Lisa Montoya, and Emily Mulvoy August 2005 “Unprecedented attention has gone to researching young voters, and yet one segment of this age group has been largely ignored: non-college (or “working”) youth. Because very little is known about them, the following paper advances three fundamental concerns: What types of political activities do Read More >
Working Paper 35: The Youth Vote 2004, With a Historical Look at Youth Voting Patterns, 1972-2004
by Mark Hugo Lopez, Emily Kirby, Jared Sagoff, and Chris Herbst July 2005 “This report presents trends in voter participation among young people from multiple data sources and discusses the different methods that are used to generate these statistics. The report shows that there are several reasonable estimates of youth turnout for any particular year; Read More >
Electoral Engagement Among Non-College Attending Youth
by Mark Hugo Lopez, Emily Kirby, Jared Sagoff, and Jason P. Kolaczkowski July 2005 Based on 1972-2004 Current Population Survey data, 2004 NEP exit poll data, and the CEG/CIRCLE Youth Survey 2004. Provides information on the voting rates of non-college attending youth. Download “Fact Sheet: Electoral Engagement Among Non-College Attending Youth” here.
Electoral Engagement Among Minority Youth
by Mark Hugo Lopez and Emily Kirby July 2005 Based on 1972-2004 Current Population Survey data, 2004 NEP exit poll data, and the CEG/CIRCLE Youth Survey 2004. Presents data on the characteristics of the youth population and youth voting trends through 2004 by race and ethnicity. Download “Electoral Engagement Among Minority Youth.”
Voter Turnout Among Young Women and Men
by Mark Hugo Lopez, Emily Kirby, and Jared Sagoff July 2005 Based on 1972-2004 Current Population Survey data, 2004 NEP exit poll data, and CEG/CIRCLE National Youth Survey 2004 data. Provides information on one measure of civic engagement, voter turnout, across men and women. Also highlights some of the similarities and differences between young women Read More >
Youth Voter Turnout in the States during the 2004 Presidential and 2002 Midterm Elections
by Carrie Donovan, Mark Hugo Lopez, and Jared Sagoff July 2005 Based on 1972-2004 Current Population Survey data. Shows a substantial variation in voter turnout rates by state in the 2002 and 2004 elections. Download “Youth Voter Turnout in the States during the 2004 Presidential and 2002 Midterm Elections.”
The Youth Vote 2004
by Mark Hugo Lopez, Emily Kirby, and Jared Sagoff July 2005 Based on 1972-2004 Current Population Survey data. Compares voter turnout for 18-24 year olds and 18-29 year olds to that of older voters. Download “The Youth Vote 2004.”
Working Paper 34: Survey of Civic Learning Opportunities for Out-of-School Youth in the Adult Education and Literacy System
by Melanie Daniels and Marilyn Gillespie June 2005 “For many young people, adult education offers a “second chance” to obtain a high school credential, to develop literacy skills, or to succeed in a new country and a new language. With more support, it can also represent a second chance for youth to develop civic knowledge Read More >
Working Paper 33: The Impact of Participation in Service-Learning on High School Students’ Civic Engagement
by Shelley Billig, Sue Root, and Dan Jesse May 2005 “This study compared more than 1,000 high school students who participated in service-learning programs with those who did not participate in schools matched for similar demographics and student achievement profiles. The intention was to estimate the effects of service-learning compared to more traditional ways of Read More >
Youth-Led Research: Indianapolis Student Researchers Investigate their Schools
With support from a CIRCLE Youth-Led Research grant, students in five public high schools are investigating what students think will best enable them to learn. The student research teams operate in partnership with CELL (Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning) at the University of Indianapolis and with VISTA volunteers through the Harmony/VISTA Service Learning Read More >
Working Paper 32: Social Representation in the U.S. Military Services
by Mark Adamshick May 2005 “Is there a correlation between race and an individual’s proclivity to enlist in the military? Clearly, the 25th Annual DoD report verifies the imbalance. Despite the data, is it just a matter of race? Is there a relationship between a person’s willingness to join the military and other measures of Read More >
Around the CIRCLE–April 2005
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v2.i3–April 2005), Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: Around the Circle is designed to provide you with snapshots of the latest research on youth civic engagement and civic education. The newsletter features regular columns: Table of Contents Youth Turnout Up Sharply in Read More >
Special Report: OMG! How Generation Y Is Redefining Faith in the iPod Era
by Anna Greenberg April 2005 “OMG! How Generation Y Is Redefining Faith in the iPod Era” presents data from an nationwide survey of 18-25 year olds from a variety of ethnic backgrounds and religious affiliations, including youth who do not identify themselves with a religion. The reports finds that young people overwhelmingly demonstrated their openness Read More >
Working Paper 31: Youth Civic Engagement: Systems Change and Culture Change in Hampton, Virginia
by Carmen Sirianni April 2005 “Hampton provides the most ambitious case to date to institutionalize youth civic engagement across the city in ways that have much in common with these other models. None, of course, is without its problems, and much needs to be done in the coming years to make these systems more robust. Read More >
Working Paper 30: Recognizing the Role of Community in Civic Education: Lessons from Hull House, Highlander Folk School, and the Neighborhood Learning Community
by Nicholas V. Longo April 2005 “Throughout our nation’s history, education has been linked to the promise of democracy. Yet over the past century this connection has too often been narrowed to the school as its sole vessel. This is harmful to education—it puts too much pressure on a single institution. It is also harmful Read More >
Working Paper 29: News for A New Generation: Can it Be Fun and Functional?
by Susan Sherr March 2005 “Considerable time and financial resources have been dedicated to increasing the numbers of young people who vote in the United States. Voting is certainly a vital component of political and civic engagement. However, there are other important political behaviors in which young people have been participating in decreasing numbers and Read More >
Working Paper 28: Voice in the Classroom: How an Open Classroom Environment Facilitates Adolescents’ Civic Development
by David E. Campbell February 2005 “The paper proceeds as follows. It begins with a brief discussion of why the civic education received by America’s youth compels our attention, and then moves on to a review of the previous literature on civic education, including an emphasis on the contributions offered by this analysis. Next, the Read More >
Working Paper 27: From the Horse’s Mouth: A Dialogue Between Politicians and College Students
by Christoper Beem January 2005 “In January 2004, college students from postsecondary institutions across Wisconsin were invited to join U.S. Representatives Tammy Baldwin and Mark Green at The Johnson Foundation’s Wingspread Conference Center in Racine, Wisconsin. The purpose of the discussion was to engage students’ attitudes regarding politics, and their understanding of connections between community Read More >
How Individuals Begin Volunteering
by Sara E. Helms January 2005 Uses the Current Population Survey (CPS) September Volunteer Supplement for 2003, administered by the Bureau of the Census and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Offers a breakdown of how volunteers initially become involved in volunteer activity by state and age group. Download “How Individuals Begin Volunteering.”
Working Paper 26: Civic Engagement and the Canvass
by Dana R. Fisher January 2005 “First, the study explores what sections of the population are drawn to participate in political and service-oriented work such as the summer canvass, focusing on who canvasses and why. This section also discusses how these young people became involved in the canvass and briefly describes the work. Second, we Read More >
Working Paper 25: Civic Views of Young Adult Minorities: Exploring the Influences of Kinship Communities and Youth Mentoring Communities on Prosocial Civic Behaviors
by Diann Cameron Kelly December 2004 “However, for many minority youth, being engaged with society is a more comprehensive, cultural issue than merely voting, joining mainstream member organizations or volunteering through traditional service groups (Flanagan, Bowes, Jonsson, Csapo, & Sheblanova, 1998; Schlozman, Verba & Brady, 1999; Torney-Purta, et al., 2003; Yates & Youniss, 1998; Watts, Read More >
Sending the right messages: How comunities shape young people’s attitudes towards politics
Cultivating Democracy, a new book supported by CIRCLE, chronicles the political socialization process of over 3,000 high school students from 29 economically, politically, and demographically diverse communities in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. Written by James Gimpel, J. Celeste Lay, and Jason E. Schuknecht, the book offers a new framework for understanding how young people Read More >
Quickly locate state policies on citizenship education
A series of products by the Education Commission of the States’ National Center for Learning and Citizenship (ECS/NCLC) reveals that wide variation exists in the extent to which state policies address citizenship education. Forty-one states have laws that call for the teaching of social studies which may include lessons in government, civics and/or citizenship. However, Read More >
Youth Voting: In the Classroom and at the Polls [by Carrie Donovan]
A recent Working Paper released by CIRCLE outlined the positive civic effects of Kids Voting USA. The interactive curriculum exposes K-12 students to the fundamentals of voting during an election campaign. Researchers found that Kids Voting students were more likely to talk about voting at home, thereby stimulating their parents’ interest in the election and Read More >
Working Paper 24: Technology and Politics: Incentives for Youth Participation
by Shanto Iyengar and Simon Jackman December 2004 “The question of potential “treatments” for the problem of politically disengaged youth has attracted considerable attention. Much of the literature focuses on civic education and efforts to make the curricula more “hands-on.” The most recent nationwide evidence suggests that civics courses do impart information and foster development Read More >
Working Paper 23: A Comparative Analysis of Community Youth Development Strategies
by Michell Alberti Gambone, Hanh Cao Yu, Heather Lewis-Charp, Cynthia L. Sipe, and Johanna Lacoe October 2004 “Many youth-serving organizations are engaging young people in youth organizing and/or in interventions to support specific identity development in response to a need for meaningful opportunities for older and diverse youth to be civically involved in their communities. Read More >
Focus on Asian American Youth Voting
In 2000, about 34 percent of Asian American youth turned out to vote. This is slightly higher than the turnout of either Native American or Latino youth, but significantly less than African American and White youth. This year a number of organizations are targeting Asian American youth to get out the vote. Download the article Read More >
Around the CIRCLE–October 2004
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v2.i2–October 2004), Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: Around the Circle is designed to provide you with snapshots of the latest research on youth civic engagement and civic education. The newsletter features regular columns: Table of Contents Tapping into the Potential of Read More >
Special Report: The Fountain of Youth: Political Parties and the Mobilization of Young Americans
by Daniel M. Shea and John C. Green October 2004 The Fountain of Youth: Political Parties and the Mobilization of Young Americans, details the most successful efforts by political parties to mobilize the youth vote at the national, state, and county levels. The report is the second of two reports by CIRCLE grantees, Dr. Daniel Read More >
CIRCLE/MTV September 2004 Pre-Election Survey of Young Americans (18-29)
CIRCLE/MTV September 2004 Pre-Election Survey of Young Americans (18-29) Includes questions on issue priorities, likelihood of voting, attention to the presidential election, and candidate preferences. Report of survey results and toplines Press Release with summary of findings
Around the CIRCLE–Winter 2004
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v1.i3–Winter 2003), Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: Around the Circle is designed to provide you with snapshots of the latest research on youth civic engagement and civic education. The newsletter features regular columns: Table of Contents CIRCLE and The Council for Read More >
Working Paper 22: Education for Deliberative Democracy: The Long-term Influence of Kids Voting USA
by Michael McDevitt and Spiro Kiousis September 2004 “This progress report provides evidence for persistent influence of Kids Voting USA, an interactive civic curriculum taught during election campaigns. The entire research project consists of multiple waves of student and parent interviews, covering a three-year period. Respondents were recruited from families in Arizona, Colorado, and Florida. Read More >
Working Paper 21: The Effects of an Election Day Voter Mobilization Campaign Targeting Young Voters
by Donald P. Green September 2004 “A field experiment was conducted in order to gauge the effects of Election Day voter mobilization efforts directed at registered voters 18-25 years of age. Prior to New Jersey’s November 2003 state legislative elections, volunteers contacted 2,817 registered voters through a combination of phone calls and doorto- door canvassing. Read More >
Working Paper 20: Young Voters and the Web of Politics: Pathways to Participation in the Youth Engagement and Electoral Campaign Web Spheres
by W. Lance Bennett and Mike Xenos August 2004 “This study examines the ways in which youth engagement sites (such as Rock the Vote) and election campaign sites (for house, senate and governor) appeal to young voters and offer them pathways for involvement in the electoral process. We examined archival web records of candidate and Read More >
Adolescents’ Trust and Civic Participation in the United States: Analysis of Data from the IEA Civic Education Study
by Judith Torney-Purta, Wendy Klandl Richardson, and Carolyn Henry Barber August 2004 Based on data from the IEA Civic Education study. Compares American youth’s levels of trust with that of youth from four countries of varying political history. Also, examines how trust relates to expectations of future civic participation. Download “Adolescents’ Trust and Civic Participation Read More >
Time Spent in Volunteer Activity: 2002 and 2003
by Sara E. Helms August 2004 Uses two data sets, CIRCLE’s Civic and Political Health survey of 2002 and the Current Population Survey (CPS) September Volunteer Supplements for 2002 and 2003, administered by the Bureau of the Census and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Offers a breakdown of time spent in volunteer activity by states Read More >
Working Paper 19: Getting Out the Vote among Asian American Young People and Adults in Los Angeles County: A Field Experiment
by Janelle S. Wong August 2004 “This study examines the effects of mobilization on political participation among Asian Americans. It focuses on whether telephone and mail canvassing increases voter turnout among Asian Americans who live in high-density Asian American areas in Los Angeles County. Prior to the November 5, 2002 elections, a randomized voter mobilization Read More >
Working Paper 18: Politics: The Missing Link of Responsible Civic Education
by Kenneth S. Stroupe, Jr. and Larry J. Sabato August 2004 “This paper reports the result of a particular experiment conducted to study the effects of an ongoing national youth civic engagement program sponsored by the UVA Center for Politics called the National Youth Leadership Initiative (YLI).” Download here (PDF).
Working Paper 17: Trust in Government-Related Institutions and Civic Engagement among Adolescents: Analysis of Five Countries from the IEA Civic Education Study
by Judith Torney-Purta, Wendy Klandl Richardson, and Carolyn Henry Barber August 2004 “The purpose of this paper is to examine different facets of trust in the political system or civic realm and how they are correlated to the expected civic or political engagement of young people. The nature and effects of trust in social and Read More >
Working Paper 16: News for a New Generation. Report 1: Content Analysis, Interviews, and Focus Groups
by Susan Sherr July 2004 “The following report represents the findings from the qualitative portion of the News for a New Generation project. These data provide information about what kinds of news are available for young people, why producers create youth-oriented news the way they do, and what young people say they really want in Read More >
Service-Learning in K-12 Public Education
by Allison Stagg July 2004 Based on surveys by National Youth Leadership Council, National Center for Education Statistics, and Fred Newmann and Robert Rutter. Offers a glimpse at the state of service-learning in public education today. Download “Service-Learning in K-12 Public Education.”
Special Report: An Investigation of State Student Associations and Their Ability to Engage Students
by the Student Empowerment Training Project July 2004 A CIRCLE-funded report, “An Investigation of State Student Associations and Their Ability to Engage Students” by the Student Empowerment Training Project examines the role of State Students Associations (SSAs) in youth civic engagement. In addition, the report offers recommendations from highly successful SSAs. A companion report, “Guide Read More >
Working Paper 15: How Postregistration Laws Affect the Turnout of Registrants
by Raymond E. Wolfinger, Benjamin Highton, and Megan Mullin June 2004 “Some American states try to make it easy for their registered citizens to go to the polls on Election Day. They mail a sample ballot to each registrant as well, perhaps, as information about the location of his or her polling place. Polls may Read More >
Working Paper 14: The Relationship between Secondary Education and Civic Development: Results from Two Field Experiments with Inner City Minorities
by John Anthony Philiips May 2004 “This study is additionally novel in the measures it uses to gauge civic engagement. Many scholars have characterized minority students as possessing less political knowledge and participating less in civic organizations than their white counterparts (Hodgkinson and Weitzman 1997, Niemi and Junn 1998, Lake et al. 2002). These findings Read More >
National Youth Survey, 2004
National Youth Survey, 2004 On January 15, CIRCLE and the Center for Democracy and Citizenship at the Council for Excellence in Government released a new survey of 1,000 Americans between the ages of 15 and 25. Analyze Data with SDA: nys04sda Questionnaire and Toplines: nys04toplines.pdf For raw data sets email CIRCLE staff Researcher Surbhi Godsay Read More >
Working Paper 13: Throwing a Better Party: Local Mobilizing Institutions and the Youth Vote
by Daniel M. Shea April 2004 “Political parties seem alive and well in the 21st century—at least at the state and national levels. But are they also vibrant at the local level? Perhaps more important, are local parties doing anything to connect with young voters—anything to bring them into the electoral process in meaningful ways? Read More >
Working Paper 12: Civic Education Through National Service: Lessons from American History
by Melissa Bass March 2004 “This paper explores the relationship between national service and civic education through a study of two civilian national service programs – the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) (1933-42) and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) (1965-93, when it was incorporated into AmeriCorps), to see what lessons we might learn and apply Read More >
Special Report: Youth Vote Coalition’s Best Practices Handbook in Nonpartisan Voter Mobilization
by The Youth Vote Coalition March 2004 The Youth Vote Coalition released a how-to guide on mobilizing young voters entitled “Youth Vote Coalition’s Best Practices Handbook in Nonpartisan Voter Mobilization”. The handbook is a compilation of campaign experiences from twelve Youth Vote Coalition field sites nationwide. The handbook is based on research conducted by Youth Read More >
Special Report: Youth as E-Citizens: Engaging the Digital Generation
by Kathryn Montgomery, Barbara Gottlieb-Robles, and Gary O. Larson March 2004 “Youth as E-Citizens: Engaging the Digital Generation” maps the online political and civic activities of Generation Y and documents youth involvement on the Web. According to the report, an online youth civic culture, largely unnoticed by the general public, has taken root on the Read More >
Young People and Political Campaigning on the Internet
by Peter Levine and Mark Hugo Lopez January 2004 Based on CEG/CIRCLE Youth Survey 2004. Compares support for different online campaign techniques by generation. Download “Young People and Political Campaigning on the Internet.”
Attention to Media and trust in Media Sources
by Jo-Ann Amadeo, Judith Torney-Purta, and Carolyn Henry Barber January 2004 Based on data from the IEA Civic Education study. Compares American youth’s exposure to media, use of media, and trust in government and media sources, and political knowledge with that of youth from other developed nations. Download “Attention to Media and trust in Media Read More >
Working Paper 11: National Service in America: Policy (Dis)Connections Over Time
by Melissa Bass October 2003 “In this paper I trace the development of three of America’s main civilian national service programs – the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) (1933-42), Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) (1965-93, when it was incorporated into AmeriCorps), and AmeriCorps (1993-present).” Download here (PDF).
Working Paper 10: Mobilizing the Latino Youth Vote
by Melissa R. Michelson January 2004 “This paper describes the results of a field experiment aimed at increasing turnout among young Latinos in Fresno, California conducted in the fall of 2002. Canvassers went door-to-door during the final two weekends before Election Day to urge registered young people to go to the polls. Young people of Read More >
Group Membership and Group Involvement Among Young People
by Melissa K. Comber August 2003 Based on Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey 2000 data, CIRCLE Civic & Political Health 2002 Survey. Compares membership by type of group with age. Download “Group Membership and Group Involvement Among Young People.”
Characteristics of Group Membership Among Young People
by Melissa K. Comber August 2003 Based on Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey 2000 data, CIRCLE Civic & Political Health 2002 Survey. Compares youth membership by type of group and by members’ gender, race/ethnicity, educational level, & political ideology. Download “Characteristics of Group Membership Among Young People.”
Working Paper 09: The Effects of Catholic Schooling on Civic Participation
by Thomas S. Dee July 2003 “In this study, I present new empirical evidence on these issues by evaluating the relative effects of Catholic schooling on civic participation as an adult. This evidence is based on two nationally representative longitudinal surveys conducted by the U.S. Department of Education: High School and Beyond (HS&B) and the Read More >
How Young People Express Their Political Views
by Michael Olander July 2003 Based on CIRCLE Civic & Political Health 2002 survey. Download “How Young People Express Their Political Views.”
Innovative Strategies for Bringing Civic Education to Life
In February 2003, CIRCLE and Carnegie Corporation of New York released the consensus report The Civic Mission of Schools. The report outlines a number of recommendations and promising approaches for civic education. Many schools around the country already demonstrate effective methods to engage students in civic learning. The following schools are just a few that Read More >
Around the CIRCLE–Summer 2003
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v1.i2–Summer 2003), Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: Around the Circle is designed to provide you with snapshots of the latest research on youth civic engagement and civic education. The newsletter features regular columns: Table of Contents Evidence of How Schools and Read More >
Working Paper 08: Are There Civic Returns to Education?
by Thomas S. Dee July 2003 “This study attempts to construct less ambiguous empirical evidence on this policy-relevant issue by identifying the causal effects of additional schooling on civic behaviors and knowledge.” Download here (PDF).
Working Paper 07: The Civic Bonding of School and Family: How Kids Voting Students Enliven the Domestic Sphere
by Michael McDevitt July 2003 “The influence of Kids Voting USA, an interactive civics curriculum taught during election campaigns, is assessed in the context of three field experiments that took place during the fall of 2002. The research sites are Maricopa County, Arizona; El Paso County, Colorado; and Broward/Palm Beach counties, Florida. We present findings Read More >
Locate Your Local Youth Civic Engagement Organizations Using New Searchable Databases
A new searchable database is now housed on the CIRCLE Web site at www.civicyouth.org. It includes hundreds of youth-focused organizations working at both the national and local levels. Users can search for organizations in their city or state, or identify national organizations that may have local chapters. The database is a useful tool for newcomers Read More >
Measuring Civic Engagement
The Core Indicators of Engagement offer practitioners an easy to- use and comprehensive tool for measuring the level of civic engagement in their communities. Designed and tested by leading researchers, the Indicators consist of a series of questions that measure participants’ involvement in 19 core civic activities ranging from voting to volunteering. Download the article Read More >
Working Paper 06: The Role of Civic Skills in Fostering Civic Engagement
by Mary Kirlin June 2003 “As we will see, the idea of a set of skills, usually called civic skills, which are required to effectively participate in civic and political life, is integral to many concepts of political participation. This literature search is designed to investigate what is known about civic skills empirically and theoretically Read More >
Around the CIRCLE–Spring 2003
Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v1.i1–Spring 2003), Around the CIRCLE, from here. This issue includes the following articles: Around the Circle is designed to provide you with snapshots of the latest research on youth civic engagement and civic education. The newsletter features regular columns: Table of Contents Carnegie Corporation of New York Read More >
Working Paper 05: Promoting Positive Citizenship: Priming Youth for Action
In working paper #5, authors hypothesize that influences in early adolescence lead to civic engagement in late adolescence. Civic engagement in late adolescence then leads to civic engagement in young adulthood.
Working Paper 04: Identity Development and Feelings of Fulfillment: Mediators of Future Civic Engagement
by Jonathan F. Zaff March 2003 “We examine the relation between civic engagement in adolescence and in adulthood, and we also examine whether being engaged and fulfilled by the civic activity in adolescence and forming a positive citizenship identity partially mediates this relation.” Download here (PDF).
Working Paper 03: Socializing Youth for Citizenship
by Jonathan F. Zaff March 2003 “In the present study, we hypothesize that programs and policies to promote positive citizenship may need to begin by first focusing on informal interactions in youths’ lives, such as with parents and peers, and on the culture in which youth are raised.” Download here (PDF).
Electoral Engagement Among Latino Youth
by Mark Hugo Lopez March 2003 Based on Current Population Survey data and CIRCLE National Youth Survey 2002 data. Download “Electoral Engagement Among Latino Youth.”
Working Paper 02: The Role of Adolescent Extracurricular Activities in Adult Political Participation
by Mary Kirlin March 2003 Literature Review. Download here (PDF).
Working Paper 01: Easier Voting Methods Boost Youth Turnout
By Mary Fitzgerald February 2003 “Overall, this analysis shows that some alternative voting methods have the potential to alter the political landscape by changing the way that young people participate in elections, the way that political parties mobilize voters, as well as who participates in elections.” Download here (PDF).
Special Report: The Civic Mission of Schools
by Peter Levine, Cynthia Gibson, et al. February 2003 The report summarizes the evidence in favor of civic education in K-12 schools; analyzes trends in political and civic engagement; identifies promising approaches to civic education; and offers recommendations to educators, policymakers, funders, researchers, and others. Download Special Report: The Civic Mission of Schools. Download the Read More >
Media Use Among Young People
by Michael Olander January 2003 Based on CIRCLE Civic & Political Health 2002 survey, GSS data from 1972-2000. Tracks trends in media consumption by age groups and media type. Download “Media Use Among Young People.”
The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: National Civic Engagement Survey II, Fall 2002
The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: National Civic Engagement Survey II, Fall 2002 Fielded: November 14 – 20, 2002, by random digit dial. with a sample size of 1400. This dataset was one of three surveys that formed the basis for the following report: The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: A Read More >
Youth Attitudes toward Civic Education and Community Service Requirements
by Mark Hugo Lopez October 2002 Based on CEG/CIRCLE Youth Survey 2002 data. Download “Youth Attitudes toward Civic Education and Community Service Requirements.”
Special Report: The 2002 Civic and Political Health of the Nation
by Scott Keeter, Cliff Zukin, Molly Andolina, and Krista Jenkins September 2002 This study analyzes two comprehensive surveys of the nation’s civic and political behavior — from voting to volunteering — and chronicles the differences among four separate generations (“DotNets”, “Generation X”, “Baby Boomers”, and “Matures”). Download Special Report: The 2002 Civic and Political Health Read More >
The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: National Civic Engagement Survey I, Spring 2002
The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: National Civic Engagement Survey I, Spring 2002 Fielded: April 4 – May 20, 2002, by random digit dial. with a sample size of 3246 with an over sample of young people. This dataset was one of three surveys that formed the basis for the following report: The Read More >
The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: National Youth Survey of Civic Engagement 2002
The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: National Youth Survey of Civic Engagement 2002 Fielded: January 29 – February 25, 2002. This was a nationwide Internet-based survey conducted by Knowledge Networks. This dataset was one of three surveys that formed the basis for the following report: The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: Read More >
YouthVote’s June 2002 Survey of Young Americans (18-24)
YouthVote’s June 2002 Survey of Young Americans (18-24) With oversamples of African Americans and Latinos. There are questions on issue priorities, interest in politics, media use, and frequency of discussing politics. To read the full report click here. Questionnaire and Toplines: yv02_toplines.pdf For the codebook click here. For the raw data please email CIRCLE staff Read More >
National Youth Survey, 2002
National Youth Survey, 2002 On March 4, 2002, CIRCLE, in collaboration with the Center for Democracy and Citizenship and the Partnership for Trust in Government at the Council for Excellence in Government, released a survey of 1,500 Americans between the ages of 15 and 25. Questionnaire and Toplines: nys02_toplines.pdf For the codebook click here. For Read More >
Special Report: Short-Term Impacts, Long-Term Opportunities
by CIRCLE and The Center for Democracy & Citizenship and The Partnership for Trust in Government at the Council for Excellence in Government March 2002 CIRCLE, in collaboration with the Center for Democracy and Citizenship and the Partnership for Trust in Government at the Council for Excellence in Government, released a survey of 1,500 Americans Read More >